Jul 01, 2008

It is really funny reading back on the blogg. I forgot about the labor day challenge! and took my vitamins for all of three days (lol). I am getting so many compliments now it is unbelievable. I am really happy and contented and have so much energy and a spring in my step/ I have worn stilettos a couple of times, making me feel very womanly and went shopping for some new clothes now a UK 16/18 (USA 12/14) instead of a UK 24. A drop of nearly 4 dress sizes.
I am nearing wonderland and think it may take me two months. I hope to be in onederland by my one yr anniversary, but if I am not, it is not the end of the world.

4.5cc in 10cc band (four fills in total)
284/265/208/175     start/op/current/goal


May 23, 2008

Well, It has been amazing. I was stuck at 230 for so long and just whizzed through the 20's. If I had been without the band, that is when my diet would have broke and I would have given up. I just love this band.
I am going on holiday tomorrow and shopping in regular shops but keep selecting clothes that are too big. Life is really good when your slimmer. I need to loose another 24lbs to get in the overweight category. I am the opposite of Anorexic, I have always looked (in my head) much better and slimmer than I actually do, which has stood me in good stead as I have never beaten myself up and my husband is brill. He has only ever said that he doesn't remember me being that big when he looks at the progress photos. My 12 yr old whistled at me the other day and said I was soooooo slim and that he was really proud, whilst my 5 year old (Bless him) said "Just a little bit still fat". All in all, I am so lucky. Onederland seems so far away, but I have joined the labour day challenge to try and make me more disciplined. I had 1cc put in my band as my fourth fill three weeks ago, and am really tight. Now have 4.5cc in my 10cc band. Just trying to ride it out though, as I loosen up so quickly after fills usually. Not really eating much though, and have started taking multi-vitamins as my hair is a lot thinner.

4.5cc in 10cc band (four fills in total)
284/265/214/175     start/op/current/goal


Apr 30, 2008

Well, its been an amazing month. I didn't loose anything for 3 weeks then a 7lb just dropped off. I went for my forth fill this morning and they put 1cc in. I am a bit worried as they can normally only put .5cc in. This is like having 2 fills in at once for me and I am pretty anxious. Just got home and drinking a cup of tea and I can feel it. Its going down, but I sure know its there.
I know I am a long way away, but I am starting to look forward to onderland which is half way between now and my goal. Not sure what my goal should be. I set it at what I would/should be over the moon with reaching. It is weight watchers heaviest right weight for me, but I could adjust it as low as 130 which is the lowest w/w.
I haven't asked the surgeon what he thinks yet. He said that he wants to get me down to a UK 14 which is a US 12. This would be great - I'm 5'8.

284/265/221/175     start/op/current/goal


Mar 30, 2008

Well what a hell of a six months. I am so much happy with my appearance. Life has always been good, but I can see the fun loving, energetic me returning and that is so wonderful. I have so much to be thankful for and the band is one of them. Its not been easy but I don't know where I would be now without the band!!
I took my measurements and they are:
Arm    16" - 13"
Bust   52" - 47"
Waist 53" - 48"
Hips   50.5"-45.5"
Thigh 31" - 27"
black start/pink now
A weight loss of 52lbs makes me nearly half way there and I have learnt that it may not seem like your loosing a lot each week but it adds up and its all in the right direction, so there is no need to stress, panic or give up if the odd couple of pounds goes back on.

284/265/232/175     start/op/current/goal


Feb 11, 2008

Hi Ya All
Had my third fill today - another .75 cc, so now have 3.5cc in the 10cc band. I am really hoping that the hunger stays at bay. I have been able to eat bread to date which means no restriction, today I had trouble with a yogurt!
Anyway, I just hope it doesn't loosen up too much.
My scales haven't moved but the doc says I lost 6lbs in 4 weeks and if I keep on track, I will be there in no-time. He wants to get me to a size 14 (a US 12), too much for me to hope for or even imagine at this point.
Very happy, although I don't loose weight every week and it has definitely slowed down, I can see over time that it is all going in the right direction. I log my weight every week and if I think I haven't lost anything, I just add up three months worth. It is very motivating.
Good Luck All


Jan 20, 2008

Just to check in, I am down 42 lbs (3 stone) having lost nothing for the past 2 months. I did put on 5lb at Christmas but have lost this again.
I am really disappointed that my first fill didn't give the results I expected. I felt restriction for a week and then it loosened up worse than ever - like I didn't have a band at all.
I went for a second fill 5 days ago, added another .75 and I now have 2.75cc and I am sorry to say that I have no restriction at all. I can still eat bread with ease.....
Anyway, on a more positive note, I am down two dress sizes and people are starting to notice. My clothes fit so much better and some clothes that I try on to see how far I am away from them fitting, actually fit and some I have missed the slot and they are too big. My wardrobe ranges from size 16 - size 24. I gave all my 24 and 22 clothes to charity after Christmas and am waiting to fit into all size 18's not just some.

So glad that I got this op. The doctor told me this week he wanted to get me down to a size 14. I have't been that size for 17 years. 

I will give this fill a couple of weeks to kick in and if it doesn't then I will arrange to go back for a 3rd fill earlier than the April date booked.

284/265/242/175     start/op/current/goal


Nov 13, 2007

Well lost another 4lb this week and went for my first fill yesturday. Surgeon was pleased about the weight loss and tried to fill me with 3cc in my 10cc band but no liquid past through. It was funny to see it sitting there. He took half out and the liquid past through. Left with 2.5cc I took another gulp and watched the liquid go down but shoot back up again, so I ended up with 2cc. He said he would see me in another 6 weeks. I am so happy. I walk taller and more confidently and I already have more get up and go. I don't have the lazy can't be bothered feeling as much.

My BMI has dropped from 44.4 to 38.6 and I am no-longer morbidly obese just obese!!!!

284/265/247/175     start/op/current/goal


Nov 06, 2007

Well, lost another 4lb this week so am thrilled. Thats 33lb in 9 weeks (including the pre-op 19lbs). 
I did cry yesturday because I travelled 20 miles which took 1 and a half hours to the hospital for my 1st fill just to be told "We cancelled you appointment and re-scheduled it for the 12th, didn't you get the letter". 
I had another hours drive home and lost a days leave at work. Anyway, another patient turns up and has been travelling for 4 hrs to be told the same thing. Funny that - both of us had no letters. SO, I need to continue my dieting and see what happens next week.
Should still be o.k - I just want to get used to the new level in time for christmas!

284/265/251/175     start/op/current/goal


Oct 30, 2007

Well, I have a fill in 6 days which I can't wait for. I am really excited, although I think I have restriction anyway as I can only eat half of what I used to and I stay full up for hours. My appetite has gone really.
I have been sticking with weight watchers ready meals for a couple of weeks and have been slowly loosing. I am very happy with the way things are going and know when to stop and let the food go down a bit which I wasn't taking heed of before.
Woke up this morning weighing 254 and although have been lighter than this (having lost 9lb on w/w in the last few weeks) I am happy to have lost the weight gained again.

284/265/255/175     start/op/current/goal

2 Weeks Out

Oct 09, 2007

Well, This week has been all about learning to eat and how much. I threw up half an orange, so I assume My band does not like oranges at the moment. I am eating too quickly and too much. I know I will have to stop doing this. I have put on 8lbs but feel this is not fat weight just water as I got so dehydrated the first week after surgery, I have maintained for four days now. I can't wait for my first fill which should be in four weeks time and need to be on a diet until then.
Good Luck Everyone!!

284/265/262/175     start/op/current/goal

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Apr 09, 2007
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