
Jun 09, 2011

Wow! This is gonna be a long process... This is JUST the beginning!


Jun 03, 2011

My levels aren't where they should be yet fasting. It's coming. I actually felt pretty good today. After years of feeling crummy. I had gotten immune to feeling crummy. That isn't good. But today I was able to get up and take care of business. Even when I felt myself getting tired. I still had that extra push to get it done. When it dawned on me. I stood back and said, Okayyy. Smile. 

I am sooo tired of waiting!

Jun 01, 2011

I am tired of obstacles and barriors getting in my way! I want it all and I want it NOW!!!


May 28, 2011

I started the insulin. Leverin it is called. Idk. I am kinda frustrated. I am following instructions. The goal is to get my blood glucose to 150. My fasting (morning) levels have all been over 300. My doctor increased the dose and said to go up another 10 if it hasn't come down to 250 in 3 days. Not to mention she just prescribed me YET ANOTHER medication to protect my kidneys. SMH. I already take 6 medications daily plus iron and 3 other as needed medications. It is getting to be too much. I am only 40. Feel like I am going backward. My goal is to live and enjoy a better more healthy life. I am trying not to get discouraged. I pray for patient endurance. It just feels like nothing good is happening. I feel like I am missing out on so much. But I will hold to my faith. Remember that in due season, we shall reap if we faint not...

Starter Kit

May 21, 2011

I went to the diabetes center and was shown how to inject the insulin. The doctor prescribed the medication and didn't prescribe the needles. So the diabetes center gave me a starter kit. After the lady went over a few things. It became painfuuly clear that it is time for me a diabetes refresher course. I would be kying if I said I wasn't discouraged. This just make my process towards WLS even  more longer. I am so ready to start my life over again. I just have to stay positive and ask God to give me patient endurance.   


May 16, 2011

Okay, so I go to my doctors appointment last week and the nurse takes my blood glucose and it was over 400. My goodness! How did that happen? Knocked me off my block. I been trying to manage the diabetes with diet and some exercise. The exercise was hard during winter months because my exercise is mostly walking. I was just trying to get back to that since Spring began. Here comes my doctor talking about I need insulin. I didn't want it to come to that. Of course my question will this cancel my getting the WLS? She said No. But I have to get my numbers under control. That my A1C has been at 8 for a year. I just don't want nothing to hold up my process. I have goals I need to reach.

Random thoughts

May 11, 2011

I am wanting to set up my page with before and after pics Just to see the transformation along the way. I tried to posts some pics and it won't let me.

I had one of those days where I absolutely HATE being fat. We have been having beautiful weather. I want to take a bath. But I dread going upstairs. Then when I finally make it up there. To get up I have to grip on the sides for dear life. The weight hurt my knees. I scrub my thighs and calves and get out of breath. Then I have a spasm on the right side. ( I believe I am having gallbladder attacks. I will discuss this with the doctor) I didn't moisturize because that is more misery. So I walk to the store rusty. I walk at a slow pace. Sighing the whole time. I am so tired of this miserable existence. I cannot wait til I get through all of the preliminary stuff and have my surgery.
I look so forward to waking up refreshed. Enjoying bathing and grooming. Getting up, getting ready to get out and live and enjoy life to the fullest without any regrets. 

My Journey

Apr 28, 2011

I am looking forward to tracking my journey via obesityhelp. I have seen so many before & after pics and pages over the years. Now that my process is finally really happening. I want to share.

1st entry

Apr 26, 2011

How do I start, where do I begin?... Just kidding. I have been a looky Lou for some time now. This is my very first entry. That is because this is my second try towards WLS. It finally seems that it will happen.

About Me
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