
May 04, 2011

 It's been 1 year!  I haven't lost any weight in the last 2 months but have gone down in inches.  Exercise is helping tone the old flab into muscle!  I feel great and will have my yearly post op appointment with the surgeons' office in a week or so.  Bloodwork will be done then and I will report any problems/deficiencies if they arrive.

Best thing I have ever done for myself and my health!  So happy!  


7 Months Post Op

Dec 06, 2010

Well it's December!  I had my 6 month post op at the hospital and was down 94 pounds from my highest weight.  All my bloodwork came back normal.  Had reminders to continue to eat healthy and slowly.  Get in vitamins and water and continue to exercise.  Bad news- after 6 months one's metabolism goes back to the state it was prior to surgery.  That's dissappointing!  Good news- one can keep a higher metabolism by exercising!  Conclusion- exercise at a minimum 30 minutes 5 times a week!

Enjoy the holidays and make healthy choices

Oct 26 2010

Oct 25, 2010

Well it has been nearly 6 months since my surgery and all is going great!  I have lost 99 pounds since my highest weight and 10" inches off my waist, 3 inches off upper arms and 10" off hips and thighs as well.
I am feeling good, energy level is higher than it used to be.  I am getting in 60+oz of water every day, ususally all my vitamins ( I sometimes miss an iron pill because I forget to take it at night).  I am tracking my food on and getting in 50-70 protein a day and around 1200 to 1400 calories which I think is high but is working out.  I was walking every day over the summer and stopped when school started, now I am back to exercising about 5 times a week for minimum of 30 minutes (usually 45 min).
I am so happy to have had the surgery and my hubby is thrilled too! ;)

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August 25th 20210

Aug 25, 2010

It's been a while since I have updated this Blog!
I am doing great
Pre-op High weight= 286
Almost 4 months out= 212
That's over 70 lbs
I am feeling good- I am eating "normal" food now.  I make things that are lo-fat and lo-cal and watch my protein and drink lots of water/crystal light

I track all my foods on and have been averaging around 1000 cal to 1200 cal a day and 70 gr protein.

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June 30th 2010

Jun 30, 2010

I can't believe it's the end of June!  July is tomorrow and I am not ready for all the activites planned.

I have been feeling great and doing well.  My challenges are getting in the water.  We have been eating out and about more, but thanks to the internet, I can peruse the nutrition info on the restaurants website or on my phone and get in something decent.  Here's what I like to eat out:

Mc D's- Grilled chicken snack wrap no sauce or lettuce (can't have raw veg yet) didn;t eat the wrap part.

Perkins- half of the country chicken omelet which is low fat etc- very good left the toast and had hubby eat the fruit cup (no fresh fruit for me either)

Bob Evans- Western omelet with egg beaters- super good

Panera- lo fat black bean soup- gave the chips to my son

Wendy's - chili a good standby add cheese

Wegmans- (the best grocery store ever!!) salad bar has hard boiled eggs and chuncks of grilled chicken add a little light italian dressing to it and it's super good

I have been upping my walking to 1 mile in almost 15 minutes and I have jogged a bit (1/4 to 1/8 of track but hey- I don't run!)

I have been hearing alot about food addiction
I have been doing a lot of soul searching on this one- some people say they use food to medicate themselves or eat emotionally- I am almost certain I don't do that.  I just love food, love to eat it, cook it, research recipes, info etc.  I guess I am addicted to that aspect, but I need to work on it some more and figure things out.

Take care all and enjoy your holiday weekend!  Bless the troops and the founding fathers!
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June 12th 2010

Jun 13, 2010

Yay!  Soft foods are a go!  Visited my surgeons office this week and I have lost about 40 lb since my high weight- 30 since surgery.
I have a vitamin D defiency and am taking an additional D vitamin and a once a week intense vitamin d script for 4 weeks.
I am now allowed to eat soft foods- like chili, cheese sticks etc.  it has been a lot better and I am weaning off the last protein drinks I have left.
In 4 weeks I will return for bloodwork and go to the Lifestyle plan of eating.  It is really going by fast.
I feel like I repeat things here on this blog- because I made a video on youtube with an update from the surgeons office- so sorry if I repeat.
I am feeling really good and looking forward to my exercise more and being able to have the energy to go all day long!
Take care

June 4th 2010

Jun 03, 2010

Well I can't believe it's June already!  I am down to 248.9 lbs and that's a total loss of 38 lbs since my highest weight and about 28 lbs since surgery a month ago.  I am trying hard to keep up on all the water, getting the shakes in, vitamins, and eating the right things.  This past week it has been hard.  I am getting bored with canned chicken, yogurt, scrambled egg beaters and cottage cheese.  My surgeon has a very limited list of things I can eat at this point.  I can't add anything to the meat except light mayo or mustard and seasonings.  No salsa, tomato sauce etc.  So I am very limited.  I would really love to add slasa to the eggs, or refried beans.  I would love to top some light ricotta or cottage cheese with tomato sauce or no sugar added jelly.  I have to wait until the 16th to move onto soft foods like chili etc.  Then I can have light canned fruit and tomato sauce etc.
Otherwise, i am feeling pretty good.  My incisions are just red marks now and I've been putting neospoin on to reduce the scars.  I am a bit tired still, but I know that will wear off in the coming weeks.  I have been walking a mile or 2 every other day.  My insides rumble sometimes after I eat or drink.  I still get a lot of gas (both ends) and I wonder if this will be the new normal for me.  Or, will it get better as my insides heal and relearn how to work.
All for now,

May 27th

May 26, 2010

This past 3 weeks have been interesting!  I am doing well since surgery on the 3rd.  I am only hungry around dinner time.  I am not loving the protein shakes any more- but am down to 1 a day and one protein alternative from my surgeons list (like oatmeal made with milk and protein powder or the like).  I am eating purees now 3 times a day.  I eat 1/4-1/2 cup of eggbeaters in the morning and usualy 1/4 c yogurt or cottage cheese at lunch and at dinner it is more eggs or canned chicken w/ lite mayo and a little sf applesauce on the side.  Then a protein drink at night and I fit in another one usually in the am.
I have lost about 30 lb since highest weight but just about 18 since surgery.
I am trying to walk daily, but I am still alittle tired from surgery and often take a cat nap in afternoon.
It is hard to get 8 8fl ounces of water in but I get at least 6 which is the minimum.  I am taking all my vitamins and love the celebrate calicium in hot cocoa!
The staples came out a couple of weeks ago and are healing fine. They really itched just before they came out and a little while after.  Bowel mvments are different to say the least.
If anyone has any ?'s about surgery or recovery just ask I am a detail person too!
Thankis for reading,

May 9th 2010

May 09, 2010

Happy mother's day to all those moms out there.

I am feeling better each day.  I do feel like a baby on a feeding schedule.  We went to church and I thought about how long I'd be a way from home and if I needed to bring a water or something.  Gosh, I am on such a schedule.

By the end of the day I don't want to eat any more yogurt/puddings/shakes.  I jsut don't want anything.  I am not hungry- tho that head hunger is there everynight at dinner.  My wonderful hubby has been making dinner for himself and the kids.  Even the things I don't like look good.

Oh well, I will be eating again soon enough.  Take care all I will update again soon.

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May 5th 2010

May 05, 2010

Well, I am home from the hospital!  I had surgery at about 4:30 PM on Monday the 3rd.  Everything went well.  I was up and walking around 11PM.  I did have some nausea, but it was to my benefit as it expelled a lot of gas.  I had no gas pains at all.  I kept walking everynow and then and make about 15 times around the nurses station in the 36 or so hrs I was there. 
Tues later in the day I started taking little sips of water form a medicine cup.  THen i was able to have crystal light!  It tasted so good to me.  Finally at about 10PM I had a pudding and could only eat les than half.  I am not hungry at all and my only pain is at the incision where my bra is.
So off to walk around my living room and sip my crystal light.

Thanks for all your well wishes!

About Me
Rochester, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2009
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