
Oct 01, 2007

Wow...what a weekend. I definately had my share of ups and downs.

I got home Friday, and just relaxed for the night...pretty sore still but made it through the night.

Saturday was off to a good start and actually went by my job to pick up a better binder. They give you one at the hospital and it works only so much...but, seeing how I work at Lane Bryant, we have this awesome girdle called Spanx...I picked up two...OMG! Anyone that is about to do this procedure definately needs to pick one up. I got the high waist panty...not the one in the package though. I feel so secure in this thing, it is a life saver. After that, I was wiped out. I came home and felt completely exausted. I took my pain meds and was out....

Sunday started out to be better, than what do you know...I had a serious down moment,...just couldn't snap out of it. I have not been hungry since the surgery, getting all the protein in that is required of me is hard enough and then my husband made some cordon bleu....aww man, it smelled sooooo good. I wanted to crawl under a rock
After that...I was pretty much in a slump for the rest of the day. I know, this will pass and I will be able to eat that...but you know how it is right now.

Today has been a good day so far, did some laundry, decided to try soy milk with my protein instead of skim...my pouch was pretty grumbly this weekend and  I thought that maybe it was the milk. I think it is. No grumbly pouch so far. And I am not sure if its allowed...but I made some iced tea and am drinking that...so much better to change things up. I am a bit tired right now...but and going to take care of a few things and then maybe have a nap.

Till next time....

2 More days...

Sep 25, 2007

OMG...I cannot believe that I will be having surgery in 2 days...I am on the liquid diet, and surprisingly doing quite well.
I keep thinking about food though and that tiny voice in the back of my head saying "eat it" lil devil...gonna beat him at his own game soon enough. LOL
I am very nervous but yet excited at the same time...sure that it is normal.
My daughter has been sick with fever since yesterday, so I have been too busy to think about it too much.
I need to go and check her temp again...so, till next time..


Sep 08, 2007

I just found out through my insurance website that I am approved!! I will post more later, I am about to be late for work!
Have a great day!

My love of baking...

Sep 01, 2007

So I voluntered  for making 5 dozen cookies for my church. OMG!!
As I was making them I said to my husband..."I don't know what I am going to do once I have my surgery and I can no longer lick my fingers" and of course, typical male response..."I should be the one licking your fingers" I have a very supportive husband whom I love so much...but, sometimes I would like for him to FOCUS!!
But, I think that I can manage...I quit smoking, I can give up cookie batter. (praying)
I found a psych doc yesterday...boy was that a mission!! I think I must have used all my minutes calling everyone that I was given from Tricare and then the people that they referred me to. But, in the end...I found one. Yeah!!
I got lucky and am scheduled for one next friday! I also got all my other appointments scheduled for Sept....I am ready to get to losing!!

1st Visit

Aug 29, 2007

Ok...so I did the 5 hour appointment...boy was that exciting!
I have been pretty good at checking into things here and online, so I already had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen and information that I would receive.
My Dr. seems pretty cool, ok bedside manner, and willing to answer all my questions (I was really concerned about that).
The nutritionist was sooo good looking. I was really trying to focus on the situation at hand...but, come on! I am big not BLIND! LOL
I have realized that I am not really eating bad foods and my choices could improve, I am just eating too much!
I have to go for the psych test and PFT and a sleep study, ultrasound...geez, I almost think I am pregnant! (kidding)
I got my pre-op appt for October 24th. But, they said that depending on my insurance (tricare) it could be sooner....I am excited but nervous at the same time.
Crazy thing...I work at Lane Bryant. I can remember way back when and thinking...I would love to work here! Now, knowing I will be on the losing side of things...maybe I should apply at NY & Company..LOL.
I have a closet full of clothes that I am gonna miss...but, sure can't wait to buy new ones!!

Went to a seminar...

Aug 15, 2007

So I am new to this whole thing, nice to meet all of you. I am in search of a Dr. that takes my insurance. Tricare Prime. Boy...it sure does seem to be a struggle to find just one! I went to a seminar tonight with Dr. Wright, he takes Tricare alright....they just don't cover the Lap-Band (tricare) that really bites!
So...I am off on my search once again! Any ideas?

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 16
Been a while.
End of the year...beginning of a new one!
Petty arguements
6 weeks later
1 month post-op
Size 16!!
2 week post-op
Protein amounts
