What's With That?!

Jan 02, 2012

Just some things to ponder as 2012 begins...

          1.  Why do you have to check the chat room agreement box each and every time you ever enter that chat room?!?!
          2.  What does it take to get your blog on the Main Blog page for members to see?!?!  I try to use proper syntax, etc.
               yet I see bloggers on there who blog like my teenage students text and spell!!!
          3.  Will realistic shoes make a comeback in 2012?  I mean, who can wear the stripper platform stilletttos if you weigh
               over 97 pounds?!?  Who, I ask, who?!?  Not real women, that's for sure.
          4.  Will marriage and its sanctity continue to be mocked? How old are the next bunch of Kardashian Kids? Please,
               spare us all...
          5.  How much fun will continuing on our paths of successful life change keep being?!?!?  Yippee.  Rejoice every day!

So, what are YOU pondering as the New Year begins?

Here's to a fabulous 2012,



About Me
Pueblo, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2003
Member Since

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