And so it starts...

Jan 26, 2009

I had my consultation with Dr. Wynn on the 23rd.  She seems really knowledgeable and friendly and she comes highly recommended by people I know who have had the surgery.  The staff at CHRIAS seems very friendly also, so that's a bonus.  Yesterday, I scheduled my presurgery cardiology and pulmonology testing (Yay!), but the appointments aren't until March (Boo!), but what are you gonna do?  Heck, I've been fat this long, what's a few more months, right? 

I haven't really told anyone that I've decided to go through with gastric bypass instead of the lap band.  My mother works in life insurance in the AD&D department (accidental death and dismemberment for those that don't know) and she's seen claims where patient's have died after complications from gastric bypass.  (She's a real barrel of laughs, my mother ). I love her to death, and I know she has the best intentions and she's concerned because she loves me, but the reality is, I may die if I DON'T do something about my weight.  I've tried just about all the other "somethings" that don't include surgery, so I need to give this a shot. 

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Jan 23, 2009
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