Mar 30, 2010


  Two days ago on March 28, 2010. I celebrated my 47 Birthday. It was one year of not using food for anything outside of healthy nutrition. (Not that there weren't  periodic temptations to dive back into the sugar barrel.) 
    It was a year of firsts. Living in a world without processed foods.  I survived birthdays, anniversaries, illnesses, holiday's and day to day life events while maintaining my goal weight. Now one might think this was all frills and joy...that I spent the nights twirling around in my new single digit dress size... not so my friends.  Having food-sobriety meant feeling every single feeling that passed my way.
   Gone were the nights of late night grazing.  I had to use every coping tool (Thank you lapband ) I have to allow myself to feel instead of eat.   This is just as much work, if not more, than the actual lifestyle change.  The good news is that,  in the face of peril, distress or just boredom was just about gone.  Most days I have felt great and full of energy.  On the bad days instead of living in a denial fest, I engaged in reality and dealt with it.
  The biggest adjustment being that since I hit my goal weight 5 months ago I could not just return to my old habits of eating.  Nor did I want to. It took me far to long to lose this weight and celebrating the loss with food just seemed like an oxymoron. I thank God for my Family and Friends throughout each walk of my life that I have taken, those who I have met as a volunteer, as a professional or through means like sports or social networking, I thank you for all the things that you have passed on to me. I thank you for being human enough to care and to share. So for today, I have hit a first time mile stone Happy Birthday to me!


PS:      Check out my story below on slideshow : click on the link or copy and paste



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