one more!

Sep 29, 2009

well, it looks like i only have 1 more flow sheet to go before we can start trying to approve my surgery! i'm so excited! i can hardly wait. my primary care provider is really excited too. she's so awesome.

as far as home life goes, my fiance, frank, has been super supportive. he takes me to all my appointments and is very proactive in my treatments. i love him so much that i could cry. i couldn't ask for anyone better than him. he has been by my side through it all. i want to make him super proud of me, even though he's told me he already is proud of me. i can't wait for us to be able to do all those fun things again.

my family has been very supportive too. my dad is still trying to get the concept of the whole thing, but he's excited that i have been given this opportunity to change my life completely for the better. my mom is really excited too, and she's so into learning about every part to this. obesity runs in my family like a snake. this disease has battled against most of us. and i'm so ready to fight back and finally be given the tool to win!

my friends have been supportive and asking me questions. we were discussing the other night that i probably won't be able to eat thanksgiving dinner, so they were gonna puree my food for me. haha. i thought that was nice for them to think about that. my best even had diet pepsi for me when we came to visit and splenda for me to sweeten things! she's so sweet. i <3 her.

well, that's about it for now. i'll be keeping ya'll updated on things. <3



About Me
Huntington, WV
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2009
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