
Oct 22, 2008

Been a few days since I updated!!  I had to have a stricture fixed yesterday.  I was a little scared.  I went to see my surgeon on Monday and he said that I probably had one so they scheduled it for yesterday.  I didn't get to see any pics or anything but my mom and dad did.  My lip is a little swollen from being pinched somehow. 

Oh, my surgeon told me that I was losing weight too fast.  Of course I am because I wasn't able to eat much!!  But he said that I looked good.  :0)  


Oct 18, 2008

Things have been pretty crazy lately.  I have been taking my Mom and Dad to their doctors appointments because neither one of them like to drive.  haha  I have also been battling blood pressure problems (that I never had before surgery) and not being able to keep anything down.  On Wednesday of last week I called my surgeons office and told them that I felt really jittery and that I ate one bite of fish and it came back up!!  I am so tired of this.  She told me to go check my blood pressure and then let her know what it was.  Well it was 175/102, so she told me to call my PCP.  Called him, he told me to come to his office right away and they gave me a pill that would make my blood pressure come down really fast.  I have to go back to him in a month to have it rechecked because he gave me some meds to take until then.  So then I called the surgeon's office back again and asked what I needed to do about the throwing up and she told me to go back to liquids a couple of days.  On Friday I called back and asked her what to do next and she told me that I could try foods again and if I still had a problem this weekend to call her on Monday and she would get Dr. Avara to look at me....I may have a stricture.  Last night I ate the insides of a taco or at least a 1/4 of it.  Meat, cheese, sour was awesome.  LOL

Hopefully my pouch was just inflamed from the throwing up and it won't happen anymore!!  :0)  Well later!!!

First Post-op visit.....

Oct 07, 2008

I had my first post-op visit yesterday.  I don't like their scales anymore...haha  They weighed me 5 lbs more than mine at home.  A few other people in there said the same thing.  I think mine may have been from sitting in my car for 3 hours riding and swelling.  Anyway I weighed on mine again today and I have come down some more!!  YAAY!!  Makes me feel really good!! 

Anyway, back to the visit....There was a lot of patients there yesterday.  He was really busy and some of the nurses were not friendly at all.  They were actually a little rude.  They took me back to a room and we sat there for about 10 minutes before he came and he said that I looked really good and my weightloss was wonderful!!  He looked at my incisions and said that they were healing really well.  Then he asked me if I had any problems or questions and I told him about the throwing up that I have been doing.  He said that if it continues in the next few days that I need to call him and he will schedule a procedure to stretch something that may be too small.  He also said that I should be able to eat more than I have been able to. 

So I don't want to throw up anymore but if I do then I will definitely be calling him.  My son went with me and when we were coming out he said "Moma if you throw up anymore we HAVE to call the doctor right away!!"  Children are so funny sometimes...I didn't even know he was listening to what the man was saying.

Well I hope everyone is doing great!!  :0) 


Oct 01, 2008

I just love when all the holidays start coming around again!!  Can't you tell?  I changed my profile for Halloween!!  :0)  hehe

Well as far as my days are going....hubby is home and we are getting along great!!  He said that I look really different from when he last saw me.  Of course the last time he saw me I was in the hospital and this is what I looked like.....


and now I look like this.....


Not much different but a little.

I have been having trouble keeping things down that I eat.  I'm not sure what is going on.  I am not eating anything else today.  I am so tired of throwing up.  Trying to get in all my fluids.  It is kinda hard to get everything done.

i am so ready to be able to swallow pills!!  UGH!!  The chewables are so nasty tasting.  That would be one less worry for the day.  :0)  Well hope everyone is doing great!! 

Happy Fall!!

Sep 24, 2008

Hey!!  I have been doing great!!  Not exactly getting in my 64 ounces a day but close to it!!  I finally told my friend this morning that I had surgery and she said that she was happy for me and that she is coming to see me tomorrow.  She is a little upset that I didn't tell her before but she said that she was kidding.  She just wishes that I had told her.  :0)  Well got to go pick up Zach!!  :0)

fall.png image by slpotter2

Are you kidding??!!!

Sep 22, 2008

I have had my Wii Fit since May and have been unable to enjoy all the benefits of it except for the running/jogging because I have been over 330 pounds and the scale wouldn't weigh me.  Well last night I decided that I was going to see if it would work.  I am still in shock that it revealed what my weight is!!  So now I can actually do the exercises on it!!!  YAAY!!  I am so proud!!  I have never lost this much weight before!!  I can't tell that I look any different but my mom and sister say that they can tell.  I can't wait until Chris gets home next Sunday and I can see his reaction.  :0)  So it seems that I lost 19 lbs since surgery and it has only been 14 days!!  wow!!  That is all I can say!!  WOW!!  


Sep 14, 2008

I am home now.  I feel a lot better than I did yesterday.  (first day home)  I kept having this feeling that I had made the worst mistake of my life!!  My stomach just feels a little like something is tugging on it now.  I think I will do fine!!  Thanks for all your prayers and concerns!!  Oh and good news, I had lost a total of 32 lbs when I went to the doctor last Monday!!!  Can you believe that???  WOW  is all I can say!!  I haven't lost that much weight in....welll....ever!!  :0)  Later!!


Sep 05, 2008

I think I am starting to get scared.  I don't know if I am just tired tonight or what but I feel like I am regretting my decision to have this surgery done.  :0(  Why do I feel this way?

Day Five....

Sep 03, 2008 yesterday didn't go so well....I cheated......I ate a small McDonald's Cheeseburger without the top bun and a chicken strip!!  I felt horrible!! 

So far today has been better.  I just keep thinking I only have five more days!!  I am so tired of being hungry!!  I don't know if it is all in my head or if I truly am hungry.  I try not to think about food but....what's one to do when previously I admit I ate a lot?? 

Trying to start getting everything in order for next week.  I am making sure I have things that I am going to need packed.  I have to make sure my baby is taken care of...which I know he will be because my sister is taking care of him.  But I have to see what days he isn't eating lunch at school and put all that together for her to send with him on those days.  Whew!! It's a lot of work!! 

I'm going to be ok though!!  I just know it!!  Well 5 days down 5 to go!!!  :0)  Later!!

Day Four....

Sep 01, 2008

Today is going pretty good although it is only 8:15 am.  ha!  I tried a couple of different proteins yesterday.  I am so frustrated with it!!  I am beginning to think that I will never find a protein that I like!!  But I am going to stick with it.  I want to be smaller so badly.  I am tired of being FAT!!  I have been fat all my life and it is time I take charge!!  :0) 

About Me
Monroeville, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 54

Latest Blog 59
great weekend!!
loosing again....
Uh Oh!!
