appeal approved

Sep 11, 2009

Thursday afternoon the insurance company called and said that my appeal had been approved.  I am calling the surgeon on Monday to see what all I need to do to get ready for the DS.  

I fell last Sat the 5th at 6am.  Of couse I slipped in my pee.  The bathroom doors in the apartment are very narrow, I think I have mentioned before, I fell rt leg out the door and the rest of me inside the bathroom.  I screamed for my husband and he came running, I was turning around in the doorway to get straightened out, wiggled out finally of the bathroom and into the livingroom thinking that I could use the loveseat to get up.   My rt knee and rt shoulder hurt so bad I was in tears so after a while we called 911 and they came and helped me get up.  i stood shakily but ok, sat on the loveseat until they left, then hobbled painfully to bed.  I tried to get up later to pee and of course I could not stand up so i ended up peeing on floor, that is luckily covered by a peice of carpet that is ours.  again later i tried to stand to pee and still same result.  i decided then to call 911 cause i was home alone and go to er.  they came, rode the ambulance to er, got in there, had the xrays and stuff, and said it was strained muscles.  my friend happened to have an extra walker her uncle had given her in her car so she brought it in and i used that to walk out of er.  had to talk the dr into something for pain, he gave me ultram.  got home and sunday was able to get up with still alot of pain but able to get up.  stayed home from church.  went to see my dr wed for a refil of the ultram, called the insurance cause i had not heard from them, and then thrusday got the call.  what a week.  I still have pain in my knee and shoulder and i guess its getting better, i just want it to go away.  guess that is asking a little too much.  so i will keep you informed of the drs appts and stuff.  thanks sharon

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Roff, OK
Jun 08, 2009
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