My story …
  Wow heavy,
well I have been over weight ever since I was an infant, my mother could not walk caring me for 5 minutes.  I tried every thing under the sun to loose my weight and was really fed up of all the comments people made about me and their suggestions seemed like a kick to my self esteem. Although over weight , I was very energetic and up and about all the time . I managed to loose weight by many means ,. on 4 different occasions I lost incredible amount of weight but only because I had a driving force to achieve something by loosing weight .

  1. once for my then boyfriend  to lure him back to me as he had his eyes on another girl (so stupid of me)(I lost 8 kgs, which crept back)
  2. for getting a job as a news caster in a news channel.(I lost 14 kgs ,which crept back again and more)
  3. before getting married so that I look good in my wedding dress.(I lost 18 kg ,again back with more)
  4. to get pregnant , after trying to have the bay for 5 unfruitful years.(and surly I did get pregnant)(I lost 25 kg and back to where I started and with a bit more)
  well now after I had the baby it is becoming more and  more difficult for me to loose any weight , I have thyroid , pcos , and secondary infertility , my baby is now 3 and I can not get pregnant again ,cause I need to loose weight.
  My husband is a pilot so he can not increase even a single ounce of weight , but me , I am a different story.
  I have to get rid of all this weight and be fit and look fit for my family. For my husband , and for my daughter.

My goals:  
  1. Weight 54 kg.
  2. Wear my beautiful saris.
  3. Get a beautiful hair cut, and hair colors.
  4. Look in the mirror and admire my self.
  5. Take a lot of pictures with me in it.
  6. Start weight training excises.
  7. Wear skirts.
  8. Wear jeans.
  9. Conceive again.
  10. Be able to cross my legs.
  11. Be able sit on floor.
  12. Cut and paint my own foot nails without any difficulty.
  13. Take dance lessons.
  14. Wear heels.
  15. Ride a bicycle.
  16. Go for a bike ride.
  17. Climb stairs to my house with out loosing breath.
  18. No more back pain.
  19. Post my recent picture on face book.
