Eight month

Jun 08, 2011

It's been a while...How is everyone. My weight loss has been slow
I now weight 170 only down seven lbs since Feb. I look good everyone
thinks I weight close to what my goal is. I ve always carry my weight well
When I weight 216 no one belived it.
Anyway Ive lost a total of 46lbs.  I think I'm gonna shoot for about 10 more
lbs. All of my health issues are gone and i can eat what ever I want to eat.
just small portions.
Well until next time

Four months

Feb 18, 2011

Hello anyone out there in the wls universe.
It's been amonth since the last time I logged on
I have lost 7lbs since last month. My weight has been up and down
It's moving really slow these days. I guess as i'm typing this I have lost
7 lbs in a month. Thats not too bad. I didn't start off with a high bmi from
the start. Everything is still going good. I can eat what ever I want, nothing
makes me sick and there isn't anything I can't eat. I truely feel blessed.
I would like to lose about twenty more lbs before it all said and done.
Anyway I weight right now 177 it goes up and down as the days go.
It seem like it was a struggle for me to get out of the 180's.
So I finally clearded that hurdle. just trying to make it to 170 in the next three wks
I'm going to Hawii in three wks. Really happy about that. I never been before.
Mind u I haven't really been exercising at all. I know I need to kick it in gear.
Well until next time everyone be safe and keep your heads up.


Jan 18, 2011

Well i'm at my three month.
I have lost a total of 31 lbs. not much since Dec.
My weight lost got stalled at the 30 lb mark for about a month.
All of a sudden this wk 3lb fell off. I'm bout to up my work out.
Haven't really being do much of that lately. My weight lost is a bit
slow. I really don't mind but sitting for a month and not even a lb
gets me a lil down. We the scale doesn't move i sart to feel like
that;s it for me. I'm not going to loose any more... crazy I know.
Anyway thats about it from me today.
Everyone good luck on your journeys

two months

Dec 16, 2010

I'm now two months out...nine wks. I have lost 28 lbs so far.
I'm pouch is not as small as most. The weight is coming off
slow and it seems to be a good thing for me. People tell me
that I look good and the weight is not comming off to fast.
I'm still doing really well. No problems what so ever.
I can eat what ever I want to eat. I'm afraid of dumping so
I try not to eat any real sugars. I have a a coookie or two but
that's it. I'll taste it then walk away from it.
I have stop taking my Insulin but am still taking my pill...just
half of one. I need to go see my regular doc to get put on
new meds.
Anyway that's about it until next month
everyone stay blessed

Almost five wks out

Nov 12, 2010

Hello Friends,
I will be five wks out this coming Monday the 15th.
I have lost 19lbs so for. I moved from a size 16,18 to a 14
I haven't had many issues at all. I do need to slow dowm some
days when I eat.
This may seem a lil crazy but I lost 16lbs in like two and a half wks, then it seem
like the scale didn't move for a while. The Crazy thing is somedays I feel like this
isn't going to work for me. Why I feel this way I don't know !!!! I know I had the surgey
but somedays I feel like oooh this isn't going to work for me.  The last couple of days
the scale start to move again.  I've laid off the carbs for a couple of day and the scale
start to move again. Somedays it's hard to get all my water in only cause I just forget
to drink. I carry a h2o bottle with me but I forget  to drink. Protein is a lil hard to get it
all in too. I'm still trying I'm a work in progress LOL.
I don't really have anything else to update right now.
I'll get bk in another month or two
Until then


one wk out

Oct 17, 2010

Hello all,
I am one day shy of making a wk sence my surgery. I am doing really well. I have not been in much pain except gas pains
The gas pains where the worst for me. I have lost 11lbs sence my last pre op appt. and sense surgery I've lost 4lbs.
I don't feel hungry most of the time, but i do miss food. I can't wait to move to soft foods  
Some days i don't feel like i even had surgery.
Anyway I update in about amonth unless something comes up.
Bye for now.
1 comment

less than 24 hr

Oct 10, 2010

Hello out there in the wls word
I have less that 24 hours before my big day
It still seems like its not real. I keep praying that
this is the right thing to do for myself and my family.
Well until the next time I'll be back on  here when i'm on the
losing side.

1 comment

a week away

Oct 02, 2010

Hello world ,
I have 9 days till my surgery yea!!!!!
Right know i'm trying to make it to this two wk diet.
I'm five days in and the first three days where hell.
I had this really bad headache and had some vomiting.
Things r getting better though. I ve done all of my pre-op testing this past
wk and everything was good.
All of this just doesn't feel real yet.
I'm not nerves or scared YET!!!
Well i'll upday later on
one day i'll be able to re size my photos  so i can upload them
untlil next time


Sep 20, 2010

need help up loading my pics!!! If anyone can help let me know

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2010
Member Since

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Latest Blog 9
