Not to shabby
Apr 10, 2009
Everything is going great and I feel wonderful. I have been keeping up with the diet and exercise and it has really been paying off. According to my scale my start weight was 268 and now I am at 234, making for a 35 lb. weight loss so far!! I am stoked and excited to continue on this path. The last time I was at 233 lbs. was 2 or more years ago and attented a concert with a friend. I was ashamed of how I looked and I felt awful. Not anymore, it just keeps getting better. So needless to say when I pass the 233 lb. mark I will be elated that I made it past a remembered weight that was a shameful time for me. I feel this strength that I have not had in quite a while, it really is that belief in myself that is motivating me to break my old habits and continue to move past the "I remember when I weighed this much" milestones. I had my first fill today and it went smoothly. There was a little difficulty finding the port but once that was over it was a breeze. I waited for this day patiently, I need some restriction to help me along and hopefully today helped a little bit. Of course I am on liquids for the next couple of days...yuk. My light at the end of the tunnel.....some restriction.