Day two....

Aug 31, 2008

Found out this morning that I can have 3 protein drinks and a lean cuisine for supper!!  Yesterday I did good.  I didn't cheat at all!!  YAAY me!!  haha  Have to keep giving myself a pat on the back or I might back down.  :0)

Day one!

Aug 30, 2008

Ok so today is the first day of my liquid diet.  I think I am doing pretty good.  I have drank some water this morning and had a Sugar Free Jello Pudding cup.  I feel a little hungry but I'm not sure if that is head hunger or real hunger.  I CAN DO THIS!!!  I know I can!!  I don't need to doubt myself.  :0(

I Got a DATE!!

Aug 24, 2008

Ok so I am super excited!!  I finally got a date and I had to wait to make sure that it was going to stay before I posted this.  Because I have to have an education class before surgery to show me how to eat.  AHHH!!  Anyway, my date is September 9!!!!  YAAY!!  I don't know the exact time or anything just yet.  I am just super excited!!  :0)

Aug 21, 2008

Ok so I called this morning to my PCPs office to get in to see him so he can schedule all the testing I need to have done and to give me my medical clearance and the lady tells me that he is booked up until the 16th of next month!!!  What??!!  No!!!  So I'm telling her that I have to see him sooner than that because I don't want to wait until Oct to have my surgery done.  So I emailed Lisa and told her what was going on and she asked me how far I live from Pascagoula and I said about 2 to 2 1/2 hours but I don't care how far I have to travel!!  I am ready now!!  UGH!!  So she emailed me back and said that I could go to Mobile and have my testing done and hopefully I can get in to see Dr. B before Sept. 16...which most of the time they are pretty good about getting me in when I call.  Anyway, if all goes good and Dr. B doesn't take too long my surgery will be scheduled for Sept. 9, 16, or 23!!!  I am so excited!!  hehe!!  I will update later when I know more!!  Wish me luck!!


Aug 14, 2008

Called the insurance company again today.  The guy that I talked to said I am APPROVED!!!!  He gave me the approval # and everything!!  I am so excited!!  Although, now I have to wait for the surgeons office to get a letter from the insurance company before they will schedule anything.  Hopefully they will get it by Monday!!  I am so excited!!  I just can't control myself!! hehe  21 days!!  That's how long it took for me to get approved!!  WOW!! 



Aug 13, 2008

Called the insurance company again today.  Well this lady tells me that they are still pending on approval because at the same time that the request for gastric bypass came in so did a request for gallbladder surgery for me!!  WHAT!!!???  I have never even had my gallbladder checked much less wanted to have surgery on it.  haha  So I have called the surgeons office and emailed the insurance coordinator there.  So far no answers!!  This is weird.  The lady that I talked to at the insurance company said that the nurse that is reviewing my case wants to know if it is medically necessary to have the gallbladder surgery done.  I have hope though that they are going to get it straightened out and approve me soon.  :0)  LATER!


Jul 28, 2008

I am sooooo excited!!!  I lost 6 more lbs!!!  I just had to go weigh today because according to my surgeon I have to lose 15 pounds before my surgery.  So of course I am scared that that isn't going to happen for me!!  Well I am so happy to see my ticker now!!  hehe

Paperwork sent!!!

Jul 23, 2008

The girl from the surgeons office emailed me and let me know that she sent my paperwork to the insurance company today!!!  YAAY!!  I will update when I have more info!!  :0)

LifeIsBeautiful.png image by slpotter2

Samantha-1.png image by slpotter2


Jul 22, 2008

Well...I thought things would go by quicker once I got done with my PCP appointments.  But it seems that it hasn't.  The lady at the surgeons office is really busy and she is just now getting to my chart.  Which is good now!!  I am so ready to find out something!!  After she gets done then I have to wait on the insurance people!!  UGH!!  It will all be worth it in the end though!!  :0)  Later!!

Last PCP visit!!!! YAAY!!!

Jul 14, 2008

Today was my last visit.  Now I have to wait for the doctor to send my stuff to my surgeons office so they can send it to the insurance company!!  Waiting, is going to be so long!!!  UGH!!  I lost 7 more pounds but my ticker only says 6 because I went up and had to come back all I have lost 13 pounds!!!  I am so excited!!!  hehe

The nurse scared me for a minute after she weighed me because she said I went up but she was looking at last months and said it wrong!!  Whew!!  my heart skipped because I was so mad!! 

Well I will update more when I find out something!!


About Me
Monroeville, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 54

Latest Blog 59
great weekend!!
loosing again....
Uh Oh!!
