September update/Advice

Sep 11, 2010

Hey OH fam,

I am behind so sorry Y'all. Hope things are going well for you all. I am now 225 down from 303 my highest preop 296 a total loss of 78lbs. I can squeeze into a 16 dress and comfortably fit in 18 jeans down from 26/28 preop. My feet have shrunk as well..from 81/2W starting to wear my 71/2's again. I am living in my own place though it is pretty empty, and I have been employed for a month nw thoygh my probationary period was extended because of an incidence that happened. I can honest say I am content with life at this moment as it progresses. I went to bible study on Wednesday and I finally confessed that I feel God wants me to be a motivational speaker. I have been pushng this to the backburner for awhile but I feel that this is part of my purpose and life and, the pastor said she would help me work on it and that I would be tested and sure enough the next day, this incident occured at work. But I am not one to dwell on that stuff anymore, Because I use to. I feel that my life story could really encourage someone in their faith and to pursue their passion. I am excited about the future y'all, and I don't know how this will come to pass but I have faith it will.

I hope you all are exercising and watching what you eat. I feell off using spark people but I plan on starting back tomorrow. My big wow momment was losing 9lbs last week and I lost another 2 this week. For the pass 3 days I have been tracking my steps with a pedometer and have been walking between 8,000 and 12,000 steps..just at work not including my exercise which I have been doing 30minutes a day 6 days a week. I still struggle getting my protein and water in though so I have decided to do 2 shakes a day and drink a bottle of water before work, 300z at work and a bottle when I get home so hopefully that helps.

My suggestions for Pre-ops
_REsearch and do more research..Youtube and Oh have great blogs of individuals journey besides all of the normal stuff you want to know about the post op life...
_Your life will Change..good or bad..It will change. You will make choices you never thought you'd be making.
_Expect the unexpected, Everyone is differnet and so is our weightloss and our complications. At first I use to beat myself up about my progress. What was I doing wrong, why was my weightloss slow. Though people tell you that we all lose differently..It really doesn't hit you until you are post op, secondly, I expected to have dumping sydrome with rny but I don't. It was one of the reasons I chose this surgery. When I first realized I don't dump, I was sad becuse I had hope this would help me avoid temptations like sweets and grease, but I really have learned just to avoid it much as possible, there have been times i indulged though but I don't beat myself up about it, I keep it moving.
_Measuring cups, small bowls, and utensils are priceless!

*August Goals Recap*
X_Get apartment
X_Under 240
_Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
_Get Protien Up (Same reason)
X_Take CPR FIRST AID class for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night

*September Goals*
Get some furniture
_Under 220
_Wear size 16 dress somewhere _Get Water intake up (Off since I started work)
_Get Protein Up (Same reason)
_Take more training classes for work
_Read Bible one chapter a night
_Start working on becoming a motivational speaker


About Me
Rancho Cordova, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2009
Member Since

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