Almost the end....

Jul 10, 2008

I can't believe that it is almost the end of my 6 month PCP visits!!  I am nervous yet excited!!  I am so ready for it to be overwith so that I can start my new life!!  :0)  My hubby is finally on board and hopefully he will stay that way.  We have a lot to talk about when he gets back home.  I like getting compliments from people saying that I look like I have already lost weight!!  I have lost a little but not much and I can't really tell....but it makes me feel good when they say something.  hehe  Well I will post more later!!  


Bad News....

Jun 29, 2008

I may have hit a snag in my weightloss husband has decided that he no longer wants to be married to me because we fight all the time....(because he is angry about his job) so he has given up on our marriage and wants a divorce.  My insurance is through his work so if he decides that he is going to be mean...he will take me off the insurance before I can get approved next month.  I am still trying to work things out with him....not for the surgery (that just has some to do with it.) but because I love him.  I have been married to him for 6 years and with him since 1995.  He is all I have ever known.  :0(  And to hear him talk that is a bad thing.  Anyway, he doesn't believe me when I tell him that I love him and I only want him.  He won't talk to me...he just says that he is unhappy and that he knows that I am.  I don't know what to do.  All I do is cry about it all.  I don't know if it would help to tell him that I won't have the surgery or not?  He says he doesn't care anymore about me or anything only our son.  Anyway, please pray for me!!! 

**update!!  Hubby told me that he was sorry for saying everything that he did.  He is stressed about his job and probably the fact that I don't have one.  He is being nice for the time being.  Hopefully it will last!!  Thanks for all your prayers and concern!!  :0)  SLP**

6th Supervised Dr Visit

Jun 13, 2008

Ok so I know that my ticker says that I have gained a pound but it did say that I had gained 7 pounds....which means.....I have lost 6 pounds this past month!!!!  I am sooooo excited!!!  I can hardly believe it!!  

The doctor and his nurse both thought that today was my last visit...which I wish it were but next month will be!!!  I am getting excited, nervous, everything all rolled into one!!  :0)

Well just wanted to update about my lose instead of gain!!  hehe!!

Can you believe it?

Jun 06, 2008

It's hard to believe but I only have one more month on my supervised diet!!!  YAAY!!  It is just so hard to believe.  :0)  I can't wait until July 14th when I can say it is all done!!!  WOOHOO!!  

I have been enjoying my time at home with my son.  We have been playing our new Wii and Wii Fit.  I can't get the Wii Fit to weigh me since I weigh more than it registers but soon I will be able to do it.  I can do the jogging exercise though and I have been doing that.  :0)  

We have been going swimming also which is good exercise for me!!  

I can't wait until I can say that I have been approved and have a date!!

No Job....

May 24, 2008

Yesterday, I lost my job.  About 8:30 am my boss came and told me that she wanted to see me in her office.  When I got there, there were 3 other women in there and she shut the door and told us that she was going to have to lay us off because of not having any work because the company is going down and she doesn't know if it will ever be better again.  I had to clean out my office and desk.  If things were going to get better or if she were going to call me back I think she would have let me leave my stuff there.  DOn't you?  Anyway, I am officially unemployed.  I am so angry, depressed, and who knows what else.  I have so many emotions going through my of which is anger from being at a company for 7 years and them just throwing me out the door like some trash.  And a girl that had only been there for a year got to stay!!  UGH!!

I told my hubby that I am not going to find another job until after my surgery so that I don't have to explain to everyone what is going on.  :0)  I think that would be best.

New Post...

May 06, 2008

I added new posts to my blog.

Kindergarten registration....

Apr 16, 2008

Well you know those little bitty chairs that the little bitty kids sit in?  That is what they had us sitting in ( or in my case...trying to sit in)!!  I felt so embarrassed.  I just wanted to crawl into the floor.  It was not a good experience.  I was scared that I was breaking it.  I even thought I felt it caving in as I was sitting there!!  I am glad it's over.  Whew!!  I made it!!  haha!!  

Just thought I would share my fat experience for the day.

Arthritis?!!?? What?

Mar 19, 2008

My knee all the way to my ankle has been hurting since Monday so today I went to the doctor for it.  He said that he thinks I have arthritis, he gave me a shot and some pills to take.  Of course the reason for it is my EXCESS weight.  And he said that carrying it around is causing strain on my knees.  UGH!!  On top of that I have sinus problems and just feel totally useless!!  I want to go home.  But I have to stay here and work because I am taking off all next week for my son's Spring Break from school.  Hopefully I can make it these last 2 1/2 days.  



Mar 13, 2008

I went to the doctor this morning....I got weighed.....I am so frustrated....I gained 2 more pounds!!  UGH!!  He checked my thyroid.  Don't know how that's gonna turn out.  Hopefully good.  But the lady that was drawing my blood said that she had just had gastric bypass 7 weeks ago and she gained weight on her diet too.  So her psycologist told her not to worry about it and just eat because when she had the surgery it would come off.  I don't know what to do....  :0(

Pray for me.


Mar 12, 2008

My sister and I measured ourselves again today!!  She has lost 2 1/2 inches and I have lost.....drum roll please.....    11 1/4 inches!!!  Can you believe that!!!????!!

Just thought I would post this little bit of info onto you guys!!


About Me
Monroeville, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 54

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great weekend!!
loosing again....
Uh Oh!!
