I MADE IT!!!!!!

Aug 27, 2009

OK so I haven't posted anything on here for some time now.  I guess I was still upset about that DARN   psychologist.  Well let me give y'all an update.  I saw the therapist because of  the Darn  psychologist; and you know what,  it wasn't half bad.  She is a darling of a lady.I really enjoy talking with her.  For some reason she has a nack for making you feel so good when you walk out the door.  It's not one of the stuffy sessions where you do all the talking and they just listen.  She actually talks back to me.   So I've been seeing her now for about 4 weeks.  Just in case anybody needs a good therapist.  Her name is Jacque Cowen-Hughes.  She's in the Omega Professional Center, building J suite 25 above Women's Imaging.  That's across from the Christiana Hospital.   Since then i started my life skills classes.  The very first one was on August 12Th.  Let me tell you I was so nervous.I actually made myself sick.  Part of my problem was I had gone commando on this weight loss stuff and had lost 8 pounds before life skills.  Then i find out that I have to either loose or maintain my weight during this class.   I was worried that I would not be able to loose any more weight because the last couple of days I kept going back and forth a pound or two.  What if, when it was time to get weighed again I was up the two pounds, will they kick me out and all of this has been for nothing???  I was an emotional wreck and totally paranoid.  I must say though once I got over the initial weigh in I did feel a little better.  To my surprise I was 234 pounds.  Y'all I started off at 244.    I lost 10 pounds just by eating the way I'm supposed to eat after the surgery.  Now, in the back of my mind I'm thinking don't gain, don't gain, don't gain.   I did meet a wonderful guy there and I think we will be good friends.  He's so funny.  Chris if your reading this; Thanks,  you really helped me through these classes, I'm sure more than you know.   So now we are in class.  I'm sure this happens in every class.  There was this guy.  I swear he could not shut up.  I'm sitting there thinking, please.......please.....please....somebody say something.   He talked so much even the speaker for the day was getting annoyed.  The problem is he didn't even realize it.  I felt so bad for him on one hand then the other I was so annoyed  Have you guys ever been around someone who just can't stop them selves from talking.  The speaker would say something and you can best believe he had a comment.  Yeah a comment.  Not a question but a comment or some story about what ever the speaker said.  I thought OMG I have 3 of these classes to go.  Any way that was very grueling.  But I MADE IT .  It actually turned out to be a great experience.  So the last class was upon me.  I took the dreaded elevator up to the second floor, stood in line.  My turn was up to step on the scale.  I slowly took off my sneakers and told the girl my name. .............WHAM!!!!!  It hit me like a ton of bricks.....230.....And the crowd cheered.   I was soooooo siked....230.... how could anything end any better. I passed my life skills test with an awesome 100 .   My menu planning paper came back absolutely correct along with the food diary that I had handed in the week prior.  I left that class with my chest poked out so far I couldn't even see my feet.  Oh well maybe that's because I'm fat,  but...... not for long baby!!  I can't wait.   I MADE IT!   Now just an easy coast to October 26Th,  and I'm sort of home free.  That is until I wake up in the hospital and my surgery is done.  Then the real work starts.      Oh yeah and about that DARN psychologist.....    She did at least give me my MD clearance date.....soooooo I guess she isn't so bad after all.


About Me
Newark, DE
Surgery Date
May 14, 2009
Member Since

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