i am not going to say "i'll never"

Dec 08, 2012

 i just want to vent a little of what i am thinking.

at first was thinking I’ll never: drink soda, eat bread, eat pasta, etc. I have read these posts for quite a while at first I got upset at so many people indulging. But then I thought after a few posts, what am I thinking we are still human, just with rearranged insides. We will get cravings again! We will eat the wrong things. I saw my mom go through this surgery; it’s been almost 13 years. She was maintaining all these years, but decided to kick in gear again. She has lost over 200 pounds and now is losing more . She had this surgery before all these new "rules" the drinking protein shakes and such. Yes she takes a multivitamin but nothing else. She has eaten bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, pizza, fries, and potato chips, had soda, ate candy once in a while. But she still has maintained. She is my role model for this surgery because she gets cravings, but it’s all about moderation! I am not going to do these things right out of surgery, but who knows when. Never is a very long time. Especially since I am only 20 (going on 21 in March) that’s another 60 or so years of saying I’ll never be having these things again is crazy! I am lucky I have started therapy back in May and have been working on my emotions and eating. Also my husband started joining me to work on us and he can be part of the transforming process of what surgery will do. There a lot of rules for surgery I will follow. I want to follow the plan to the T or as best I can for results that last for many years. But anyway my point is if these things will be introduced back into my life after surgery. It’s going to be moderation, moderation and some more moderation.


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Oct 19, 2012
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