Dr appointment went well

Jul 20, 2009

i just got back from the new dr.  he was very nice, and said some of the same things the other dr said but said them nice and then explained his reasoning.  we talked about the hoops i would have to jump thru but i already expected that, and the one thing he did mention, is that the other bariatric surgeons in the area won't see or help patients who have had another bariatric surgeon.  that is something to think about when my surgeon will be 5-6 hours away. 

i was reading in get out of that pit by beth moore again.  once you realize you are in a pit and want to get out there are some things you have to do. Cry out, confess, consent.
cry out to God, loudly demonstratively with all your heart. 
confess, tell God whats on your mind, what kind of mess you are in, who is in it with you, whats holding you back, what is on your heart, who is on your case, who made you mad, who is on your nerves, who broke your heart, even if your first impulse is to blame God, go ahead spill it out.  Psalm145:18 says "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."  Don't overlook the unparalleled benefit of confession sin, lay it right out there and hold your chin up while you do it, let the light of God shine all over your sin so the two of you can sort it out and he can heal you.  don't forget to spit out the sins of pride.  it contributes more tot the length of our stay in the pit.  confess every sin of your own actions, words, or thoughts that you believe contribute to your defeat. search your heart to see if bitterness has taken root, if anger, lack of forgiveness, or coldness is keeping you in the pit. get specific as you can, when you think you are thru, ask God if you have overlooked anything. this is a process there are layers to go thru like taking off old wallpaper you take one layer at a time examine it and then go to the next. God wants to restore fellowship not condemn us. here is how confession works: lay all your sins at Gods feet, he picks them up and throws them behind his back. they are gone.  we would pick them back up if left to ourselves but if God has them there is nothing to pick up.
consent, there is no ambiguity about this step, it is definitly God's will.  God wants you out of the pit, he wants you in victory, out of defeat, period.  all you have to do is consent to what he already wants.  1 John 5:14-15 "this is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  and if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him."  its Gods will for us to be out of that pit, if we will consent to the process, wait upon God as he begins shifting, shoving, and rearranging things for your release, you can go ahead and get excited, because it will happen.

more of that later on.  just wanted to get that in.  love yall



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Roff, OK
Jun 08, 2009
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