Simple Procedure Gone Wrong

Oct 22, 2009

Last Thursday I went in for a sclero therapy.  It seems my food is emptying too fast and I'm constantly hungry although I'm loosing the weight.  Well, I go in and there is some questions still circling around in my head as this procedure was scheduled for me without an office visit just as a follow up from what the upper GI showed.  My concern here was because someone on here stated they had to go back to phases again.  I just wanted to make sure that was it.  However, as soon as the nurse began to speak to me she said if you did not know you're going to be in a lot of pain when you wake up.  I'm not a pain person so I began to get nervous because I hadn't mentally prepared myself for pain.  I'm sure by this time my heart rate was elevated.  They were trying to find a vein for the IV and could not get one because they said I seemed to be dehydrated.  that is possible.  I started to pray and panic all at once.  Panicking because everything that seemed so simple was now becoming complicated.  I have very small veins so they had to use one they would use on an infant.  No surprise there for me.  Anyway, I'm wheeled into the room to have the procedure done.  Now, I've had endoscopy's done previously without any problems.  Everything looked good and I was administered the pain med in the IV, then the anesthesia and the gas mask.  Off to la la land I went.  Only the 10 minute procedure had taken longer than 10 mins.  I woke 3 hours later puking up flem and water since I hadn't eaten or drank anything since the day before.  The nurse came running over to me and called to the other nurse that I was puking.  She gave me something to catch what I hadn't caught with the blanket.  She proceeded to tell me the doctor needed to speak with me.  Now, If your doctor has no beside manner you can forget getting a straight answer.  This is what happened to me.  The nurse had explained that they were not able to finish the procedure because I stopped breathing.  WHAT!?  HUH, not breathing.... well the doctor came and told me the same and said I had to be resuscitated.  Yep that's what I said resuscitated.  Now panic and fear set in.  But more so pain in my chest as opposed to pain in my stomach.  I asked them if they had called my ride and they told me no.  Not knowing what to expect since no one thought it was a big deal except me I wanted to go home.  I still had to remain another hour before they would let me go then another 30 mins to that hour.  Well I leave and go immediately to the pharmacy to fill the prescription for pain meds.  My friends that picked me up told me I looked so drugged up and out of it that they were a little worried. I politely told them I had stopped breathing on the table and needed to be resuscitated.  Alarm went off in their head but they said nothing either.  My chest hurt so bad all weekend long.  On Monday I had to have an x-ray, I guess was ok no call back from the doctor.  Oddly enough with all the pain she said Tylenol.  thank God my surgeon knew i would be in more pain and gave me something a little more stronger.  I found out the reason I was hurting to eat was because I had an ulcer and am now taking meds for.  I have to go back in a month to try this all over again.   Am I going?  Yes, I am.  I know that God is not finished with me yet.  He just had to get my attention that I always need to be ready when he comes.  There is a song that says be ready when he comes, oh be ready when he comes.  He may not come when you want him to but he'll be there right on time.  Oh, oh be ready when he comes.  It goes on further saying don't let him catch with your work undone.  Now that is something that sits home with me right now.  He has given me the opportunity to start life anew mind body and soul.  So I know I need to use the gift he's given me for his good only.  I'll give you guys an update next month after I come out.  I am now down 116 lbs.  Praise God for the blessings.  For those who say they love taking pictures I do too, Whole body shots what is that.  I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!


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Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
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