So much to say

Jan 28, 2007

I haven't posted in a while because my old profile wouldn't convert so I did it manually.  I am actually excited because I can post so much easier as well as upload pictures.  I have so much to say.  I apparently didn't figure it out until just recently and the passion to do something has taken me over.  After attending the seminar in Dallas a week ago, I realize that I can make a bigger difference than I thought.  I plan on doing that.  First I will post some pictures from Ramon's surgery.  More to follow....

message board

Aug 16, 2006

This from a post on the message board on May 30, 2006.
I was so fortunate that on a follow up at the doctor's office, I overheard two women that were two years out. I asked them how much weight had they gained back and they both said about ten pounds. I have told this story to many and what this did for me was give me the permission not to fail again as I had for so many years. No diet ever took off 120 pounds in a year before and I was sure that I would not mess it up this time. If I was told that I could maintain my weight for this long I would have called you a liar. It's not really easy but I don't find it nearly as hard as all the stuff I went through before losing and regaining and doing it over and over again. My personal secret is this....and there are many that do not believe in this but it's worked for me. I weigh every morning. That way I know if I am past a magic number and that way I can attack it that day or the next or even the next day. I can get very disturbed over 5 or 10 pounds but I always turn it around because I keep telling myself that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I do yoga for exercise and also have taken up golf and going to the driving range is excellent and is something I like. I knew this was my last chance and I was very serious. I just wanted just a tiny be normal. I never ever expected to be rewarded with what I received. I am a very grateful woman. Know that you can do it. Visualize yourself getting there. See yourself in the kind of clothes you want to be in. Make up your mind that this is your chance and take it. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I failed at every diet I ever tried. I have done them all and I made it.

Special big hugs, Y

P.S. I also do not and will not try to eat sugar. I do not need one bite of cake or pie. I just assume that large amounts of sugar will make me deathly ill so I don't start it. If you have to have something sweet, eat something sugar free. They have tons of stuff out there that tastes great. (Again, this is what has worked for me)



Went to seminar in California

Aug 15, 2006

Just got back from going to Visalia, California to see how the other half does WLS. I wondered about this in July but am pretty sure I have noticed a change in WLS thinking. It seems lately that we are "accepting" getting close to goal. I do not wish to be misunderstood but I really believe that the pre-ops need to know that goal is not a dirty 4 letter word. If I hadn't been given the permission not to fail, I wouldn't have done so well. I believe I need to get on the band wagon on the main board even though it is certainly overwhelming. I'll be reporting back here with good news I hope.




OH seminar in San Antonio

Jul 12, 2006

I just got back from an OH Seminar in San Antonio, Texas . I watched Ramon reach his anniversary on the 5th and was again rallied to the cause. I posted this on a thread.

I feel like I gave birth to a miracle baby. I was very active for a long time on the board and due to that, I was fortunate enough that Ramon found me. We hung in there together, took pictures at every opportunity and he listened. He listened to all of my experiences and adapted them to his own. It is wonderful to just sit back and see him bloom. His inspiration to others makes me so proud. It's like passing on a legacy. I never had children and was pretty happy about it truthfully but I can sort of understand helping someone grow to their potential and watch them progress in life. He is my voice when I cannot be here. Personally I'm thinking the ladies would much rather hear it from him anyway. I can only imagine that some of you are rather sick of him talking about me...he is the best cheerleader you could ever have. Ramon is a go getter. When something is past his abilities at the moment, he finds someone to help and the way he asks...well you just couldn't turn him down. He needed his speech redone immediately and he knew he didn't have time to do it but with Debra's help he pulled it off like a champ. Ramon is a great man but he will be a greater man one day and I will be able to sit back and know that I helped. Watch out for him....attach yourself to him and learn. Thanks Ramon, I couldn't be prouder. I love you, Y

This thread can be found here:

Almost five years out!

Feb 13, 2006

I can't believe my 5th year anniversary is around the corner. It seems like yesterday when I was looking at the before and after pictures wishing that one day I could be there. It seemed impossible at the time but now it's a dream come true. This surgery has been the answer to a life long problem that I was sure I could never overcome. I am one very grateful woman. Special thanks to Ramon...a special light that came into my life through OH that has inspired so many.


Ramon spoke in Houston

Oct 20, 2005

Wow!! What a weekend!!! I couldn't have been prouder of Ramon. He says that I have inspired him but it's him that inspires me. After attending the conference in Houston , I am again renewed and refocused on how I can make a difference. Thanks OH for making such a huge difference in my life

First OH Seminar

May 25, 2004

I attended the OH seminar in Arlington and couldn't have done anything better for myself if I tried. I didn't realize that I was still not confident in public because I was still programmed as the fat girl. After that weekend I am no longer afraid to just be me wherever I go. Thanks again ObesityHelp. I could never repay the debt I owe so I'll just keep trying by spreading the word.  

I also met Ramon Lopez who I'd been emailing since February.  I was so pleased that he attended the party.

I got to snow ski!

Dec 30, 2003

I just returned from a trip to Colorado . I got to ride horses again and was so happy that I could climb in that saddle with no problem. The best part was getting to snow ski. I had always wanted to do it and have always been extremely athletic but I refused to go while I was fat. It was absolutely wonderful and we had more fun than the law allows!! Again I am so thankful for my new life. It is unimaginable that I could ever have a life like this.


Still in shock

Jul 24, 2003

I'm still shocked every time I look in the mirror. Thanks to taking up golf and hitting balls every day for about an hour, I can eat whatever I want and not have to worry about gaining weight. I am still within 5 to 10 pounds of my goal weight and can't believe it.


Happy Anniversary to me! Two years!

Mar 30, 2003

Happy anniversary to me! It has been two years since my surgery. Two days ago I just returned from a week in Cabo San Lucas where I lounged on the beach in a bikini and played golf. I am so grateful and am still in shock that I've had this most excellent opportunity. I hope that anyone that wishes will email me if they have any questions because I'm here to help!


About Me
Plano, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Night before surgery
The best thing I've ever done!!

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