Monday Weigh Ins

Apr 30, 2007

My stats this week were:

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery 318 lbs
Last Week 267.6
This week 263.9

Then I went to my 3 month check up and his scale read 265....bummer but not too much a difference.  So I guess I will go with his numbers and say that I have lost a total of 57 pounds since surgery! I wanted to hit the 60 pound mark by then but 57 is not too shabby! I lost the 5 pounds before surgery and that makes the grand total 62.  

Last week I managed to work out 7 days! And it was great.  This week is not so good already.  I did not get up and go to the gym today, but I did go yesterday.  And there is always the after noon. So maybe I will get in a work out after work.  

Added 05-06-07 Well, I ended up working out 4 out of 7 days last week.  I went to the YMCA once, worked out at the work gym 2 days and then met with some co workers to work out at an apartment complex.  One of my co workers used to be a personal trainer and it was a great work out! I am still a little sore from that workout on Thursday, which is good because I know i used some muscle that I had not been using. 

New Work Out Routine

Apr 22, 2007

Part of the surgery program includes three months at the YMCA to work out and have personal trainers to help you establish a good work out routine. So I went last Thursday and met with the personal trainer and he said they just had to clearance from my surgeon so I could start to work out.  Well, they called me on Friday and said all my surgeon had said it was ok for me to work out and I can start this week. I am going to call today and see if I can start tomorrow morning. I am excited about this new work out opportunity, I think I need a new routine to pick the weight loss up.  I will keep you posted on how things go. 

Monday Morning Weigh Ins

Apr 22, 2007

Here are my stats:

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery 318 lbs
Last Week 273
This week 267.6 

Last week I decided to try a few new foods and tried milk, cheerios and a little sugar in my diet and increased my carb intake, along with my protein (which was already up to at least 70 a day and stayed consistent with my water intake.  And guess what?  I lost 5.4 lbs!!! I have not lost more than 3 lbs in a while and I was very happy with the out come.  I actually had talked to the nutritionist at the hospital where I had surgery and she suggested that I was not eating enough.  Go, so it looks like she was right.  I still tried to make healty food choices but did not shy away from certain food groups becuase I a was "afraid of them" such as carbs.  I had been trying to stay under 20 carbs a day and increased that a little.  I had lots of protein in my food, I think I ate chili 4 times last week.  I also got more fiber last week and could tell by the the bm's I had.  I know that was TMI!! lol And I noticed I did not retain too much water.  Almost as soon as I drank some water, I had to go to the bathroom.  So I will continue doing the same things this week and see what type of results I get.  I will be 3 months out in two days and I still feel great.  No complications, not mourning food (I do miss certain foods when I see them, but out of site of mind for me) and really enjoying my journey so far.  

I did notice how easy it is to get in too many calories and not even know it! My department had a weekend retreat in the Smokey Mountains with our families and it was great.  But all we did was eat.  Even in the midst of every one snacking and eating all day long, I managed to only eat my three meals a day and no snacking.  But one of my co workers had bought me the weight watchers english toffe candy and I ate those for desserts each day.  Boy were they good!! I also had things like salsa, salad dressing, cheese with most of my meals and when I got home and tracked them on fit day, I was embrassed to see that I had gotten way over 1000 calories each day I was there!  So I am going to have to be more diligent about watching what I eat with my meals and no more english toffee for a while.  The candy was not too bad though, it only had 160 for three pieces and I only had two a day, and about 5 grams of sugar and it had 1 gram of protein!! I got all my protein from my food but was still drinking my protein shakes twice a day and that was an extra 220 calories as well.  I guess I better get off the computer and get ready for work.  TTYL

Monday Morning Weigh In

Apr 15, 2007

Here are my stats:

Last week 275
This week 273

I talked to the nutrionist at the weight management center and she says it sounds like I am doing everything right except I may not be eating enough and that could be why my weight loss seems slow.  Oh well....who would've thunk it...but actually when I look at the other Jan 2007 posters on Monday weigh ins, we are pretty close in the amount of weight we have lost. So I am pretty average with my group.  ABut because my starting weight was much higher than most that post, I thought my weight loss was supposed to be a bit faster in the beggining.  I will not complain.  Two pounds is better than gaining! This week I am going to incorporate a few new things into my daily eating.  Yesterday I had a craving for some honey nut cheerios and I had them with 2% milk.  No problem with it going down and staying in...the milk did not bother me.  Unfortunately..I just don't like milk.  I had about 2 oz's of milk with 2 oz of cheerios and that was enough!! lol  I tried to eat it again this morning but it was not so good.  Well, I am late to work so I guess I will chat with you later!!

Well, I am at work now and wanted to finish my thoughts....I had the cereal and milk on yesterday and it was fine.  But this morning....I had them and after a few bites I had to go to the potty...I am not really sure if it was related to the milk or just a regular "potty" run.  I dont usually use the go every day but the days do, the I usually have to go twice with in 30 minutes time.  So I think that is all that was today.  But I will try the ceral thing again and see what happens.  I know they are full of carbs but I am trying to mix my food intake up since my nutritionist is saying that I may not be eating enough. 

Monday Morning Weigh In

Apr 08, 2007

Happy Monday! ! Here are my stats:

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery 318 lbs
Last Week 278.4
This week 275.0

Yesterday was my second major eating (My daughter's birthday was the first and yesterday was Eating) that I had good food all around me and I did not give in to temptation! Thank you Lord!  I will admit that I really really wanted some cornbread dressing and some cake and to eat the potatoes in my green beans and also a heaping does of potato salad and lots of that squash casserole with a ton of cheese in it...but I left it all alone.  I did have a teaspoon of the squash casserole but other than that..All I had was a thin slice of spiral ham w/0 the glaze, a slice of turkey, and some green beans.  It was good!  I had it for lunch and dinner.  And will probably take ham and green beans for lunch today.  lol  I love holiday foods!  Oh well, can't have them like i used to but at least I can still have some of it. It was very hard to leave that dressing sitting on the table.  My mother's dressing is one of my all time favorite foods.  That was my final meal before I had surgery. So I guess since I recently  had it, it was easier to resist it.  We will see how do when Thanksgiving rolls around...then it will have been months since I had some dressing and I dont know how strong I will be. lol 

Monday Morning Weigh Ins

Apr 01, 2007

Still having a slow loss...but it is better than gaining or not lossing at all!! 

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery 318 lbs
Last Week 279.8
This week 278.4

Monday Morning Weigh In

Mar 25, 2007

Well my numbers this week are not as good as I had hoped for.  I called my self riding the protein train, but it did nothing for me.  I am going to have to figure out where I am getting in hidden calories, sugars and carbs.  Because what I track on shows that I get in abotu 70 grams of protein a day, less than 1000 calories and less than 20 why did I not even loss 10 lbs????????  Who knows but I am so not happy with my weight loss right now.

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery 318 lbs
Last Week 281.4
This week 279.8 

My surgeon gave me an average of how his patients have lost in the past and I so far below average it is ridiculus!  He states that normally in the first month patients loss 30 lbs, second month 20 lbs and 10 lbs in the third month.  For a total of about 60 pounds. Well, here I am almost 2 months out and I have only lost 42.2 pounds.  And his scale reads higher than mine because my appointments are in the after noon, so I have only lost about 39 by his charts.  That is so not where I thought I would be in 2 months.  I have not been eating sugars, no breads, pasta, and rice a few times during my pureed foods stage, and I only drink water and mix my protein drinks with water only too.  So what am I missing?  I also work out at least 4 days a week for at least 45 minutes. 

I do know that I am not giving up! I will continue to do what I am doing, make sure I get my water and protein in and work it out!  So when I hop on that scale next Monday..I will be dancing dancing dancing for real!! TTFN!

Comments made while under anesthesia

Mar 20, 2007

So I was talking to my mother the other night and I was telling her that one of my friends said she came to see me while I was in the hospital...I had no idea! She said I was just talking to her and chatting away and I just have no recollection of her visit.  My mom was like yeah, you were pretty much out of it, I was like no I was not..I remembered everyone that came to see me but her..and she was no you don't.  I guess your true feelings come out then too...she said the first thing I said to her was...Where is my little girl!  My daughter is 16 years old and almost six feet tall..but here I am asking...where is my little girl.  I needed to see my child as soon as I could think straight!  So anyway..I did not know that I said that at all.  But I am glad I have my priorities straight!  So far so good with the surgery.  I am have too many senior moments lately.  I just bought me new vitamins and I can't find them.  I had them yesterday morning in the kitchen....but did not have them when I got to work and could not find them when I got back home last night.  Go figure.  I need them, I don't want to buy any more right now but I guess I gotta.  Oh well..such is life and life is such. 

6 Weeks Post Op Visit

Mar 19, 2007

Well, I just got back in from my six week post op visit and all is well.  The surgeon really did not "check" much but he did ask questions and weighed me.  I am going to make an appointment with my primary care physican and have her do my blood work so that I can have a baseline to go by in the future. By his records, I have lost 40 lbs since surgery (his scale was 3 pounds less than mine and he is not counting the five pounds I lost the few weeks before the surgery.   I guess I should start using his count going forward.  Why did he also ask me if I were saving money for plastic surgery??? I was like no...I dont want to have a lower body lift because I hear the recovery is hard and their is a bigger chance of complications and that ppl are not pleased with the out come....but I would definitely considered getting a breast lift!  And hopefully I will not need a tummy tuck....but you never know....TTYL

Monday Morning Weigh In

Mar 18, 2007

Highest Weight 327 lbs
Day of Surgery  318 lbs
Last Week         285
This week          281.4 

Not much to say today..I am running late as usual!! lol So I have to go hop in the shower and head to work!  I have my six week check up today and I did not lose as much as I had hoped I would..but I have never lost over 40 lbs on my own so I will take  it!! I am behind my surgeons projections by 10 lbs and I am a little blue about that.  I know an average is just that..and average...but I always prefer to be above average than below average.  He states that his average pt will lose 30 lbs the first month, 20 the second and 10 the third....So that will put me about sixty pounds lost at 3 months out...So I am at 36.6 lbs lost since the day of surgery...40.6 if I add in the 4 lbs I lost with the bowel prep the day before surgery...and 45.6 if I add in the 5 I lost working out a few weeks before I had the surgery..which I am counting it all!! lol I did have a bad week last week.  My calicum supplements make me sick to the stomach and I don't want to eat when I take I did not eat much last week.  I also  had my cycle last week and I hope part of the reason I did not lose as much as with previous weeks is becuase of that.  I also did not work out as much as usual because my week was so hectic..had to see the therapist on Monday, hair done on Wednesday, and my reading group on Thursday.  All these were after work and I usually work out when I get off.  I am going to have to better organize my time so I can work out before work or at lunch on the days I have something to do after work.  Which I did not do today...since I have to see my surgeon today.  Oh well....Later

About Me
Chattanooga, TN
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2007
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