Modification to Surgery Starting Time

Dec 06, 2006

Since I'm having a Green Field Filter put in, I found out that I have to be at the hospital a little bit earlier than expected.  I now have to report to the Outpatient Lab at 1145 on the 13th to get my blood typed and matched (just in case) and then I report to the pre-op area.  The GFF procedure will be at 1300 and the surgery will follow at 1400.
Keep your fingers crossed for me...   Here we go...

Final appointments today (part 2)!!!

Dec 04, 2006

Had my final appointment with Natalie the nutritionist.  She checked out all my supplements and cleared them all.  She also checked out my daily plan following surgery (pureed foods) and my exercise plan.  She was impressed with it all and gave me an A!!!  She made some minor modifications to it and gave me some ides for other options.  She pushed fruits even though I don't like them much.  I told her that I could handle some applesauce and she seemed to be happy with the compromise.
I need to check out a different type of papaya enzyme.  The papaya complex that I tried had a dramatic impact on my digestive system - I call it "EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL".  Don't think I'll be using it again any time soon unless I'm bound up tight as a drum inside.

Final appointments today!!!

Dec 04, 2006

Had my final appointment with Dr. Halmi today.  Talked to him about the pre-op test results and he said that they all looked fine.  He did mention that the sonogram showed that I have a few gall stones and asked if I had ever had any problems with them.  After I told him I hadn't and asked if he intended to take out my gall bladder during the bypass operation, he said that he'd look at it while he was in there and if it looked like it could be done without any complications, he'd do it.  Otherwise, he'd leave it alone.
Since I had done my own homework, I asked if there were any indication that I should have a Green Field Filter inserted.  I had read about it and it didn't know what types of circumstances would make it a good idea.  He said that my previous intestinal surgeries could cause the operation to take longer and that inserting a filter wouldn't be a bad idea and asked his staff to set it up.  
I'll have a GF filter installed just prior to the surgery.  I asked if it would be uncomfortable and he told me that I would be sedated through an IV when it was inserted.  The GF filter is designed to guard against blood clots from the legs getting to the heart. 
I'm glad I did the research!!!


Nov 29, 2006

Need to remember the following - 
Assemble accoutrement to take to hospital.
Take CPAP machine to hospital.
Take Zantac - one the night before surgery - one the morning of surgery.  Both 150 mg.
Leave ring before going to hospital.
Check on where to keep ID and CC while in the hospital.

Pre-Op Testing Done!!!

Nov 28, 2006

Had a full day of pre-op testing yesterday all at the same hospital where I'm having the surgery.  It took one call to the surgical coordinator several weeks ago who set it all up for me.
Started the day at 0730 in Radiology with my gall bladder sonogram.  No big deal - went very quickly.  Then on to what I believed would be the worst part of the day; the upper GI.  Wasn't too bad, but my duodenum was acting the fool and they told me to come back in a while to get another "picture" taken.  Hmmmm.... posibility of schedule malfunction...
Back to Registration to sign three hundred thousand forms, then wait to talk to the Surgery Nurse.  Weigh in and vital signs, more questions, more forms.  Then she takes me to get lab work done.  Excellent needle nurse (only one hole) and then forcing out a urinalysis.  Cant understand why they tell you not to dring coffee the morning of the test and then ask for urine...
That brings me to lunch - but there's no time - gotta get that last "picture taken". Back to Radiology.  CLICK. 
LUNCH NOW???  Nope, off I go to Pulmonology for my scheduled Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) and to get more blood drawn for blood gasses.  The pulmonologist (?) drew blood like a pulmonologist - MAN DID THAT HURT!!!  PFT was a pain, but just boring.
Back to the Surgical Coordinator to ask if there was anything else that I needed to do???   Nothing, thanks.  See you on the day of surgery!
And I was on the road early enough to beat the going-home traffic. Stopped at Wendy's on the way home and enjoyed my favorite burger all the while thinking how nice it will be not to be this hungry ever again!!!
Oh, I also found out that my surgery was moved from 1030 to 1400 on the same day.  Was told to be at the hospital by 1200 to be typed and crossed.
So it's exactly two weeks away and I'm ready, ready, ready.

Nutrition Class

Nov 21, 2006

Went to my nutrition class this afternoon.  Had a hell of a time getting there because of traffic, but I was only about 15 minutes late.  Met all the people who have upcoming surgery dates and even met a young lady who is having surgery on the same day that I am!!!  Very excited to know that I'm not going to be the only one getting GBP surgery that day.  Very good nutrition class.  Got lots of information about vitamines and made some adjustments to my supplement plan for after surgery.  Found that two of the protein shakes I had planned to use were WAYYYY to heavy on sugar.  Regrouping and doing more research.  Right now I've got a 100% Whey Protein powder from GNC that is very good on sugar and pretty good on protein.  Need to get some other ideas on the pre-mixed stuff so that it's easier to grab while at work.  Got all the vitamines and minerals lined up now and should be ready to go.  The assignment is to have a "puree" menu plan (single day) and be able to show the supplements that I'll be using the next time I see the nutritionist.  Putting in the work to get there and am getting excited about the whole thing now.

Another Appt with Dr. Tran

Nov 06, 2006

Met with Dr. Tran today.  An opportunity for me to ask questions.  I asked about the post surgery barium test (leak test) and he told me that they don't normally do them with a mini-open RNY patient.  Also said that depending upon how things went, I might be released as early as Friday.  But I'm not getting my hopes up! just gonna take this one day at a time and see how I feel.  I plan to get on my feet and start walking just as soon as I can after surgery and to try to get off the pain meds as soon as I can stand it.  Keeping my fingers crossed for no complications.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, too!!!

Here's the schedule:

11/21 - Nutrition Class
11/28 - Pre-Op testing/Interview with Pre-Op Nurse at the hospital
12/4 - Final appts with Nutritionist and Dr. Halmi
12/7 - Support Group Meeting
12/13 - 9:30AM Surgery!!!

I'm on my way!!!


Support Group Meeting

Nov 02, 2006

Went to my first support group meeting last night.  Lecture from the nutritionist, Natalie, about vitamins.  It was all very informative, but I feel that there was really only one thing that I didn't know before.  I didn't realize that I will have to take two multi-vitamins a day for the first three months after surgery (until the first labs are done).  It was good to know so that I can stock up on them before the operation.  Coincidentally, I received an order from GNC for multivitamins in liquid form and some liquid B-12.
Update**  The liquid multivitamins are a no-go.  Would have to take 4 oz a day...   Too much!!!  Going to check out some chewables next.
Update**  Ordered Centrum Silver chewable multivitamin/multimineral.
Update**  Received the Centrum Silver chewables... EXCELLENT TASTE and easy to chew...  They'll do quite nicely.

Approved for Surgery

Oct 26, 2006

Finally approved for surgery by Tricare.  What do I need to do now?

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King George, VA
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2004
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