I have to get below 200 by Christmas

Dec 03, 2008

In talking to others I am looking into Atkins.  I will follow it for 2 weeks and see what happens.  People are swearing by the results.  I just need to get below 200 before I completely give up.  This morning I weight 204.8 so 5 lbs is what I need to lose.  That is completely reasonable and there's no reason I shouldn't be able to hit that goal especially with all the exercise I'm doing.  Crossing fingers


Dec 02, 2008

My last measurement were the first part of August.  I've had little success in moving the scale but as for inches I'm down 6 inches in the body fat caliper measurements, down 1 percent total body fat, and down 8 inches in regular body measurements.  I need to go back to my original measurements and see where I am but this is a small victory.  Strange thing is some measurements are bigger but I KNOW I've lost weight there.  My hips and waist in particular.  I've lost quite a bit in the hips but it's not showing in the measurements.  I think she may be hitting a different spot when she measures or I'm wearing thicker clothes, not sure which.  Either way it's good news.  I'm trying to get in more exercise.  These monthly challenges sure help with the motivation.  I actually stayed at the gym and worked out last night.  Felt pretty good!  I am doing crunches now too.  I did 100 last night and 100 2 nights ago.  I really need to do these daily and perhaps do them at the first of my workout and then again at the end so I can get those numbers up.  I'm trying to let the initial soreness fade some before I push it though.

I did not weigh this morning.  That really is setting me up for failure.  I see the numbers, get discouraged and start myself into a tailspin of bad thoughts and hopelessness.  This weight will come off.  I want to be in onderland by Christmas but if that fails I have to be there by new years.  If that means I eat nothing but protein shakes then that's what will happen.  This weight is coming off.

Weighing addiction

Dec 01, 2008

I've gotten bad about weighing again and it only serves to frustrate me.  I'm wondering if my weight is reflected 2 days later.  I ate soup last night to try to jump start this weight loss again and I'm back up to 208 today.  I'm so damn frustrated with this I just want my money and time back.  The optimist in me says to be thankful I'm not 240 still but this was a lot of pain, time and money for this amount of weight.  I'm exercising like a demon.  My arms hurt so bad today I can barely lift them.  For what?

Thanksgiving and beyond

Dec 01, 2008

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone and I think I did pretty well.  We had our Mexican spread.  No temptation there.  This is food that goes down easily for me and not food I tend to gorge on so it's all good.  The one bad thing was butterscotch pie.  I made it on Wednesday and did great until Saturday.  I've had two pieces now and I know that's holding the weight in place.

My son worked out with me last night at the gym.  I love working out with him but he tries to kill me.  My arms are already hurting but I know I got a good workout in.  I also ran on the treadmill for a very short period of time.  I mostly walked but threw in a couple of trots here and there.  He also very non-chalantly told me to go do 100 crunches.  I stared at him like he was on drugs then he said to break it up.  Surprisingly I got my 100 crunches in at 4 intervals of 25 crunches each.  I was very pleased and surprised at how easy it actually was.  I will do that again!  I need to do something with my legs soon.  I just walk and do upper body for the most part because I worry about my knees but I'll have to do something.  I also started walking with 1.5 lbs weights on each arm now (will try it on ankles this afternoon).  3 lbs total.  Something has to work and get this weight loss going right???  Someone tell me it will.

I am holding at 206.  I go to 207 and down to 203.  I am thinking of switching to a liquid diet for a couple of days.  I want to get below 203 and see if my toggling will stay in lower numbers when I hit food again.

Update:  I have done 2 walks today.  One with the weights attached to my wrists and one with them attached to my legs.  It's much harder with them on the legs so that's the plan from now on.  3 extra lbs attached to my legs.  Of course the wind helped make it more difficult as well but I know I'm lacking in the leg department as far as exercise goes.

Up and down

Nov 21, 2008

Well I haven't weighed today and worry it will be up.  My caloric intake yesterday was fine but while I was waiting for dinner to cook I kept munching on  cheese.  I will weigh this afternoon and see where I am.  I've named my band Felicia and stated in a post that I hope she'll speak to my metabolism and talk it into waking up and joining the weight loss bandwagon.  Here's hoping!

Exercise is continuing.  It was a little more difficult today as the weather was colder and windier but I made it thru.  I need to try for another walk tonight or some exercise of some other kind.  My son is on a college visit so I have tonight to myself.  I am going to go home and get my exercise in immediately.  Take a long, hot bath, read, get into my nightgown and pile up in the bed with the dogs and get some sleep.  Tomorrow I need to get up and finish up/or continue weeding thru rooms, cleaning, etc.  I want the house to be in order before Thanksgiving.

I don't think Thanksgiving will be an issue for me.  We are making regular Mexican food which I can eat in normal portions and not be tempted to gorge.  As long as I continue witht he exercise and switch it up every now and then I think I'll be good.  I've started making a little mini-gym in my room.  I have a few more things to bring up.  I am planning to start getting up just a little earlier in the morning so I can get a little weight lifting in.  I hope small additions will trick my metabolism into continuing to work and really starting to work better.  Weight loss is weight loss but this slow up and down stuff really is depressing....but again....better than nothing.

Here's to Felicia and her continued success and even more success in the future.

Hello, Goodbye, hello, goodbye

Nov 18, 2008

In my previous post I mentioned that I'd said goodbye to 208.  Well I've said hello and goodbye a few times since that post.  This thing makes no sense.  When I'm at my tightest (2 weeks out of the month) I seem to gain, when I'm loose and eating more (week before and of TOM) I lose.  Had a nice talk with my surgeon and was told to alter my caloric intake more but to stay around 900 cals a day, and up the protein.  I have done that and I also attempted and completed a walk/run the other day.  One of those things or perhaps a combination sparked something becasue my weight did start to drop back down to the 203-205 range.  I was toggling in the 206-208 range.  Let's hope whatever it is continues.

I have rearranged my room and now have a little gym area.  I'm hoping to incorporate some exercises in the morning.  I'm going to have to get up much earlier but I hope getting a little exercise in at that time will kick off my metabolism. 

Everything is going well right now.  Slow but no complaints.

I have finally said goodbye to 208...........hopefully for the

Oct 27, 2008

Well yesterday I woke up and weighed myself and was upset to see the scale reading 209.  That afternoon I had a doctors appointment that I'd forgotten about and was wearing heavy black jeans and a sweater.  I got on the scale and it read 205.  I shrugged it off thinking their scale was wrong.  When I got home I weighed on my scale and it showed 205.   I immediately threw off the jeans and sweater and put my "weighing clothes" on (nightgown) and the scale said 203.2.  This morning when I weighed it was up to 203.8 but I had some pizza last night.

I actually have an appointment on Friday with my surgeon for a followup/fill.  Don't think I'll be doing the fill.  I went for 2 weeks after this fill being really tight and restricted, then 2 weeks of not much restriction and now back to being pretty tight.  I'm having to be exceptionally cautious with my eating or I'll get stuck.  Not complaining.  I picked up a shirt I bought 2 years ago that SAID it was a size 2x but if it's closer to a very tight 1x.  I tried it on this morning for grins and it's hanging on me!

Now I don't want to be one of these whiners who moans and groans about their body but I'm just going to say that I'm getting very jiggly.  I am going to be happy with jiggly.  I will try to work harder at getting in some conditioning exercises in addition to the walking I'm doing now in hopes that it will firm some of this up.  In the end that jiggle represents fat that's no longer gumming up my body so it's all good.

I am 3.8 lbs away from a very major goal.  I hope the weight loss continues and I don't go into a 3 month stall like I did at 208.  I would absolutely love to see my scale scream 199 at me.

Loving my band right now. 

We are loosening up a bit!

Oct 08, 2008

I'm going to take it as a good thing.  I was able to eat 1/4 c cottage cheese at lunch and a tamale and some re-fried beans yesterday for dinner.  I appear to have a soft stop now.  At some point during the meal I seem to just get tired, I drop the fork and make a really big sigh for lack of a better description.  I just don't seem to have the desire to eat anymore after that.  Last night it hit me during the tamale and I stopped, fortunately, because a couple of seconds later later I was burping and had a full feeling.  I think if I'd eaten more I might have been overly full. 

Unfortunately, the scale refuses to respond positively.  I got down to 207 on all liquids and the day I tried to eat a solid I soared back to 210.  I'm back at 208 today but this up and down business is wearing on my nerves.

I have upped my exercise.  I measured my routes and I try to alternate them each time I go out and add a little to each walk.  Today I think I pushed my long route to close to 2 miles.  It's cooler outside so I can walk at a pretty good pace now. 

I think my legs are getting smaller.  I usually sit Indian style and it's difficult to get into the position and stay there for long periods of time.  Today it seemed easier to get there and I feel like I'm tucked in tighter.  I must be losing there but I admit I haven't measured in quite a while.  I guess I should make a trip to the gym and have her measure me.  That might be a good break for me tonight to go there and swim.  That usually relaxes me.  I also need to get my son to take some updated pictures of me and download them so I can date them.  The last batch of pictures I didn't date and they're still in my camera so I don't remember when they were taken.  I haven't lost that much weight so it's not really a big deal, I figure they're about 10 lbs ago.

I' m worried about being able to eat now, I just hope the restriction stays where it is and limits me to very small portions.  Crossing fingers!!!

I'm restricted!

Oct 06, 2008

Well this weekend we made the trip out to Enchanted Rock.  I made the mistake of taking the 2 dogs.  Well I call it a mistake but it kept me from having to scale the entire mountain.  I made it halfway up with the 2 dogs hovering around my feet, got nervous and headed back down.   This isn't a smooth, grassy climb, It's rocks stacked on top of rocks.  We made it back down and I was going to just do the walking path that goes all the way around but Winkie decided he'd had quite enough and just stopped.  He would not budge.  I gave him some water and once I got him on firm ground he was ok with walking again.  The walking path we were on was like walking on the beach.  It was lots of sand mixed with gravel so when you stepped down you sank.  Once we were back on cement and grass he was ok.  I'm actually sore from the little bit of rock climbing we did.  If I can figure out how to re-size the pictures I will post them.

My fill is making it very difficult to get much down.  I'm good with liquids but beans won't go down.  I haven't even attempted meat.  Frito's and crap food move just fine.  I am trying hard to resist the urge to eat crap to get something in my stomach.    I made a big batch of broccoli soup on Friday and it's good and satisfying.  I did throw a handful of cheese in there.  Can't make it too healthy or I won't like it!  I will attempt the beans again tonight but I will have to make sure I have something else in my stomach so I'm not famished and will make sure I'm following all the chewing rules.

Just got back from my 1.3 mile loop here at work.  It's a bit muggy today!  I wanted to get out before it starts raining though.....please make it rain...we need it so bad.  I'm a little disappointed with the weight loss but I know I shouldn't be.  I'm down 2-3 lbs since Thursday.  I guess my disappointment comes from the fact that I'm on all liquids.  I hit 206 but once I got a semi-solid food down I went right back up to 207.  I just can't seem to get and stay there.  The exercise should be helping and I know it will if I can just continue and not get frustrated and give up. 

I rented We Cheer this weekend but haven't played it yet.  I will try that tonight!  Bernie has obedience class tomorrow night so I need to be moving tonight.

5th Fill

Oct 02, 2008

Well I'm a bit nervous.  I went in yesterday and was hoping he'd give me a slight fill but he bumped me up .1cc higher than when I was stuck and throwing up daily. 

I'm now at 7.1 and surprisingly enough I'm not feeling it yet.  Of course I'm still doing liquids.  Last night I did eat some crackers with my soup and did just fine though.  He said he didn't want to do an unfill so I should stick with liquids as long as it took.  I'm down a pound today!  I'm back to my lowest weight before the unfill.

I found a really good soup at walmart last night.  It comes in a box and it's a mix it yourself one.  Italian cheese blend or something.  Smells and tastes delicious!  I can handle this kind of soup!

I measured my walking paths yesterday and I had thought I was walking 1/4 miles but as it turns out my shortest walk is right at 1 mile.  My longest path is 1.3 miles.  There's a new path I will start next week and I think that will put me at 2.5 miles.  My speed has increased by leaps and bounds.  I'm at a 20 minute mile which is lightening fast for me as I have nubs for legs.  It's almost a run.  I know in the gym I was walking for 30 minutes and STILL just barely getting a mile in.  It's so nice and cool in the mornings right now it makes walking very enjoyable.

This weekend I will be doing some dog training and I will also hit my Wii to get some strength conditioning in.  I have a little mini gym set up in the garage so I might just go out there and do a little bit.  To date I've really just been concentrating on cardio, I know I need to get my muscles working now.  That might spark some weight loss as well.

Bernie starts obedience class next week so that's just one more bump in moving my body.  Hopefully every little bit will help and get this weight loss sparked.  I'm really tired of being on the slow end.  It's time for my body to let go of this weight and start helping me help myself.  Seems to just keep fighting against me.
