20 pounds down...

May 02, 2007

Welp we went to the barge job info session at the huntington career center and it turned out to be the biggest bull crap. Other then that things are going ok, im starting to get more energy but im completely exhausted with my job, my supervisor turned in my application yest for management and quality assurance. Please pray for me and keep your fingers crossed for me.... Other then that im doing ok...

Update- down 18 pounds

Apr 29, 2007

Well today I have an interview at 10 am for a possible better job. Im am  trying to get a better shift and the same or better pay, i dont want my whole summer to go by and not get to spend it with caleb. All in all im feeling pretty good, still somewhat sore, still batteling with this hirrible yeast infection, i think i may call and see if Dr. Wheeler can call me in some stronger stuff, and monistat stuff isnt really cutting it. other then that i have really been doing a whole lot, yest was my day off, i took caleb to the mall and he had lunch at the food court, after that i took him to play in the game room in the mall and we cashed in his tickets for a piece of candy and 3 little airplanes, after that we got ice cream on the way home, after getting home the hubby cut grass and i hand washed my car, didnt do as good of a job as i wanted to do but it was the best i could do with the recovery process, please continue toin your thoughts and prayers, also if someone can relate or help me here???  why do i feel guilty for eating when i eat even if its small quanities???

Day off

Apr 28, 2007

Well today is my day off, im feeling better as each day passes so in a since im wishing my life away. I dont really have a huge idea of what to eat since i cant really eat that much. For some reason the antibiotics gave me a horrible yeast infection, i mean really really bad, so im dealin with that trying to get rid of it and i dont know that it is working,  have to call on monday to make and appt with the health department to get some stronger cream or maybe even Dr. Wheeler can give me some. I would have to tell everyone i know to make sure this is what you want before you have it done, i am still happy with my decision but wish i had more time to recover then i did before going back to work, but you got to pay the bills. 
Also please keep us in your prayers, oscar has an interview for a better job with the barge company on wednesday and i have several interviews coming week, please please pray for us because we need it.

The scoop

Apr 27, 2007

Well I went back to work yest, think i was a bit pushing it because after working about  5  hours from getting up and down so much and the chair i was setting in was uncomfoble, I will make it tho, please pray for me,

Just one more day...

Apr 26, 2007

Well i  not to go back to work today, today is my normally scheduled day off so i went ahead and took it, we could use the money but my back hurts very badly and my stomach is sooooooooo sore. Im pratcially living off of liquid lortab, that stuff is pure misery, i hate it but it has been a life saver the past few days and youll take whatever you have to when your in pain. I really need all the support and prayers i can get... i feel like this misery will never end.... man im going to have to go to the next support group meeting!

Going back to work today.

Apr 25, 2007

Im going back to work today, im very sore, i have been living off of liquid lortab, it makes me feel so much better but the taste is horrid, so far i lost 13 pounds im so happy but i cant wait t to to get back into my regular clothes. I cant wait to get to feelin to better. Dr.wheeler also me a pill for my gallbladder and im also suppose to be taking prevacid, the only thing i hate is that im taking these in pill form and of course i have to take gulps of water and im not supose to so it dont make alot of sense to me, but hey i guess they know what they are doing. Ill update more when i can.... please continue to keep me in your prayers.

Dr's Appointment

Apr 25, 2007

I went today and got my staples taken out, i have so far lost 13 pounds since april19th, im so excited, it kinda burnt when they pulled them out some i didnt even feel. I have a follow up appt in 3 months and i go back to work tomarrow.

Another day

Apr 23, 2007

Well i thought things were going to get better i woke up this morning and felt less sore but for some reason i have this huge feeling of misery and helplessness, i have been crying all morning i cant wear anything but the same pair of sweat pants that i have wore since i came home from the hospital, im afriad to attempt to wear reg clothes because i have one incision right in my belly button, i am afraid of making it rupture, i have been crying and when i even think about it or talk about it i cry, i have been sitting here with a cold rag on my head for the most of the morning, im so frustrated with myself, i have one incision larger then the other and it hurts the most, i kinda wish i was back in the hospital because at least i was on morphine and i could get some rest, this liquid lortab is awful!! i have been avoiding taking it because i cant hardly tolerate the taste, its also a chore for me to just get a shower, i get out of breathe, for the first time this morning i began to second guess if this was the best decision to make on having it done, my husband is at work and im here with my son and at times during the day it is very hard because he dont want to mind me and there is not a whole lot i can do about it, well so far this is how i feel, i will post more later.

These are the days of my life....Down 5.5 pounds 267.5

Apr 22, 2007

Today is a little better then most of the past few days, im trying to wean myself off of the pain medicine because it makes me really tired and sleepy and causes me not to sleep good at night because of sleeping during the day. I took my bandages off of the incision sites yesturday, now my staples are exposed and i have to be extra careful because they are in the way, i dont want to get infected tho so i am letting them air out some. The pain seems to be getting less and less with each day that passes. I am  mostly sore from using my arms to get up and down, and my back  is sore as well. Right now im just able to eat fudgescicles, pudding, jello, creamed soups and popscicles, not alot to choose from. I cant wait until i advance to phase 2 diet. The best advice i can give to anyone is to walk walk walk, it seems to make the soreness go away faster and makes you feel better, I think i may try a protein shake today, havent started those yet.... 
I go wednesday to have my staples removed, im not to excited about that, they said it wouldnt hurt but i beg to differ because now that i can bump them and stuff they are sore so we will see. All in All id do it again......in a heart beat.

Surgery pics

Apr 21, 2007

About Me
Louisville, KY
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 48

Latest Blog 90
What happens to all the support after GB
One year surgiversary
Home from surgery....please pray for me
Follow up with Dr. Wheeler
Hallelujah!!!! 176.5
down3.5 pounds!!!! finally
much needed update
nearly a 2 months stall!!!
Time for another update
Just an update
