
Jan 14, 2016

Yep...anniversary coming and the struggly is still here. I never met my personal goal i did meet the surgeon projected weight and even now i am up 20 pound from that. I'll be 40 next month and last year this time i wanted to have atleast gotten back down to my lowest of 205. I still have my orginal goal. I am still struggling with fatigue I finally went to an orthopaedic doctor for my back after several fail physical therapy to find out there was actually something wrong SMH. My back doesnt keep me from exercising as much as my being tire does. This year I was in Dallas for the game and was unable to zip my jeans up yes my favorite pair. I was going to go on the green smoothie again anyway when i returned so i did and so far I am down 9.5 pounds and that just doing them as a meal replacement and not the cleanse. I just really want to exercise i know this will help. For now i will focus on my eating and get back on track.


About Me
May 02, 2014
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