
Jun 13, 2007

Wow!  So much has happened!  I can't possibly update everything right now, but I will type out the important stuff:

My surgery went ahead with few complications on Jan 24, 2007.  I guess I had some internal bleeding, but it was actually inside the lower half of my intestine, so my body naturally passed all the blood.  I did have two units of blood transfused the day after my surgery - but I was so active, they even let me walk the halls DURING the transfusion.

I immediately began losing weight.  I lost 22 pounds the first week - almost unheard of for a "lightweight."  I had weighed in at 256 the morning of my surgery (and I am about 5'6" tall) so my BMI was a bit over 41. 

I rarely, if ever, feel hungry.  I try diligently to get in at least 64 oz of water daily.  I don't count protein grams, but am very conscious about balancing each meal.  I completely follow my surgeon's and nutritionist's directions.  I am currently eating somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 cup at each of my three meals.  I do have snacks sometimes of sugar free jello, pudding, or popsicles/fudgesicles.  I also religiously take my multivitamins, B12, B Complex, and calcium daily.

As of today I have lost 84 pounds.  Wow!  Tomorrow will be my 20 week mark.  I started this journey wearing size 20's and some 22's - usually a 2 or 3X.  Now I am wearing size 12's, and some 10's - usually a large, but maybe a medium.  

I have been sooooo very blessed by the support around me.  My children have been phenomenal.  My friends have continued to attend support group meetings with me, even when it may seem I don't need to go. 

I prayed about this decision, and I continue to pray to the Lord daily for direction and guidance.  I also give Him praise for all the positive changes in my life.  He sustains me, and I continue to work on getting my worth from Him, and not from those around me.  

May you be blessed today!  May you find encouragement when things appear bleak.  May you hold onto hope when it is unseen.  May you experience peace in the midst of the storm.  

God bless! 

Looking forward to cleaning

Jan 16, 2007

Jan 16, 2007

Where do I start?  

I have been reluctant to post because I don't want this to fall into a "woe is me" blog.  

You see, my surgery was scheduled for Jan 10th, and of course I was quite excited.  Then, I ran into a series of maladies.  Dec 20th (the same day the first of 4 snow storms in as many weeks hit town) I just crashed.  It was probably from the "school is out" adrenaline fade that I seem to get at the close of every term.  I ended up sleeping most of the next three days.  Then, on Christmas Eve, I developed conjunctivitis (translation: pink-eye).  I finally got through that, and came down with a cold on Dec 27th.  And I still have it!

Yes, alas, I am whining.  My surgery was delayed until Jan 24th due to the increased risk of pneumonia.  I have been to see the doctor twice - the first time I was given antibiotics, and the second I was given allergy/asthma meds.  

I just want to be well.  Certainly it is driving me crazy that I have completely lost my voice.  My children love it, though.  I have been writing them notes for over a week.  Somehow it is difficult for them to take an exclamation mark on a piece of paper seriously - and I don't blame them.

Anyway, I am doing my utmost to just rest and relax.  I really want to be well.  Hopefully, this time next week, I will be anxiously awaiting surgery - doing my last minute shopping and cleaning. 

Getting ever closer....

Dec 06, 2006

 Dec 6, 2006

Woooohooooooo!  Yesterday my counselor said she would give approval for surgery, and plans on getting the letter to my surgeon's office this week.  I am SOOOO excited! 

I have enjoyed these sessions with her, and will continue to see her after the surgery.  Some folks might say this was a waste of time - I don't.  I want to do whatever I need to do to give myself the best opportunity for complete success.  Facing my emotional eating habits now, will only benefit later.  I am not under any illusions - this is going to be a lifelong battle for me.  However, in my quest for health, I will overcome!

Still waiting

Nov 08, 2006

November 8, 2006  

I am finding the waiting the most difficult part of this process so far!  Yesterday, I met with my WLS counselor, and asked if it was possible to get an appointment with the surgeon in January, or June, or whatever - anything as long as I know what day!  She, thankfully, completely understands how I feel.  The good news is that she will write the referral letter in December (which is the absolute soonest the surgeon's office will accept it).  The bad news is that I won't hear anything from the surgeon until after they get that letter.

I know, I know.  I need to be patient.  And most days I am.  

I'm in this "try to improve myself" phase - and it isn't without its own problems.  I wear this splint which is supposed to correct my bite, but tends to create headaches as mu jaw muscles shift and complain.  In addition, I just got new glasses and I am having trouble adjusting.  I thought that having a current prescription rather than wearing the glasses that were probably 10 years old might help.  So far.....I just seem to have some fuzzy vision.

Whoa.....lots of complaining today.  I need to sit up straight, remember that I am a daughter of the King, and have been blessed beyond measure.  He will continue to provide for me, just as He always has. 

Ahhh, the waiting

Oct 27, 2006

October 27, 2006

You would think that as we age (some gracefully, some not so much), we would get accustomed to waiting.  I find that I still have to preach patience to myself.

I don't have a surgery date - but it won't be any sooner than Jan 07 due to the psych eval I received.  So, I wait.  And wait.  And wait.

I think I need to make a list of things I can do to pass the time while waiting.  I certainly don't want to gain more weight, or live in limbo, or the other options which do not reflect a healthy attitude.  

So, any ideas? 

Forced dieting

Oct 17, 2006

Oct 17, 2006

Ever hear of something called a "splint" for your mouth?

As of yesterday afternoon, I am not the proud owner, and uncomfortable wearer of such a device.  It is supposed to be designed to fix my bite - which will, in turn, supposedly reduce my stress headaches, and most importantly, provide a good foundation for the braces I hope to get to close the gaps between my teeth.

Anyway, a splint is different than a retainer because you are actually supposed to wear it constantly - even while eating.  The splint actually wraps around all my top teeth, but allows food and saliva and stuff to get trapped between the splint on my teeth.  Pretty visualization, isn't it? I am only supposed to take mine out to clean it and brush/floss my teeth.   It isn't painful....but it is uncomfortable.

One very positive side benefit is that because it is difficult to chew, I am eating mostly soft foods.  I look at this as practice! 

My Quest

Oct 15, 2006

Oct 13, 2006

Today is the beginning of a new life.  In fact, each day is the beginning of a new life.  I aim to make that earthly life as full and rich as possible. 

About a month ago, I made a choice - a choice to be healthy.  For me, that encompasses so much more than the physical.  

It starts with my spiritual side - how healthy is my relationship to my Lord And Savior?  

Also included in health is my educational needs - am I doing my absolute best to learn daily?  Am I making the most of my college classes? 

I look at my relationships - are they healthy?  Am I being the best mother/daughter/
sister/friend that I can be? 

Where am I at emotionally?  Have I dealt with the hurts of the past so that I can best approach the future? Do I hide from life or embrace it?  How am I dealing with my emotions - with appropriate coping mechanisms or those that sabotage myself?

Do I remain faithful in financial matters, or am I veering from Biblical principles?  What can I do to ensure that the resources with which God has entrusted me are multiplied for His honor and glory?

And of course, back to physical manners....how do I treat this temple of the Lord?  Am I being the best "me" I can be?  

My journey isn't one that will come to an end on this earth.  I strive to be ever closer to the Lord, and see this race as one without a finishing line.  Rather, it is one with many checkpoints along the way.  I want to visit as many of those checkpoints as possible!  

"I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength."  (Philippians 4:13) 

The quest begins!!!

About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2004
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 7
Looking forward to cleaning
Getting ever closer....
Still waiting
Ahhh, the waiting
Forced dieting
My Quest
