GI doc results

Oct 06, 2011

Well I am done with all my testing, colon marker testing, blood testing, stool testing. Fun shit, literally! Not Really! I really do wish when I started this process that I would have listened to people about what to look into. That there werent as many studies that went out years, looking into the effects, what the rates were of having issues. I looked, I read, I seen the things that could happen, but was told not me, Im healthy, I will do good, things will work good for me. I was even told the gastric was way better then the lap band, cause I was so fat. I have been thinking that these doctors push these surgeries cause they benefit from it, not because they care so much?!
 I have had some serious ups, and downs since I started this process, I watched my mom almost die after her gastric bypass. Watched her have a second bypass, and almost die again. Shes been sick, lost too much weight and looks like death. Then, it was my turn, I had the surgery, went in knowing I could get sick, but I didn't! Yay! I got through it, recovered, and did great, except I didnt poop, then I had heart burn, then issues with my ovaries, and the the issues with scar tissues, and then the puking, and the pain, oh the pain. I kept going back, they kept telling me it was ok, I was fine, some people dont poop for days, some people have heart burn, some people, some people, its all I heard. I was even told, I made this choice, now I have to live with the consequences... Nice right? Ya, sweet! What a joke.
 A little about a day in the life of Amy.I get up, take meds to help with the heart burn, wait fifteen minutes, take some more meds, wait again, have a full 12 ounce glass of water and then have more meds. In this time Im doing my best not to puke cause its hard to get it to stay down. I eat, wait, more meds, and then water, lots of it, YUM! NOT!! Between breakfast and lunch I have to get a small snack in, or my blood sugar drops too low and things get bad. And of course more meds, usually lunch is something easy to digest, chicken salad and crackers? If it is what my kids call a "Poop Day" I will spend the entire day in and out of the bathroom, the pain involved is intense, and once it starts you cannot stop it. After lunch I try to get the rest of my water in, But in the process I have to get some protein drinks in, and some more meds. Once I am done with dinner, I wait for an hour then finish meds, and water. At bed time I take more meds for my heart burn, some Tylenol cause now Im sore and have a headache from all the meds Im sure! lol. I take the Parkinson's med, and then something to help knock my ass out so I dont have to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling! If I go out anywhere in the public, I look to see and take note where the bathroom is, If Im going on a car trip, I make sure I know where there will be bathrooms, so if I need to stop, I can. And back to the poop were going...
 I finished my colon marker test, and met with the GI today about that. Does anyone ever really listen to you? What you say? How you feel? Mmmm, no... He tested my blood, and poop, and urine and anything else he could test. What does he say? Well here goes... I am malnourished, have Malabsorption, am not getting the vitamins and nutrients my body needs. My poop has fat in it? Or some shit, my blood work shows why Im so tired, and can hardly function. Im anemic, thats nothing new. The heart burn, guess thats a common thing with RNY patients, And the painful pooping, its my colon... And its not "fixable". It is something I have to live with forever, He was kind enough to prescribe me something that will help me relax when I have to poop, nice right, ya mmm hmmm... And something for the heartburn. Great, fixed right? Ya, more meds, wonderful.
 I know, I should be more positive, but how can I be? How can I be hopeful? How can I be happy? Ya, great I lost almost 150 pounds, but I wanted to lose the weight so I could spend time with my kids, now, that I lost it, Im sick all the time, cant do anything with my kids, Im more unhappy now then I was before. Why didnt someone tell me? Why was I so dumb? Why didnt I listen to the few who told me the bads, why why why? And will anyone listen to me? Will someone who is looking into the WLS see that its not as perfect as some make it out to be?
 I hope, that I can touch at least one person, and make them think before they have surgery, think about the other options...


About Me
Milaca, MN
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2008
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