Going on Nine Years...

Dec 03, 2011

Well, I have recently rediscovered this web site.  So far, I am not sure how I feel about what I see and hear here.  Nine years ago I underwent my transformation and received my blessing of a second chance in life.  Every day I am reminded of the miracle I am, thanks only to God.  Yet, I struggle.  I gained back some of the weight, but thankfully, got that back under control.  The things that became difficult to deal with, to name a few, have been: 1] When all the positive strokes, comments and attention began to wane. I say this became difficult not because of my ego, but because it was good for the spirit and the motivation to hear people say and express positive words.  They are encouraging.  When people get used to you again, it takes a bit of getting used to.  2] The excess skin.  If you do not have the financial leeway and means to get this taken care of, you are stuck.  For me, it has meant not really completing the journey mentally, to some degree, because I still have all of that hanging on me - always physically and, speaking honestly, often emotionally.  It is hard to really grasp the "new you" when you still see a body that doesn't quite match the one you know you can have, if you could afford it or insurance companies would get real about the true aftercare of this procedure.  I mean, women really have no boobs left after this...just hanging skin.  Again, I am being real.  God bless Oprah, Carny, Al and all other celebrities who can afford to get it sucked out, cut off, reconstructed, etc. after these surgical procedures, but what about those of us who work for a living and do not have that luxury?! Do you really think that a single, public high school teacher can afford the complete remodel?!  And that is another thing...when you literally put your life on the line for this and you do everything right, you follow the plan and you maintain the change for the rest of your life, why do I still sit home most weekends? A dear friend said to me, "Lo, you are so beautiful you do not even know it.  You have no idea how your outer beauty now matches your inner beauty that you always had.  Did you know that Miss America also sits home alone many nights? Men are afraid to approach beautiful women." And this from a male best friend.  Wow.  I am always going to be that hopeless romantic and I am never going to give up believing in love!


About Me
Pueblo, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2003
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