Made it through Turkey Day and other celebrations...

Nov 27, 2006

AND LOST 2 Lbs!!!

This was a VERY busy weekend and I had a lot of gatherings that revolved around food.  Last Thursday was Thanksgiving and I was initially planning on sleeping through dinner at my in-law's, but as it got closer and I was able to eat more foods, I decided to give it a shot.  I put a little of this and a little of that on my plate and did well with keeping it down.  I at turkey, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, a noodle or two and a taste of stuffing.  I put maybe a tablespoon of each (other than the turkey) and actually shared THAT with my 8 month old niece.  I made a sugarfree crustless pumpkin pie and tried it, but threw it up.

We even went to my moms for dinner and I ate a little more there.  I was still craving pumpkin pie, so I ate a few bites of my son's pie and it stayed down.  Go figure.

I went shopping all day on Friday and went out to lunch with my sisters and dad.  We ate out at a local hotdog joint and I had 1/2 a hamburger on 1/4 of a bun and 3 french fries.  It was yummy.  I wanted to try the hotdog, but couldn't after the burger.  Next year I can have one.

On Saturday we had my nieces Sweet Sixteen party and there was lots of food there.  I made buffalo chicken dip.  I had several tortilla chips with my dip throughout the day.  NO PROBLEMS!!!  I tried to eat a little sloppy joe and started feeling bad, so I gave up on it.  I didn't keep track of how many chips I had, maybe like 10-12 over the 6 hours I was there.

Sunday brought my 8 month old nieces baptism and lunch at my sister-in-laws afterwards.  They made steak and chicken on the grill and lots of other yummy things.  I "TRIED" the steak and had a few bites of chicken with some mashed potatoes and creamed corn...again.  Didn't take me too long to realize it was too soon to be eating steak.  That came back up rather quickly.  But it tasted OH SO GOOD!!!  She had nachos and a warm corn and black bean salsa dip with cream cheese.  I was able to eat that.

I'm still struggling to get in my water and need to exercise more, but so far I am down 42.5 lbs, not bad in 7 1/2 weeks.  I am feeling great.  Yesteday my son got his play medical bag and put his batman toys in there.  He came to me and lifted up my shirt and started poking me in the stomach with the toy heads (man are those bat ears pointy).  He said "There, now you will get skinny."  He sure does he pick up on things.

Seven and a half pounds until my first goal!!!  Wish me luck.

Officially down 40 pounds!!!

Nov 22, 2006

On Sunday I got on the scale and was down 39.5 lbs.  I was so upset that I was shy that .5 lb from saying "I've lost 40 lbs so far!"  My sister came over with her family to watch the football game and I made meatloaf and cheesy potatoes.  I kinda grazed all day, which was NOTHING like pre-surgery.  I just had a couple of handfuls of hulless popcorn and a few bites of potatoes as I was cleaning up and a couple of pretzels.  The next day I got on the scale and GAINED 1.5 lbs.  I couldn't believe it.  I know I didn't eat that stomach wouldn't let me.  Well, on Tuesday I got on the scale again to check on my gain and it was down 2 that put me at a 40 pound LOSS!!!  I was excited, but also read somewhere that it wasn't official until it was off for two days...SOOOOOO on Wednesday I got on the scale AGAIN...(mind you, I normally only weigh-in twice a week)...AND I lost ANOTHER pound.  So, officially I am down 40 pounds and unofficially I am down 41.  I am going to try to step away from the scale until after the weekend.  

This weekend is going to be tough.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, Friday is our annual shopping day with my sisters and my dad and Saturday is my neices "Sweet Sixteen" Birthday Party.  Lots of eating events.  We'll see how I end up after THIS weekend.

On a lighter note, my four year old son told them "You're looking thinner, Mom."  Man did that melt my heart.  He said I was beautiful.  What a sweet little boy.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  This year I am Thankful for my family and friends and for a very qualified surgeon that did my WLS.  I am so Thankful that everything went well with the surgery and that my recovery and weightloss to date is going so well.  This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

Some days your the windshield...yesterday I was the bug.

Nov 17, 2006

I started the day out so good.  I created a daily food journal on my computer and added all of my vitamins so I could check them off as I took them.  I had a "Hank's Finest" vanilla drink for breakfast and started the day with a whopping 31 grams of protein!!!!  Lunch was good and I was trying so hard to get in my water.  THEN CAME DINNER...I had a piece of fish.  I ate most of the little piece I had and it seemed to be sitting well, which is one food I have thrown up the last two times I have eaten it since my surgery.  After that, I started on my water again.  I went to the fridge a little later and realized that I had marked down that I had eaten a whole egg, when I had only really eaten 1/2 of a deviled egg.  At that time I took a deviled egg out of the fridge and started eating it.  By the time I got downstairs I realized that was a mistake.  About five minutes later I was staring at the egg in my toilet.  I then started on the water again and after a while I decided to try to eat some low fat crackers with peanut butter, which I had eaten the night before.  I got one and a half down and ran upstairs and threw them up, too.  I gave up after that.  Today was much better, other than not getting in enough protein or water... but I didn't get sick!!!

On a side note, when I weighed myself today I am down 38.5 lbs from my surgery 5 weeks and 2 days ago.  GO ME!!!!

One Month Dr. Appt.

Nov 09, 2006

Well, yesterday I went to meet with my Surgeon for my one month checkup...well, a couple of days shy of one month.  As of yesterday, I have lost 33 lbs.  I am on my way!!!  The dr was very pleased with my progress and pleased with the way I was healing.  He wasn't so pleased about how much (rather how little) protein I have been taking in each day.  I have not been hitting my target of 60 grams.  I really need to work on that.

I am now allowed to move on to the next phase and can test out soft foods.  I asked if I could have shellfish (not allowed on the pureed phase) and he said I could eat whatever I wanted, but to chew and chew and eat slowly.  My stomach may still be healing.

Since I was on antibiotics for the infection at my sites, I have developed a nasty yeast infection.  YUCK!!!!  But the good news is that my Dr. said the sites all looked good and that I could stop taking the antibiotics.  Hopefully the YI clears up soon.

If anyone has any suggestions on any YUMMY protein drinks or bars (is that an oximoron?) please share them with me.   Thanks.

Oh, more good clothes are fitting much better and I have gone from a size 26 jeans to a loose 24!!!  My 22's are still too tight to wear.  I'll keep hiking up my 24's for a couple more weeks.  Can't wait to get rid of them FOREVER!!!

Three Weeks Out...WOW!!!

Nov 02, 2006

Well, yesterday was exactly three weeks from my surgery.  I am still very tired, and working full time this week.  Luckily I don't have to drive to work anymore.  I start work at 9pm and by midnight don't think I can stay awake any longer.  I know it is a combination of recoverying from the surgery and from only eating about 200-300 calories a day.  I can't wait for the energy level to pick up.

I went to see my PCP yesterday and according to her scale, I am down 28 lbs from my last visit with her.  I was glad to hear that.  Actually, that is what my scale says, too.

I asked her to take a look at my sites and she said that they were definately infected.  She prescribed me an antibiotic to take.  She said by Monday they should be better.  When I picked up the prescription, they were freakin' horse pills.  Not only do I have to add two more pills to my daily regimen, but they are bigger than anything else I have to take.  I should have asked if there was an injection I could have gotten.  I would have liked that better.

She was very supportive about the surgery and impressed with my progress.  The nurse was very pleased and excited, too.  They both asked what my goal was and I said "165 lbs."  They both said that sounded good with my height and to definately not go any lower.

I am still eating pureed foods, for the most part.  I have tried a few other things: Moist Chicken in pea sized bites, chili not pureed, turkey breast luncheon meat with cheese melted on top.  I am nervous about trying other things.  I feel some discomfort when eating, but then it goes away after about 10 minutes.  I hope that goes away soon.

That's my update for now.  Still chugging along.

On the Losing Side...FINALLY!!!

Oct 18, 2006

Well, last Wednesday I had my Gastric Bypass Surgery. I arrived at the hospital at 8:15am to be registered and to get prepped for surgery. After a two day liquid diet prep, my weight on the day of my surgery was 274 lbs. That gives me a loss of 8 lbs from my pre-op appointment.

After being put in the pre-op room and giving a urine sample and having blood drawn, I waited for my surgeon and his team to get out of the surgery ahead of mine. They were running about an hour behind. The anesthesiologist finally came in to see me and started my meds to put me under for the surgery. The last thing I remember after that was my husband kissing me as they wheeled me out of the pre-op room down to the operating room, which was about 11:15am...then nothing until I was being waken up after the surgery. I don't even know what time that was. I believe the surgery was 2 hours long.
The nurse in recovery said that everything went great. She said that I was being a perfect patient. I was in recovery a little while, then transferred up to my room. My throat was dry and scratchy from the breathing tube. I was a little sore, but nothing that my PCA pump didn't control. It was more discomfort at the site openings, than anything else.

I kept being told by all of the nurses and therepists that I was doing great. I guess I was doing too good because I didn't see the nurses or aides as much as I would have liked. They were too busy with other patients that were having problems after their surgeries. It wanted to see the nurses and aides more the two days after my surgery because the only visitor I had in the hospital was my husband and he wasn't able to get there until after he worked most of the day. Everything I had read before going to the hospital was "WALK...WALK...WALK!!!" Well, it is hard to get walking when you have a catheter in, have your IV stand plugged into the walls, have circulation sock things hooked up at the bottom of your bed and you can't get a nurse or aide to come in your room to unplug everything for you. I was never more excited to see my husband than when he came to see me the day after my surgery. I spent two days in the hospital after my surgery and was elated to get to go home when my doctor discharged me.

I was feeling good and getting around well. I was feeling so much better than I ever thought that I would days after my surgery.

Totally Freaking Out!!!

Oct 10, 2006

I have been doing so well all through this process. Here I sit, just 12 hours away from my surgery, and I am freaking out. I am having a bit of trouble breathing and feel like I am going to start crying any minute now. DEEP BREATHES!!!

Yesterday I started my two day bowel prep. I took my Fleet around 4pm and have only had liquids since then. Actually, I have not had anything solid since an apple at 6am on Monday. I have had Chicken Broth, lots of sugar free popsicles, water and sugar free jello. Fun, Fun. I hope I am cleaned out enough for them. It really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was ok until I layed down to sleep this morning after work, then my stomach was growling and growling. I ate some jello and drank some water and slept good. Today has not been bad, either. I might have some broth before bed so I don't grumble all night long. I've had about 300 calories in 2 days, if that. Never thought I could do that. Now comes the hard part.

Today I made calendars for everyone who will be caring for the kids, so everyone knew who would have them and when and where they had to be at any give hour. I packed an overnight bag for the kids for tonight and I also packed an overnight bag for the kids for Thursday and Friday nights. I am working on my own bag, but at this time have not finished packing for the hospital. The weather is throwing me. I have capri pants that are very roomy and comfy and would be a great choice to come home in, but the forcast is for temps in the 40's. I don't have anything warm, roomy and comfy. I might have to raid my husbands closet for something to come home in. Man, I wish I had some of my old maternity clothes right now.

Well, my surgery is at 10:15am and I have to arrive at 8:15am, so I really should finish packing and get some sleep. I will update when I can. Not much longer until I am on the loosing side and will be losing pounds forever.

Less than a week to go...

Oct 05, 2006

Well, it is Thursday and my surgery is next WEDNESDAY!!! I am feeling very at peace with my decision. I am a little nervous, but very anxious to get to the other side. I have been spending this week eating all of my favorites. I baked my favorite cake on Sunday afternoon with my famous (well, famous to my family) cooked icing. I have had cake and ice cream for a snack each night. Tonight Dave and I might be going out of wings and on Saturday I am going to my sisters house for a birthday party and plan on having a few mixed drinks...Won't be doing that after the surgery. What would you eat if you were going in for WLS? I had Meatloaf and scalloped potatoes, Sloppy Joes and Tater Tots, Chef-BoyRDEE Pizza and plan on having STEAK!!!! I begin my bowel prep on Monday. After all this time...I will be preparing for my surgery in FOUR DAYS! I just can't wait to get on the losing side.

Tomorrow night I am getting together with some of my girlfriends. We will definitely be doing some eating and possibly even some drinking, too. I can't wait to see everyone. I have a feeling that in the next few months I am going to do some hibernating. I am already planning on working Wednesday night, going into Thanksgiving Day and sleeping while DH takes the kids to my MIL's for Thanksgiving dinner. I can go up and visit after the meal. I may be able to eat solid foods by then, but don't want to be tempted by all of the desserts and potatoes and stuff that I won't be able to have. I am also kinda worried about Halloween parties. I want to socialize and make sure the kids have fun, but I know that the food may be hard to resist. It will take me a while to get used to saying NO to food. I have never been good at that...thus the MORBID OBESITY!

Well, not much longer now. Let the countdown begin.

I'm FINALLY working from home!

Sep 28, 2006

After talking about it for FIVE YEARS and working on two proposals...It has finally happened. Just in time for my WLS!!!! I started telecommuting on Monday night. I thought that my job was great before...what with the movie times, surfin' the net and the occasional it is even better. Last night, to prepare for work, I took off my bra. How cool is that????? Instead of sitting in a huge office in the middle of Pittsburgh, with only ONE OTHER PERSON IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE BUILDING, now I am sitting in my basement in my recliner, watching my shows that I had DVR'ed, in between calls. What a job!!! If this telecommuting thing works out, they will have to fire me to ever get rid of me.

Now that I am working form home, I should only have to be out a week of work after my surgery. Now I don't have to waste gas and precious time driving 50 miles each way to work. This will also make it nice so that I can exercise while I am working, in between calls. Kill two birds with one stone!!!! Have I mentioned lately how much I love this job????? I do.


Sep 25, 2006

And the date is.....OCTOBER 11th!!! I am both VERY excited and VERY nervous. Can you believe it? Only 2 1/2 weeks away. I have so much to do to get prepared for my surgery and the first couple weeks after surgery.

To Do List
  1. Find a Protien Drink that I like
  2. Shop for a new robe (I plan on doing A LOT of walking up and down the halls of Magee Women's Hospital)
  3. Shop for new slippers (same as above)
  4. Purchase required vitamins
  5. Fill prescriptions that I received at my Pre-Op visit (Roxicet for pain, Axid to prevent gastric ulcers, and Actigall to prevent gallstones from forming...which I was informed at my visit on Thursday that I already had some, but they aren't causing me problems, so we aren't going to worry about them right now)
  6. Prepare for my 2-Day Bowel Preparation, which begins on Monday 10/9. For this I need lots of clear liquids, Fleets Phospho-soda, and a clear path to the bathroom.
  7. I need to line up babysitters, chauffers and caregivers for atleast my first week Post-Op.
  8. Watch video online about Anesthesia.
  9. Make sure NOT to get even the slightest cold. I am feeling a little tingle in my throat today and I plan on starting Zicam as soon as I get home in the morning to nip it in the bud.

I went in for my Pre-Op appointment last Thursday and the Physician Assistant came to me and said they got my approval. She asked me when I wanted to schedule for and I said "You tell me!" So she said "October 4th". I couldn't possible be prepared by then. WAAAYYYY too many ducks to get in a row before my surgery that it would be rushing it to have it on the Fourth. Besides, my nephews birthday party is on October 7th and I didn't want to miss it. The Eleventh sounded much better to me.

ALSO....I will begin telecommuting tomorrow night. Actually, it is now 2am, so it is TONIGHT!!! I am working on the new phone system as we speak, having all of my work calls transferred over to my cell phone. I can test the laptop from home tonight. I hope this works well and that I don't have to come back to work very often EVER AGAIN!!! The plan is that I will work from home about 10 days post-op. But until then, I will be using the computer system from home, making sure that it is up and running and fully operational. This has been such a long time coming (probably close to five years) and I can't believe the time is actually here. I told my husband that I was going to have to take off work for my bowel prep and he said "You're going to be working from home and will be close to the toilet, why use up a vacation day?" He was right. I am just not used to the thought of that yet. I will be soon, though!!!!

Well, I will post again after I get some shopping done. No clothes yet (other than the robe), but that time will come soon enough.

About Me
West Alexander, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 73
Long Time...No Type
Not much of an appetite lately = BIG LOSS!!!
What a difference a couple of days can make!
Still recovering from my Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery is on Monday
Happy Surgiversary to ME!!!!
Maintaining a Happy Me!!!
Testing my Pouch...
TaTa's are a No Go!!!
