Dr visit

Apr 22, 2010

I went to see Dr. Duncan today. He is very pleased with how far I have came, and he was shocked that I did the 5k plus tomorrow night I will be doing the relay for life walk. (I am shocked myself!)
So officially I have lost....................................100 lbs!!! Its unbelievable!! I have loss a 12 year old!

I did it!!

Apr 19, 2010

This past Saturday April 17th, 2010 I did my first 5k!!
I am so proud of myself. I did it in 1hr and 9min!! Maybe slow by most peoples standards but it was wonderful for me!
I am still beaming over it, a 5k! when this time last year I was barely walking and having the blood clots in August/September. I have come a long way baby!!
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Six month surgerversity

Jan 14, 2010

Well Next week will be my six month mark. I saw the surgeron today (I know a week early), he was very happy with my results. I am down 85lbs I am so happy. Now its time  to schedule my next edg. They will call me sometime next week with the date. We all talked about my excess skin around my middle. He said that is where I am carry my excess weight and that will need to come off.... I am so happy he said that, because I have been thinking the same thing.

Surgeon's visit

Oct 15, 2009

I went for my check at the surgeons office today. I was a little nervous at first since it was my first time driving to downtown Atlanta, but I had nothing to worry about it was uneventful. Well can I have a drum-roll please!!!................................... I have officially lost 61 pounds, and I am way under 300lbs. I am so excited!!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Sep 30, 2009

Today is my 48th birthday. I am so great full to make it to this day. The months of August and September have been hard, but I have made it through.  

I have hit my first plateau in my journey, but I keep reminding myself that I will get pass this just has I have August and September. I am so close to being less than 300 lbs I can taste it.  

I am great full to be on this earth and I am great full to have had this surgery.

6 weeks out

Sep 01, 2009

I am now about 6 weeks out. I am not sure about how much I have loss yet. I have had some problems.

Last week I was rushed to the hospital, because I had shortness of breath and what the called a wet lung. Come to find out I had blood clots in my lungs. I was in the hospital for 5 days, I am doing a better but have to take it easy.

The ER doctor said it was a roller coaster effect. It started with the gout, and me not being able to exercise as I should.

Even with these complications I would not change a thing.

Uric acid build up after surgery

Aug 09, 2009

I have been to the ER twice twice this week, because I haven't been able to put any pressure to first my left foot now my right foot. The dr's aren't sure what is doing on. They told me it could be a stress fracture, nuropority (sp), some shark thing or gout. After talking to my cousin (who is a nurse) and doing some research of my own we have come to the conclusion that it is gout. I wonder how many people have had this to happen to them. I am calling Dr. Duncan office tomorrow plus my podiatrist to get a handle on this. No one should have to go thru this pain.

First Post-op visit

Aug 03, 2009

I had my first post op appointment. I was suprised that I have lost 18lbs.
I am so excited!! I wonder what the next 6 weeks will bring when I go back. 


Did it really happen?

Jul 31, 2009

It is still hard to believe that I had surgery on July 21, 2009. I havent had any of the issues that most people have talked about. Which I know that everyone is different, but still I wonder in my mind did I really just have a major surgery?
One thing like everyone else I am having a hard time getting in my liquids in. But it is getting easier every day.

Monday will be my first post-op appt. I cant wait as I do have some questions on how to handle going back to work.

I am thankful for all I have gone thru to get to where I am today, and this time next month and the month after and so on how much healthier I will be and feel.

Tomorrow is Surgery

Jul 20, 2009

I got the call at 4:13pm today to report to the hospital at 10:00am
I dont know how to feel right now. I am ready, I guess the nerves will set in the morning.
Since I wont be home til thru or friday I will let you all know how it went. I am staying with my cousin after surgery.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes

About Me
Oxford, GA
Surgery Date
Feb 24, 2009
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