Opinions are like youknowwhats...

Jan 29, 2009

everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.  That's the old saying, right?  People have been weighing in (pun intended) on my decision to have WLS since I first started talking about it 5 years ago.  Stuff like:

"You're not even that big" (what the heck does that mean, anyway?). 

"That surgery is dangerous.  So and So's cousin's sister's best friend's hairdresser's dogwalker's babysitter had it done and she either died or got really sick".  (Huh?) 

"Have you tried just eating right and exercising?"  (Eating right and exercising, you say?? Nooooo...I've never thought of THAT at all.  It's a good thing you came along when you did or I might never have heard of this eating right and exercising of which you speak. )

I know that most of the people in my life mean well, but when I tell them about the surgery unless I say "What do you think?" I'm not really looking for an opinion or advise.  All I want is support and maybe a ride to and from the hospital when my surgery date rolls around.  Is that too much to ask for?  Just be a friend, man...sheesh.

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