Log log log

Sep 10, 2007

I've been forcing myself to log everthing. I'm also getting enough protein with only one protein drink a day. Otherwise It's an extra 120 calories. If I stay between 400-600/day I keep loosing weight. More than that I stall.

It just keeps inch'n down

Aug 28, 2007

The scale doesn't move fast but slowly andsurely it keeps going down.

I've started back to the gym and I'm only doing 30 minutes of elliptical right now.

The scale moved a little...

Aug 20, 2007

I had quite a stall for two weeks and then finally a move. If I would have been dieting the ol' fashioned way I would have been so discouraged!


4th week

Aug 10, 2007

I had my 46th birthday and lost a pound. I've been on a bit of a stall. Since my 3rd week but that might be expected.

All is good and I feel good.

On my second week...

Jul 25, 2007

I'm feeling much better this week. I get tired and slept most of the day away yesterday. I think my stomach is still a little bloated.
I can't believe I had this surgery and I'm feeling so well.

I'm home

Jul 14, 2007

I have to say the worst part of this process was getting to the hospital. I was so worried about my family if something happened to me. Well I'm home and I feel really good. Less pain than I thought, though there is some. I'm able to get my water down ok. working on getting all the medicine and vitamins down. The gallbladder medicine it bitter I tried taking it with jello and didn't hide the taste much. I'll try it with sf pudding next time.

I got to the hospital at 5:30 for check in. Walking in there was a family taking a little baby in for surgery and I told my husband it's a lot easier for me to take myself in then one of my kids. That would be hard.
I changed into the robe and my husband was able to wait in the room with me. He was a nervous wreck. It was great he was with me though. They took me up to surgery and he couldn't come any farther. He gave me a kiss. Went to talk with the anesthesiologist. They were very nice and positive. She gave me something to calm my nerves and then off to the operating room. I remember them putting something on my legs and looking at the celling thinking they should put a nice picture up there then that was it. I was being woken up.

I guess my heart rate when real low to about 45 bpm and it kept doing that through the day and night. I guess that's just how my body is. My heart rate went low when I had my kids too. I was sent home the day after about 6:00 p.m. but was ready long before that.

I didn't have much gas pain. The most pain was the drain tubs which they took out before I left the hospital. It hurts to get up out of the chair and if I set too long I get sore. I find it better just to stay up a while and walk around the house.

I hope everyone that has this surgery does as well as me. I can't believe all they did to me and I feel ok. I'm ready for the future!


Jul 11, 2007

I have surgery and 5:30 a.m. I was a bundle of nerves the last few day with self doubt. No I've just made my mind up this is the only way and I'm going to fabulously! Let's go.

Here I go

Jul 09, 2007

I'm having surgery the July 12th. I am a mess worring about this. I hope all is ok. I have to hope it will be.


I have a date

Jun 26, 2007

July 12th. Ok this is what I asked for right?


Jun 25, 2007

I finished the Healthy Roads program. Thought I would get the ball rolling but, All the tests I did back in November were lost. Had to had walk papers to the surgeons office.

I go to the Dr and pass the Nutrition test. Give them a week and call, they are unaware I passed the test and was cleared by the Nutritionist and given the presurgery pack. They are unaware that I've lost more weight. It should all be in my file no?

Should I be worried these are the people incharge of saving lives?

About Me
May 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 48
I'm losing again!!!!
A post of mine about long term success
One goal reached
It's the little things
NOT Obese
Offical! No longer obese!
I think I'm doing pretty good
This isn't me this is me...
Comparing yourself...
