Dr Today

Feb 17, 2009

So I went to the dr again today...I am getting so frustrated. I had my gall bladder out last thursday and thought everything was going to be better. But as usual  its not going to be all better. I am still having issues eating, if I do eat I am either throwing it up or just dry heaving. So today at the doctor he does a barrum swallow and says that my stomach doesn't seem to be emptying the way it should be and he saw some come back up instead of staying in my stomach. WHOO HOO GO ME! Since I saw the dr on the 11th I have lost 8 pounds so in 7 days I lost 8 pounds. He said that I can pretty much plan on doing this until I can start eating again.
So tomorrow I go to a GI dr to find out when he is going to a scope to see if the bottom whole of my stomach is full of scar tissue and if so have them stretch it back out.
I know that all of this could be side affects from the surgery. What I didn't think was possible was to get them all. Since my surgery i have had a kidney stone (did not know that this was a side affect) my gall bladder taken out and now this. I am back to my all liquid diet. WHICH I HATE!
The doctor told me that I have an advantage over most, that I will lose more weight quicker than most. Which I guess is good but not exaclty how I thought it would be.
Another thing that bothers is me is the fact that my mom had the surgery 3 weeks after me and isn't exactly following the diet and is having none of the problems. It just doesn't seem fair. I am glad that she is doing well but come on, when do I get a break?

If you have any information on any of this or have been there please let me know. I feel so alone! 


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Knoxville, TN
Aug 02, 2008
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