3 More Days to Go

Mar 19, 2009

I don't have to tell anyone how excited I am.  Most people keep asking if I'm scared but I'm not.  I believe in God with my whole heart and know this is not the way he's going to bring me home.  I'm actually glad he has more work for me to do that he has allowed me to have this surgery.  I'm really psyched about the weight I already lost.  I lost 125 lbs when I first was diagnosed with diabetes.  I was scared to eat.  Amazingly i kept it off for 10 years.  The diabetes got worse and the doctor I had no other alternative except this one pill or insulin.  Since I was afraid of needles i chose this pill.  You would not believe how the weight was coming on.  I remember one week I actually gained 20 lbs.  another  week was 15.  I was so upset.  I didn't know what to do.  I went to the gym and lost 1 lb.  I did weight watchers and did really good on it but got lazy with all the preparing the meals before hand. I have been on this liquid diet to shrink my liver and the shakes are think and I'm busy that they are just running into each other.  For joy, so I rarely realize the hunger, home is a totally different story.  Here I'm not as busy so I have to get creative with the jello and drinks.  Never to mention I have to cook actual food for the family.  That's hard.  I can't wait.  Please pray for me and Dr. Barba and the surgical staff that all goes well and that God continue to show up in the hospital room.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
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