Terry T. 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar, My date is 9-9-02 as well. I wish you all the best. Take one day at a time and live life to the fullest, and always remember there will come a time in the near future when you can look back on these feelings and wonder "GEEZ, what in the sam hill was wrong with me??????? Lots of Luck, be healthy in body as well as mind. TT

Jamie V. 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar, I just read your post and I am so sorry that your family is not there and can not empathize with what you are going through. I want you to know that you are not alone. You are a very special person otherwise God would have not put you on this earth to touch other lives around you. I personally feel I have the trials and troubles in my life to make me a stronger person. You will feel so much better after your surgery when the weight is melting off your body. It will get easier. Your self confidence will improve and your whole outlook on life will be brighter. I know you already have angels but if you ever need an ear to bend or shoulder to cry on just email me and I will be there. Sincerely, Jamie Vetter

jjtheba 21 years, 10 months ago

May God bless you, the surgeon, and the surgical team to a safe and prompt healing procedure. May you be surrounded by his Light and Love and protected from those who are cruel and mean. In God's name I ask for a successful surgery, renewed health and life and abundant happiness for you. Sincerely, Janice

michele525 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar, Don't let your family get you down. Not when you are this close! My surgeon was Dr. Batay-Csorba. I had surgery on 4/30/02 and have lost 72 pounds so far. You are in good hands. Focus on the positives over these next couple of weeks - especially all the good things that will come from this surgery. Try your hardest to block out the negative. You will be so happy six months from now when your surgery has made a drastic improvement in your health and life. ...and just imagine next summer how you will look and feel! It may seem like a dream right now, but believe me it is REAL.

Alice W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar Hello~~I wish I was there to give you a GREAT BIG HUG((((((((((H))))))))))!!! I ook at your website and read your profile. You are a beatuiful lady! Please, stay strong and your BIG DAY will be here. This is something that you are doing for you--not your family. One of your three wishes was that everyone in your family would be happy. Right now, you are the one that has to take care of yourself. Do something special for yourself, get a manicure, a facial anything that would relax you. There is a Brand New Life That Awaits you on the Loosing Side. Good Luck and may all your dreams come true!!

caterina 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar, Let me first say you have a beautiful website..Your a bright beautiful person! 17 days will be here before you know it. This is what you have waited for..this is a bran new LIFE! A new start a new YOU! I cried when I read the poem on your site..it's so so real and so so touching. We're all in the same boat. Just remember GOD will NOT give you anything he feels you can't handle. Each and every challenge we are faced with makes us a STRONGER PERSON!! YOU CAN DO THIS. YOUR ALMOST THERE. Take care of yourself. Stay focused and always know that GOD IS THERE ALWAYS!!! He loves you as do all of us! God Bless you and keep you safe. Kathy

Arlene V. 21 years, 10 months ago

Samar please hang in there 17 days is nothing it will be here before you know it. You have made this decision, you have taken the step in the right direction, and soon you will no longer be in that body because it will melt away. Think of all the things that will go away with the fat the embarrasment, the pain and the list goes on. I am also 26 and before my surgery I weighed 458lbs in just 9 months I have lost 180lbs and the time just flew by. I also had surgery at BTC in yipsilanti so if you want to talk just e-mail me. Take care and take life one day at a time.

laury 21 years, 10 months ago

hello Sama, take a deep breath, let it out, and look at what you have accpmplished! It is a shame how we let the negative things affect us so.Makes it worse when it is family. I wish you all the success you can have with this surgery. It will give you an advantage that you are missing now. You made the decision to improve your life, now, decide how you want to live it....God bless you, and give you peace in your heart.

Renee D. 21 years, 10 months ago

OOps - please don't misunderstand...I wasn't including your daughter....please DO think of her. Perhaps if you try to focus only on HER needs of you as a mother for years and years to come that will help. Whenever I have issues or am depressed, I think of my precious son. Contact me privately if you need someone to lean on. Renee D [email protected]

Lynne277 21 years, 10 months ago

Dearest Samar, I too am counting down the days to my surgery and it's a hard thing to do. We can feel scared and tense, and very sensitive. May God grant you serenity and bless you with a complication free surgery and a speedy recovery. May you be successful in your life "on the other side" and end up a real "loser".
About Me
Dearborn, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2001
Member Since
