Hello everyone,
My name is Shon and I'm 38yrs old. I have been over weight all of my adult life.
Had a few babies and that's where it all went bad.
I had gestitional diabetes twice and was told that if I didn't lose weight
in the next 5 to 10 yr I would develope diabetes.
Well five yrs & on my 30th birthday I found out I had diabetes.
I was like I couldn't  believe it. I don't know why I was for warned.
Anyway I just completed my 6 month diet that the insurance co.make u do.
My paper work is now ready to be sent to the Insurance company.
As of today I weight 210 and I'm 5"4 and I have  been this weight for
about 10 yrs now up and down. I've made it under 210 once a few yrs a go.
I take 76 units of insulin a day two shots a day. I take the pill for diabetes also
I'm on meds for blood pres. High cholestrol.
Some people look at me and thind I should not be have wls because I don't look
like I weigh over 200 lbs. Most people think I weight about 170.
It's kinda hard when u have tones of people who tell you that u can do it without
surgery.  Well I've tried !!!! the more insulin I take the harder it is for me to lose.
Thats all I have to say for now I will put up pics of me in a couple of days or so

Well for anyone who want to know I got appove yesterday.
It only to 1 wk. Now I'm just waiting for a surgery date.
I have been coming to OH everyday and some people
story can be kinda scary to read.
I prayed yesterday and gave it up to God and decided
that I was not going to worry anymore.
I will write again when I get a day.

well it's been a wk since I was approved. I call the lady that
is supose to be calling me and she was not in the office.
I got a call bk later that day to inform me that she will call
me in the morning for a DATE!!!!!!
I'll be sitting here waiting for that call.
Until next time.

Aug. 27th 2010
Well Yesterday I finally got a Date. Yayyyyy
it seems like it was going to be for ever. I was calling everyday
to see when I would get a date. The lady that i was tryig to get
in contact with was never at her desck or in the office
you know the story. My doc is in the middle of moving his
practice to another hospital so that's why she was not in the office
Forgot to say my date is Oct. 11th 20210 seven weeks away
that just seem so close I still can't believe it. I've been thinking
about the things I need to start getting together.
I actually thought I would be more excited about getting a date
maybe when the time comes closer.
Now just waiting to get me pre op thingys
My pre op appt. is Oct. 5th.
I'll get back on here after more update.
I really wish I had someone to talk to on here.
I cant up load my pics either I don't know what i'm doing
Until next time

Sept. 20th, 2010
I have three wks before my surgery. It seems as though its coming so soon.
I see my pcp tomorrow for a pre op appt. have not done any of my pre op testing as
of yet. I feel like I'm not going to have everything done in time.
I have my pre op class in the morning. I start my liquid diet a wk from today.
Not really looking foward to it, only cause i'm diabetic and am worried about low sugars
I hope I can get that addressed at the class tomorrow.
Well until next time.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2010
Member Since

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