20 Tips For Success

Jul 26, 2010

I bought a great book to help me stay on track after my lap band surgery.

In it, the author Jennifer Whitlock Heisler, RN of "The Everything Post Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook" list "20 Tips For Success". I thought I would share it with you.

1. Avoid drinking calories
2. Exercise everyday, even for a few minutes
3. Keep a food diary
4. Find a support group
5. Drink at least sixty-four ounces of water per day
6. Keep your appointments with your doctors
7. Don't weigh yourself too frequently
8. Take your measurements regularly
9. Make your exercise as pleasant as possible by reading a book, listening to music, etc.
10. Don't drink fluids half an hour before or after a meal.
11. Follow your surgeon's instruction to the letter.
12. Look for ways to include exercise in your day, such as taking the stairs
13. Don't keep trigger foods in the house
14. Before taking a single bite ask yourself if you are "stomach hungry" or "head hungry"
15. Focus on eating the protein serving before eating the rest of your meal.
16. Don't expert perfection, but do plan for it.
17. Find exercises your enjoy, not just the ones that burn the most calories.
18. Measure your food; don't assume your portion sizes are correct
19. Accept the support offered by friends and family
20. Reward yourself frequently for your accomplishments and hard work.


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Aug 27, 2009
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