hello i am sharon and i weigh over 600lbs, i am on disability and get medicare in july.  so i am looking to have a revision of my vbg done soon.  i had the vbg done in 2002 and lost down to 450 but did not go beyond that, and now i am bigger than i was.  i am active in my church, work the slideshow and powerpoint prestentations, and an active bible study student.  i am not able to drive now because we don't have a car i can fit into.  i am married to a wonderful man, but sometimes he just doesn't get it.  i need to attend some sort of support group but i do not have a way there so i jus stay at home and eat.  i have started doing chair exersices and try to do that a few times a week.  i moved here with my husband 2 years ago from oklahoma and that is where my family is.  ray's family and our church family have welcomed me with open arms.  i have to say arkansas has been the friendliest place i have ever been, the people here are real and want to make friends.  even my hometown is sort of standoffish.  i have been very pleased with my time in arkansas and am looking forward to many more years here.  i have signed up with arkansas community care so i will have to wait to see what surgeon i can get when i get the info.  nice to meet everyone.  God bless you all.

About Me
Roff, OK
Jun 08, 2009
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