apryldee 14 years, 12 months ago

congrats on your surgery hope i get to see u before u head back

Chembe 15 years ago

Yesterday a "new" you was born! Today is the very first day of your new life. You've worked hard to reach this day and I know you will continue to do what needs to be done for the new you to be healthy and happy. WTG Girl, you're on your way!!!

Chembe 15 years ago

Yesterday a "new" you was born! Today is the very first day of your new life. You've worked hard to reach this day and I know you will continue to do what needs to be done for the new you to be healthy and happy. WTG Girl, you're on your way!!!

Chembe 15 years ago

Yesterday a "new" you was born! Today is the very first day of your new life. You've worked hard to reach this day and I know you will continue to do what needs to be done for the new you to be healthy and happy. WTG Girl, you're on your way!!!

dahuggs 15 years ago

Your day is here!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and speedy recovery to you my friend! I have been saving you a seat at the loser's bench so come on and sit a spell! Can't wait to hear how you are doing!!!

abbey G. 15 years ago

just passing thru to tell you i'll keep you in my prayers for your surgery and hope you are doing good!!! see ya on the other side because im due tomorow also!! God blees!

PoohkinandPiglet 15 years ago

Good luck tomorrow! Dr. G will take great care of you. Can't wait to hear how you are doing.
About Me
Orlando, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 286

Latest Blog 13
