June 29, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Good Morning All, it is sooooooooooo early, so excuse me if I don't make too much sense. Well, it has finally come! My day! My Surgery Day! Woo-Hoo! Boy do I wanna get this over with! I can't wait! Wish me luck! And please say a little prayer for a fellow WLS'er. I love you my family, I will see you all after the surgery, no worries, I will be fine! Hugs to everyone! Ciao for now!

June 28, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Good Evening Friends.... Well, it is the night before my WLS and boy am I tired, busy and a little nervous, not to mention quite anxious! I am scheduled to be at Humber River Regional Hospital in Toronto tomorrow morning at 6 am. I am having surgery at 8 am.

It is my oldest Son's Birthday today, he turned 17 years old, boy do I feel guilty about sending my kids up north to Grandma's house, especially on his Birthday! Happy Birthday, My Baby Boy! Steven! I am sorry I can't be with you today! But I will be with you for more Birthdays to come if I have this surgery.

Right now I am just trying to get all packed up and ready to go for the morning because I know that dreaded alarm clock will be yelling at me to get up at 4:30 am. So, I need to be ready to go first thing. All I want to worry about in the morning is having a shower and dressing. Jamie, my wonderful Hubby will be taking me and staying with me. My Parents and my Sister will be arriving sometime while I am in Surgery and waiting for Dr. Starr to come talk to them afterwards. And then they will come and visit me when I come out of recovery.

I have my Surgery Bear "STARR" all ready to go! I am happy that I have someone cute and cuddly coming with me, although I would really prefer it to be my Puppy, "LUCY". Oh well, no dogs allowed at the Hospital! Lol. Well, I should jet, because I have to finish packing and get some well deserved sleep tonight. I love you all, my friends, take care, and please say a prayer for me. Ciao for now!

June 3, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Good Afternoon to you all on this icky-sticky, rainy Saturday afternoon! Well...I know I just updated this week, but I have more to talk about with everyone, so I thought I would update again...lol.

So...I am now officially starting a Weightloss Surgery Support Group Meeting for OH members at my house, one Sunday a month. I have had a lot of response to my idea and everyone seems to thimk that it is a fabulous idea, as do I! If I do say so myself! Lol. Sorry, I'm a Smartass by nature, so I just had to get that in there! Lol...We are deciding on a choice of 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month. I will let you know when I get some response to my posts. But so far...it is going to be wonderful.

I am going to draw up a calendar for the year with all of the group meetings posted on it and a spot for (depending on attendance numbers, of course...) 2 or 3, who knows, maybe 4 or 5, to sign up for our potluck snacks/refreshments. Of course, with everyone being either Pre or Post-op, I am going to make sure everything that is made and served is calorie-fat conscious, lord knows what could happen if we didn't watch that! Lol. I know where I can get quite a few really tastey dessert recipes: BOB!!!!!! He makes the most awesome desserts for WLSer's. So, I guess I will be the first on the potluck list! YAY! LOL! I am actually excited about this, just like a little kid in a candy store! Go figure! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Karen Graham has offered to do a Hamilton Pickup and Dropoff for anyone who is stuck or needs a ride to my house for the meeting! That is soooooooo awesome of her! Thanks a lot Karen! You are such a good friend and support system. I am sure their will be a lot of happy campers out there the Hamilton way! I thank you in advance! Lol. Ohhhh shit!!! I guess that means I gotta clean my friggin' house?! Awwww man!!! Lol....So, this should be a blast!

So...I get to call my Surgeon's office in 2 weeks as of yesterday if I haven't heard from them in that time frame. I am quite excited and quite anxious about this all at the same time! I am excited becuase I want my surgery date so bad, but on the other hand, I am really, really scared that when I phone and ask that they are either gonna say they dont have one yet or that they have one but it's not for another 4 or 5 months or so! I am just sooooooo not sure if I can actually physically wait that long with all that is going on in my life these days. I have a lot happeneing to me, mentally, physically and medically. I wouldn't even know where to friggin' start with all the crap thats going on with me.

I was at my Family Doctor's office on Thursday morning, he gave me a prescription for my Diabetic feet called Desicort .5%, as well as he also increased my Wellbutrin to 450 mg/day instead of 300mg/day, it is supposed to energize and revitalize me during the day, who knows, but I need all the help I can get these days. I am just so depressed about my Surgery being cancelled and not have been given a date yet. So he also gave me another Med to help me with my Anxiety levels, because it seems that I am having Panic Attacks all too often. So I am taking a half tablet of that one which I cannot remember the name of. I am to take that one for 2 weeks and go back to see how I progressed on it. I really need all the help I can muster right now! So...in 2 weeks, I might have some really good news or some really bad news on all fronts! Please, please, please PRAY for me, GOD knows I can use it!!!!!

I only have 2 weeks left in my Gym's Weightloss Group, and I have lost 30 pounds since I started that group, but overall, 35 pounds GONE! And everyone in my group seems to think I am going to win. I really didn't know that there was a prize for the person who lost the most weight? But apparently there is! So, yay for me! Because I definitely have lost the most weight. I don't know what is wrong with these other people in my group, but everyone who gets weighed every week has either not lost anything or gained weight. I thought this was a weightloss group? Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing in this group? Losing weight? Not gaining weight!!!!! I dunno! All I know is I am losing weight, and that's all I care about! I will update y'all next week after I weigh in, ok. This past week I lost 4 pounds. So I am hoping and praying for the same this week, or even higher, I'll take higher, definitely, who wouldn't? Lol!!!!!!!!!!

My feet are still so sore, cracked and cut open on my heels, bleeding most of the time, I have to tip-toe it wherever I walk, not fun!! So, I am trying this prescription cream today that Dr. Gilbert wrote for me and he said it should clear it up enough so that I can continue to moisturize them and take proper care of them so it doesn't get as bad again! GAWD....I hope he is right! LOL.

I am still on my Liquid Protein shakes, 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and a helathy dinner and a shake if I am hungry later on. Since they are only 60 calories per shake, they work really well. Although I always wanna cheat or binge! But that's just who I am, I guess. I've been eating and binging and sometimes purging, all of my life! It is a HUGE rollercoaster with no end in speak! Lol. BTW...it is the worst ride in the world, I don't reccommend it to anyone! Stay off this ride! Dangerous to your health! Lol... Okay...time to make dinner for the family, I will talk to y'all next week, Luv y'all. CIAO for now!

Wednesday June 28th, 2006

Good Evening Friends.... Well, it is the night before my WLS and boy am I tired, busy and a little nervous, not to mention quite anxious! I am scheduled to be at Humber River Regional Hospital in Toronto tomorrow morning at 6 am. I am having surgery at 8 am.

It is my oldest Son's Birthday today, he turned 17 years old, boy do I feel guilty about sending my kids up north to Grandma's house, especially on his Birthday! Happy Birthday, My Baby Boy! Steven! I am sorry I can't be with you today! But I will be with you for more Birthdays to come if I have this surgery.

Right now I am just trying to get all packed up and ready to go for the morning because I know that dreaded alarm clock will be yelling at me to get up at 4:30 am. So, I need to be ready to go first thing. All I want to worry about in the morning is having a shower and dressing. Jamie, my wonderful Hubby will be taking me and staying with me. My Parents and my Sister will be arriving sometime while I am in Surgery and waiting for Dr. Starr to come talk to them afterwards. And then they will come and visit me when I come out of recovery.

I have my Surgery Bear "STARR" all ready to go! I am happy that I have someone cute and cuddly coming with me, although I would really prefer it to be my Puppy, "LUCY". Oh well, no dogs allowed at the Hospital! Lol. Well, I should jet, because I have to finish packing and get some well deserved sleep tonight. I love you all, my friends, take care, and please say a prayer for me. Ciao for now!

Thursday June 29th, 2006

Good Morning All, it is sooooooooooo early, so excuse me if I don't make too much sense. Well, it has finally come! My day! My Surgery Day! Woo-Hoo! Boy do I wanna get this over with! I can't wait! Wish me luck! And please say a little prayer for a fellow WLS'er. I love you my family, I will see you all after the surgery, no worries, I will be fine! Hugs to everyone! Ciao for now!

Sunday July 2nd, 2006

Hello my Friends! I'm back from the Hospital and all is fine. Surgery went so smoothly. Dr. Starr said he was so happy it went so well, and that my pre-op weight loss helped immensely. I was down 50 lbs on the morning of surgery. I was so happy to see the big 50! I can't tell you how happy, and so proud! I have 5 little holes, I like to call them 5 new belly buttons! Lol. I also had quite a bit of pain in the Hospital, I was on Morphine for 2 days. Then I had 1 last bag of it before I went home. And after I was home I had to take Tylenol 3, but it had to be crushed up, it was the most vile tasting crap I had ever tasted. YUCK! So I guess I am doing okay, except for my pain and lack of energy. I wish I had more. Thats for sure! I don't have any energy whatsoever. I can't even walk a block without huffing and puffing! It's a bit hard. Ciao for now!

Sunday August 30th,2006

Well, just a quick note to you all before I get ready to go away on Holidays with my Family. We are taking the kids to Darien Lake, NY. They love the Six Flags Theme Park there. It was Mackie's 4th Birthday this past Friday, so we are taking her there for her Birthday.

I hope everyone of you are doing great on your wls journeys. I know I am doing very well. Started on Solid Foods this past week. It's been okay so far. We'll see how it goes from here on in, though. You never know. I am down 78 pounds total now! I am so happy about this. I can't wait until I hit 100 lbs! I beleive I will be celebrating that one! Hell Yah!!!!! I have more energy these days, than I have ever had. I am completely loving life these days and everything it has to offer. I am so happy about my changing figure too. I feel so much better about myself, I almost have self-esteem again. I don't think I've ever had that before. Lol.

Anyway, off to Darien Lake, NY; gonna sweat my ass off at Six Flags, walking around for 3 days! I wonder how many pounds I will lose sweating my ass off? Lol... Ciao for now!

Tuesday August 8th, 2006

Well...back from Darien Lake, NY. We had a fantastic time. Although it was the hottest week on record! There were heat advisories all week, horribly hot! We spent 1 day at the Water Park just to get some relief. But we all had a great time. The kids too. Mackie was so hard to get out of the park. She never wanted to leave. We think she is addicted to the Baby Roller-Coaster! Haha...lol. Poor thing!

I am down 81 pounds now. Doing really great! I just wish it were more. I always wish it were more! Thats the story of my life! I am an "All or Nothing" kinda Gurl! Lol. I just wish I weren't that person. Then maybe I could handle it when the scale doesn't go down! Lol.

The Hotel had a small Fitness Room, which I had fully intended on using, but I was always too darned tired! Lol. My son even tried to encourage me to go with him, but I was always tired. Too bad! Lol. Although I did do some swimming a few times. And we came home on the Saturday of the long weekend and went straight up to Stayner for a few days and I did a lot of swimming there. We had a great time! Ciao for now!

Monday August 14th, 2006

Good Morning All,

Well, I made an educated decision these past weeks, I decided to QUIT my Home Daycare Business. I believe it was the best decision I've ever made! I have been so unhappy over the last few months! Although I have a few days left to go, I am going to be so happy not having to worry about anyone else's kids, anymore! I can't take it anymore.

I am down 82 pounds! I can't wait for the 100 mark! I am starting back to the gym this week, after my last 2 days of Daycare are over. So I will go on Wednesday morning. I am actually excited about it, because I will have all this time to concentrate on my new life! And I won't be too tired in the evenings anymore. And I won't have to be up at 5:30 am to be at the gym by 6am, anymore! That's the most important part! Lol. I hate getting up that early to go to the gym...

I am also tolerating most solid foods these days. We had family and friends over this weekend working on our basement, while I cooked all weekend. I actually was able to eat absolutely everrything I made, without vomitting. It was so amazing! It felt so good too!

We had Julia Allworth over on Friday and Saturday. I had set her up with a long time friend of the family, Jay Ford. They seem to be hitting it off quite nicely. I am so happy for the 2 of them. It's really about time for Jay! Woo-Hoo! Happy Dance! I tried to make it ROMANTIC for them, even though there were a lot of other people around, me and Jamie, my Hubby, my 2 girls, and my In-laws too. Lol. I hope she didn't mind that there dates were a little crowded. But I think it took a lot of pressure off of the both of them. Anyway, I want an invitation to the wedding! Lol...
Ciao for now!

Tuesday September 5/2006

Good Morning Everyone! OMG! It is finally my favorite day after summer! Back to School! YAY! I couldn't be happier! The kids were getting so freakin' bored. Especially Autumn, she is so smart and really needs to be structured and challenged, she can't wait for increased homework! Lol...go figure, what a gurl! She is only in grade 2 for gawds sake! Lol. Mackaela starts JK this year as well. She has a staggered entry for JK and SK. It's okay the way they do it in their first year, but totally annoying after the first year and they do it agin in SK. All she wants to do is go to school and take a backpack and a lunch. But she only goes for a 1/2 hour this afternoon from 2-2:30 pm. And it is with just me, her and her teacher, Mrs. Van De Camp. I am really pleased that she will have her for her first year of school. She is one of the best JK teachers I've seen. And she will keep Mackaela in line, which is no easy task on its own, let me tell you! Lol. That one is a little Spitfire! But I love her, you gotta love her, she's just too damned cute! That is a problem, most days, she's so cute, you can't get mad at her! Lol. Anyway, we are both totally anxious for her to go! Jamie has even called in sick today so her could come with us, he missed out on Autumn's first day of school, so he is excited to see his last little one go to school. Awww...

I have been in the Hospital again, I had another surgery for an Internal Hernia. I was in pain for mostly a week before, went in to Emerg, they gave me pain meds and sent me home, a few days later, back at Emerg, pain meds, tests, and they kept me! Go figure! It was about time! Anyway...5 days later, I end up baack in surgery with the Starr Man. He totally fixed me up, so I am as good as new, apparently. Still in a shit load of pain though. Lol. But a better pain, I suppose! Better because it was fixed and I am on the mend. I am about 65% better than I was a couple weekes ago, anyway. I stayed in the hospital almost 8 days. A very long time, most of it trying to figure out what the hairy heck was wrong with me! Lol. They couldn't tell with all the bloody tests they ran, put me through hell and back. I was so worried, although I didn't let on to anyone that I was. I really worry about the "DEATH" thing these days, it seems like all I hear about is someone very similar to me in my journey dying of complications or just after a surgery. Very scary to me these days! My poor family couldn't live without me for a friggin' week in the Hospital let alone if I died, could you imagine? Lol... No way, my Hubby would be totally lost without me. He'd have to move back to Stayner and live with his parents. He wouldn't know what to do with the kids. Lol. Anyway, I'm happy to say, I am doing better these days! Fingers and toes crossed!

Klee and I are planning a special Christmas Gala Event for our OH Ontario Suppot group meetings. It is going to be a formal affair, very GRAND! We are really looking forward to it. Jamie, my hubby is even doing the music. I can't believe he is going, let alone wanting to be involved in it! Lol. Very anti-social guy. I have no idea why, because he is super friendly with others, just very anxious about groups of people! Poor guy! He is so good with music, he is a Musician, plays guitar and drums, since he was a kid, you should see our Music Room in my Basement! It's crazy in there! No joke! He will do an awesome job, I have the utmost confidence in him!

I am down 92 pounds total! I have gone from 305 pounds to 213 pounds! I lost 50 pounds pre-op and 42 since surgery on June 29th! I have never been happier with myself and my life. Everything is just wonderful. I am also happy about the decision to quit my Home Daycare Business. I have never been happier. More time for my family and my home. We have accomplished a lot of renovations since I have quit as well. The house is finally coming along! I am so happy. I also have the best friends in the world! My friend here in Milton, Melissa! She has been the only one out of my other friends in my town that has stuck by me through this journey and is still my friend and not completely jealous of all my hard work. My other 2 friends just dropped me like a hot potato not too long ago! Also my OH friends, Klee Armstrong and Julia Allworth. They have been so great to me, supporting me and being true friends. Klee has never left my side throughout since the day we met. She is a true ANGEL! And Julia, is now the Girlfriend of my Husband's best friend! So we are now closer than ever as well. She is also just wonderful! Thanks so much Klee and Julia! You have been the best friends a gurl could ask for! And Klee, Hunney, I can't wait until it is your turn for wls, I will be by your side, through the thick and thin, just like you were for me! You are going to do so well, I can see it now! And you will be the prettiest skinny woman ever! I hope you do well on the Optifast! I can't wait to see how you do! I am so excited for you and I am saving a VIP seat right next to me on the loser's bench especially for you, my new best friend! I hope its okay, I called you that. But thats just what you are to me! A best friend!!!! April will be here before you know it, and then all it will be is a couple of weeks later, April 19th, a great day. The day my Autumn was due to be born. Lol. How could it get any better than that? Good Luck my friend.

And Julia, my hope is for you to be very happy and cozy with my friend Jay, and may the two of you grow old and grey together with lots of babies and grandbabies! But you must remember me at the wedding! I am the one who set you two up, afterall. Lol... Good luck to the both of you, my friends! Well, Ciao for now.


Tuesday October 24/2006

Good Evening All!
It has certainly been a while since I have checked in with my Profile. I am sorry about that. Unfortunately there is this little thing called "LIFE" that usually gets in the way. Lol. At least it does for me anyway...lol.

I wanted to congratulate all of my WLS family and friends on their accomplishments and all the recent surgeries. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. We have had a few dear losses in our little WLS Family recently. I am so very very sorry for the friends and families of those who have passed away. It is always a huge shock to my system when I hear about a fatality due to WLS. It is mind blowing to me that this can actually happen to any one of us. It scares me to think that that could have been me. It really hit home when I had to recently go back into the hospital and have emergency surgery to fix up my small bowel that was lodged in a pocket underneath my left rib cage. It was supposed to be in my lower abdomen, go figure. It was a very painfull situation for me. The recovery was horrible in comparison with the Lap/RNY. That was a breeze compared to this one. My GAWD! And, to top it off, my surgeon says that it could happen again at any given time...gawd help me if it does! Lol...

The Milton WLS Support Meetings I am running at my house seem to be going very strong. We are having a huge turnout lately. Klee and I are totally happy about that. The plans are coming along for our first Annual OH Christmas Galla. It is on November 24th. Which is coming up sooooooo soon. And still lots to do! OMG! I don't know how Klee and I are going to get through it all. Really?! It is only a month away! Please Gawd, help us to pull this off smoothely and without a hitch! That would be great! Thanks!

I am due to go back to see my surgeon once again next Tuesday morning at 10 am. As of now I am down 110 pounds. From 305 pounds. I am approximately 4 months out. So I think I am doing well, but you never know. I guess we will know for sure next week when I see Dr. Starr. I am a bit nervous! Lol.

On a sadder note, my good friends Jay and Julia were dating up a storm and now they are not. They decided to end things together. A little sad, cuz I thought they were absolutely wonderful together. But then again, I am a bit biased, because I was the Matchmaker! Lol. Anyway, I am a little sads, but I will eventually get over it. Oh Poor me! LOL... I feel for Jay. I know he isn't taking it so well. He is hiding it pretty good. But he has a huge heart for Julia. That's a hard thing to let go of. But I wish them both the very best. And I hope they get along without each other and get over things quickly and painlessly.

Well, I started my Christmas shopping last month! Lol. I am not eager for Christmas by any means, that's for sure. But I am not a rich woman so I need to sart these things early so I am able to afford it! Lol. Sad, I know...lol. But the good news is that I am pretty much done my two girls. That is a major one. So thats a big relief! So now I can concentrate on my teenage son. He is so difficult to buy for. He is 17, and has a mind of his own! Lol. All he likes is jeans, T-Shirts, Music, Computers and Video Games. So I am thinking a big Gift Card for Old Navy, cuz those are the only jeans he will wear. And...he will only WEAR jeans. Oh my gravy...lol. And also thinking about a portable game system. Like the Sony Playstation one, not sure what the heck it's called. But the one that is little and you can hold the whole unit in your hands, with no television hookup! Anyone have any ideas for a 17 year old Boy? Help?! Please!!! Lol...

I am having some weird small pains in my tummy this week. Not sure what it is. But I have never had them before this week. I will have to tell Dr. Starr about it when I see him next. Also have a lot of questions for him about my Bowel Movements. I am having so much pain in my lower abdomen when I have to go to the washroom. I actually cringe when I get these pains. It really hurts. And it takes forever to go. All this since surgery. So I am really not sure about that. I will ask next week. Sorry guys, I guess you probably didn't want to hear about my "BM" problems. But it is my profile, so I thought it might be all right to write what I feel. Lol...

I am really cold lately. The weather is getting colder, and as it does, so do I. I am totally out of sweaters that fit me. It sucks, that part of it. So...I think I might need to hit a Value Village soon. Lol. I am getting too cold...brrrr....lol. Although, I am getting pretty excited about being under 200 pounds. I really cannot believe that I am actually 195 pounds. I haven't been that weight since I was 13 years old! Sad, I know! I am loving it though. My friends and family are all mesmerized by the way I look. I am having a difficult time with the compliments. I know I am supposed to take them and be polite and say "Thank you", but that doesn't even enter my mind when someone gives me a compliment! It's really wierd! Lol. It isn't anything I can describe. But I don't think of ssaying thank you when the time comes. I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. I hope that will change. It would be nice to reply with a thank you after a compliment. Ya think? Lol...

Well, I am going to say good night, and I will talk to you all later...














How tall are you? feet, inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)

How much do you weigh?pounds?


Pouch Rules for Dummies
How does the pouch make you feel full?
How does the pouch make you feel full?
Obesity Surgery Information Center
What the latest study on WLS really found
What the latest study on WLS really found
Calorie Counter
-How many calories do I need?
-A diet journal and analyzer
American Sleep Apnea Association
-What is Sleep Apnea?
Acid Reflux and Obesity
-Study Links Acid Reflux and Obesity
American Family Physician
-Depression, Diabetes, Obesity

Free Web Counter


May 29, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Hey Y'all! OMG!!!! It has been soooooooooooo long since my last update. It was on April 29th. And it is May 29th today....OMG! I am just horrible at this these days. Ans I have so much to share with y'all, I'm not sure I will be able to remember it all.

Okay... for starters... I am now down 35 pounds as of this morning!!! I started this pre-op diet at 305 pounds and I am now at 270 pounds! Yay for me!!!!!!!! I look and feel so much better these days. I have a lot more energy than I used to have, I can do things I never used to be able to do, and I have more stamina for them too! So, this has been a major accomplishment for me lately. I am now only going to the gym 5 mornings a week. Ever since they cancelled my surgery a few weeks ago, I figured I didn't need to be going to the gym 2X a day/5 days a week and 1X a day/on weekends. It was getting to be a little much, I am there about 3X a week, give or take. So...it has been going smoothely, no plateaus as of yet.

Oh, I did give up on Denise's stupid diet, I was starving all day, every day. So, I found this Protein powder called "Carb Cheater", and it is totally awesome. I have 1 shake for breakfast and 1 for lunch, then a healthy "Denise" dinner, and if I am hungry later, I'll have another shake.

The good thing about these shakes is that they are only 60 calories per scoop, 1g Carb, sugar-free, fat-free, 12g Protein. Which, let's face it, is just way more protein than I would have had on Denise's diet and I am less hungry all the time. And it is working way better, obviously. Lol. Sorry, Denise! Okay, no I'm not! Lmao......

Okay, so that's out of the way. Let's see...what else...aww, I still have no surgery date as of yet. I have been pretty depressed about this. I also have not been handeling it all that weell. I had called Dr. Starr's office to ask if they had booked me a date yet, and after Micca told me that they might be able to schedule me for August or September, or maybe October, I totally lost it. I went into a full blown Panic Attack on the phone. She started getting upset and frustrated with me, and I just ranted and raved on as I cried and cried uncontrollably. A little frightening to hear when your on the phone I guess. So, I got in some trouble by YOU KNOW WHO...and it is all said and done and I am "nott aloud to talk about it with anyone or online". So, I'm stopping here.

Okay, what else....so after all the depression I have been going through, I had a phone call out of the blue one night about an ad I had placed online about 6 months ago, when I was looking for a dog to adopt. This lady said she was about to place an ad there when she saw my ad and decided to call me first. So, Hubby, Mackaela and I went to Peterburough on Wednesday morning and picked up my new baby girl, LUCY! She is a 2 year old female Shih Tzu/Laso Apso, black and white, her face is all black. She is soooooo adorable, house broken, spade, quiet and loveable. Everything you would want in a furry little companion. Well, we got her Wednesday, it is Monday today, so almost a week here, and she follows me like we are attached at the hip. I love her to death and she could not have shown up in my life at a better time! She is just what I needed to keep me sane! I love you Lucy! Oh, haha, pardon the pun...lol.

I haven't heard from Christine Galvao in like forever, she was supposed to be my Angel during my surgery. I never see her online anymore, or on Obesity Help, or on OSSG Toronto Group, or at any support meetings either. So, my surrogate Momma, Marlene is going to step up to the plate for me. She has been such a great friend and support to me over the last 6 or 7 months since we met at our consult with Dr. Starr. She had her WLS on May 18th and is doing very well. She is also putting up with me and my little fits of depression and anxiety these days, poor Mar!

I have met a lot of new people over the last month who have given me a lot of support. I wanted to thank you all, I won't do names, cuz well, I don't think I will have enough space for them all, but you know who you are, and I cherish you all, each and every one of you. When any of you need a friend, you can just call on me, and I will be there. Any time, any day. You can count on it!

I actually had a whole weekend to myself this weekend, and the weather was fantastic. My hubby took the girls up north to Gramma and Papa, and he spent the weekend golfing with his buddy! A good time was had by all! LOL. On Friday night after the daycare kids left, I went over to the Nursery to pick up some plants and flowers and garden supplies. I figured if I bought it all, then I would have no choice on Saturday, but to plant it all. LOL. It worked, I got it all done. With the help of my son, though. There was no way that I could have dug holes 2 feet deep! Our ground is hard clay! Yuk! Thank you Steven, I love you! So, I planted a rose bush and a trellis behind it, a purple Chrisanthemum, some Hostas, and two opaque pink Lilac trees. I also put down a lot of red brick chip to cover the soil. It all looks amazing! I am so proud of all that hard work.

A few of you have had your surgeries and I wanted to congratulate you formally on becoming beautiful butterflies. Congratulations friends, you made it, to the other side, the looser's bench! How does it feel? I hope y'all save a seat for me, cuz I am comin', one of these friggin' days, anyway...lol. Okay, it's getting late now, and I have rambled on enough, I am off to bed. My love and prayers to you all. Goodnight Friends.

April29, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Hey you guys! I hope all of my wonderful WLS buddies are all well. I'm quite excited these days about the upcoming surgery. It is now only 3 weeks away! I can't wait...

So, I went to see my Favourite Surgeon in the World yesterday morning. And I wanted to share with you all what happened. As you know, a while ago, 5 weeks to be exact, Dr. Starr was really upset with me for gaining about 18 pounds over the last year. And he had wanted me to go on a program of some sort and diet and exercise to get off around 20-30 pounds in the next upcoming weeks. He told me if I hadn't made an attempt to lose any weight and had some success then my surgery would definitely be postponed until that happened! I was so upset after he told me that. I cried my eyes out and vowed to myself that I would get that extra weight off! Well, it started to come off, slowly but surely. I had put myself on Denise's Pre-op diet, the one that is supposed to shrink your liver just prior to wls. I also joined Goodlife here in Milton. I started going everyday, then upped it to 2X a day and 1X on the weekends because they were only opened from 8-3pm. So, in hindsight I was going 16X a week, give or take a day or so here and there. I was very vigilant with this routine, I went in the morning first thing at 6am when they opened, and then again in the evening at 6pm. was loosing about 3 or 4 pounds a week. I had joined this weightloss support group they have at the gym. It is a group that goes for 12 weeks, to kickstart your summer season. I'm like "ya, right!" Lol...so anyway, it was working great!

So, now after my final visit to Dr. Starr yesterday, the grand total of weight that I have lost in 5 weeks is, DRUM ROLL PLEASE.........

20 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay for me! I was sooooooooooooo happy to see that number on the scale, when he weighed me yesterday! Last June I weighed in at 304 pounds, and now I am 284 pounds! So...I am 2 pounds exactly below the weight I was at the original consult date! And I am happy! So was Dr. Starr! He still wants me to keep it up, because now I have to work on shrinking that big old fatty liver of mine! Woo-Hoo! Lol! So there will not be any surprises or problems in the operating room! So, look out world, here I come...Lol....

I have my pre-op to do at Humber River Regional Hospital on Monday May 8th, 2006 at 1:00 pm. That is my last hurdle, and I am done! Well...besides the actual surgical procedure that is! Lol. Look out, CUTIE on the runway!!!!!LOL.................................

So, I am supposed to become a beautiful Butterfly on Monday May 22nd, 2006! I am TRULY looking forward to it, me and STARR! We are READY to go..... Love you all...Ciao for now............

April 22, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 Good Afternoon Friends, it has been such an extremely long time since I have updated my profile, so here goes... I really miss posting and chatting with all of my OH friends, I can't tell you how much this website truly means to me. It has brought me to my present Surgeon, I have made many new friends, it has given me the knowledge and support that I need to get along in my life. I thank OH for that, and all of you that put up with me. Lol... Well...I went to the OSSG Support Group meeting in Barrie today! It was a great meeting. Even though I had to duck out of there after an hour or so, but the kids and I were on our way up north to my Mom's for our Easter together, it was also her Birthday that day. Double Wammy! Cool, eh? Lol. I get so much support out of that bunch as well. I also get to take all their clothing home! They have a Clothing Exchange with all the post-op members that have lost weight and cannot fit into their clothes anymore. I always get so much really nice things when I go there. It is also free. Which fits into my budget just nicely. Lol. Anyway...I was so excited cause I got to tell everyone that I would be having my Lap/RNY in a few weeks and would not be at the next meeting. So, I got my surgery bear for me to hold when I need some guidance and protection. They also all signed a card for me. It was just so nice. They don't let you leave until you have named your surgery bear. So, here I am sitting there with my 3 little Rugrats in tow, trying to tell them to behave and shut up, LOL, and come up with a name all at the same time! It was hard to do! Lol... But I did it! It just all of a sudden came to me like a flash of light, a shooting star if you will...that's it I said to myself, that's her name, STARR! I thought it was absolutely perfect that I name her Starr. My surgeon's name is Dr. Starr, and she looked like a star, and she was going to be my "guiding star" as I go down that long hallway to the other side! The Butterfly side that is! I needed a guiding star! That was for sure. She is just perfect! I dressed her up a little bit. She has two little pink bows in either side of her ears, and I am going to peirce her ears as well, just cuz that's what the "HAIRSTYLIST" in me would do! She is sooooooooo cute! I love her. Lol... Well... I guess that's it for now, I will talk to y'all later on... Ciao for now.

February 3, 2006

Jan 02, 2007

Afternoon Y'all! Well, let's see, umm...Florida and Disney World went well. My kids were completely nuts over it! Which made me sooooooooo happy being their mom and all. Lol. Sorry I took so long to update, it's really hard to find a pocket of time when the kids are busy! Lol. We had wonderful weather, saw lots of great things and met lots of Disney characters. Mickey really likes to kiss the ladies. He kept kissing my hand, rubbing his face against mine, kissing me on the cheek and even on the lips! Lol. My little girls' got a kick outta that! And I had something to hold over my hubby's head! Lol. A good time was had by all!

So, yesterday I went to my Medical Internist appointment in Toronto. I must say, I am mastering this driving to Toronto bit really well, and now without the anxiety and fears. Pat on the back for me. Lol. It went really, really well. And I was soooooooo scared beforehand. I had heard some not so nice things about Dr. Zupnick on OH, and it totally freaked me out. But when I got in to see the Dr. himself, my worries went right out the door. He was very firm, to the point, no smiles and nicities. But, he didn't insult my weight and my lifestyle like he had some others. He actually gave me a compliment. He told me that I didn't look like I needed this surgery. I assured him, that I truly did. And he said that the people he sees are way bigger than me, like over 400 lbs. Me only being 305 lbs, he said I was a lightweight. He also said that I carry it, to quote him, "very well!" Lol. He repeated himself again. I thanked him. But insisted that I really did need and want this WLS, he didn't deny me, he just stated that I look good for my weight. I laughed, and said "everyone says that, and I don't see it." Which is true, people have been saying that all my life! I just don't get why, because all I see is a big fat BLOB! In most mirrors, anyway!

But, whatever! So, needless to say, I'm a shoe-in for my surgery. He said I was good-to-go. And all I had to do was an ECG and Urine test. He asked me a lot of questions as well. I was soooooo worried, and all for what? Nothing. I left and felt like I was on cloud nine! I walked out of that building without a care in the world! It was nice, for a change! Well, I will update you again later, Ciao for now!

I just found this on my friend Dawnya's profile, I just wanted it for future reference and didnt want to lose it, lol. Sorry Dawnya, when I read your Profile, and came across this little tidbit, I knew I had to have it for future refference. Thanks, Hun! Lol.

Do this for 10 days to break a plateau:
#1 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day
#2 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day (some suggest at least 60 and up to 80 gr)
#3 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day
low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?)
peanut butter

You may also have:
sugar free popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free jello
broths/buillion (sp?)
crystal light drinks

#4 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!
#5 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily.

And Yet.....another Plateau Buster......
To Break A Plateau:

Realize many, in fact most Post-Ops share this common experience - done everything right and lost weight steadily, suddenly- the scale won't budge.
Like many others, you've reached a plateau. When weight loss slows and comes to a stop.

Before you get discouraged and abandon your long-term weight loss Strategy of life-style change, understand that plateaus occur in any slimming-down process. Stick with the program and your weight loss will kick in again.

Before you rush to "prosecute," and take drastic action, do some investigation. Figure out if you really are on a plateau. The scale may be a less than least reliable reflection of fat loss. Look at other indicators. Are you feeling better? Do your clothes feel looser? If you're losing inches but not pounds, your fat cells are still shrinking.

Figure in the duration of the stall. You're only on a "plateau" if there's NO change at all for more than four weeks. And even at 4 weeks, don't "assume" anything. There may be a very tangible reason for the slowdown and Plateau. If you Truly want to BREAK a Plateau, identify and understand the true "Culprit" before you just "Open Fire!"

Get this one out of the way first by being scrupulously honest with yourself. Are you "Cheating?" Cheating? It's not a Diet! Correct, but weight loss is directly the result of Calories in versus Calories Used. Are you putting in any "unplanned" nutrition? Empty Calories?A little thing will be the "tipping point." Emotional and compulsive behavior may allow you to "sabotage" yourself. It certainly does so many Pre-Op. Yes? Look at what you are doing with extreme scrutiny. Then - check for hidden sources of Calories / Carbs / Sugars / Un-wanted Fats - Read Your Labels Carefully! Sugar goes under many different names And in some cases does NOT appear as "sugar" on the label. Many vitamin tablets have sugar fillers. CHECK!

Conversely, Are you taking in too Little Nutrition? Many times you carry over habits from other diets & eat too little. EAT UP... Food is Necessary Fuel, not the Enemy! Don't skip meals. Just eat Protein First, Higher nutrition, Lower Calorie Foods. Don't cut your caloric intake to less than 1200 calories per day. Increase the amount of protein in your meals. Don't starve yourself. Cutting calories to an extreme will Not help you. Try cutting excess fat and calories to a reasonable level (usually 1200 to 1800 calories a day, but determined by YOUR Size.) And divide these up into frequent small meals (of about 200 to 300 calories each) every few hours. Eat a decent amount of protein with each meal to help you feel satisfied longer. If you keep your carbohydrate intake to no more than 20 grams a day your body will go into a state of ketosis and it will be Hard Not to lose.

A frequent eating schedule will provide a constant source of energy. KKeep your metabolism higher without the insulin rebound. Six small feedings a day are better at maintaining level metabolism than 3 large meals. (notice I did not say that 6 meals are better than 3, just better.)

Perhaps aim for foods with a lower glycemic index. Check into it at - http://www.glycemicindex.com/

You may have a mineral imbalance. How's your blood-work? Such as zinc/copper. Or a trace mineral shortage. Such an imbalance can definitely slow the metabolism Reducing your "resting consumption" of calories. Certain nutrients are often recommended to aid in weight loss, Including chromium, pantethine, selenium, vanadium and biotin to help stabilize blood sugar and metabolize fat. Getting enough Potassium?

Potassium shortages are common for early out Post-Ops.

Exercise? Exercise can improve circulation, stabilize blood sugar & other important metabolic benefits. If you're walking, great. But at some point in your loss, walking becomes just Activity and no longer "Exercise." Are you Breaking a Sweat? If you have been only walking or cycling, try doing some weight lifts and vice versa. If you are not yet exercising try to add some sort of activity to your regular schedule. At least 20 minutes a day is recommended for beginners. Walk, Walk, Water, Water - There's a reason for that "Mantra." Increase your water consumption to stimulate lipolysis (The breakdown of fat stored in fat cells ) and clean your system of excess ketones.

Many Nutritionists recommend avoiding eating within 3 hours of bedtime. Especially avoid any foods that are higher in carbs as this can trigger insulin production which in turn will inhibit fat-burning while you are asleep.

Have you considered Food Allergies? These may cause all sorts of problems, fatigue, headache, etc. Check possibility of such causes by dropping out one food from your diet and checking for changes in how you feel. The most common culprits are: Milk, Eggs, Nuts & Peanuts, Fish, Shellfish, Soy and Wheat. Perhaps checkout - http://www.foodallergy.org/allergens/index.html

Maybe you have issues with food additives. Some food colorings cause metabolic responses such as sluggishness or hyperactivity in some sensitive children. Example - YELLOW 5 ... Artificial coloring found in Jell-O, baked goods, etc... Causes mild allergic reactions, primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons. Check some of the food additives that show up on your labels. Perhaps a look at -http://www.cspinet.org/foodsafety/index.html

Caffeine? Yes, it's a "fence sitter" when it comes to "Dieting" but-coffee, cola & tea stimulate release of insulin with a temporary lift in energy followed by hunger, fatigue & slower weight loss.

Are you Drinking Alcohol? Empty Calories and Alcohol stimulates insulin.

While we're on "the bible-belt vices," Smoking? Smoking uses up vitamin C & stimulates the adrenal gland. Although quitting smoking is classically a cause for weight increase, long term non-smoking, actually aids the metabolism to remain a constant fat-burning, healthy machine.

None of the above? It may be medications you are taking.Many drugs, even aspirin, can cause or increase incidence of hypoglycemia. Watch out for hormones, amphetamines, diuretics, antihistamines, Anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, anticoagulants, antidiabetics, Antibiotics, tranquilizers, clofibrate, acetaminophen, and propanolol. Beta-blockers,can make your body extremely resistant to weight loss. Sometimes it isn't what you ARE taking but what you WERE taking that slows you down. Different meds last month?

Hormones? They can slow down weight loss and stimulate the production of insulin. Estrogen (used in birth control pills) and Testosterone have much the same effect.

Too much Salt? Typically early on this is not an issue, but later, excessive salt can cause some water retention.

What about `plain old' portion sizes? Many people misinterpret the instructions regarding eating as "Just Eat till you are Full! The pouch size will `tell you' when it's too much." That assumes you have "re-learned" the feeling of Satiety as opposed to "Full."

You may need to track your caloric intake and exercise more closely. Many people find "tracking at fitday.com" a very useful tool. Check it out at - http://fitday.com/

So you've made it through this long list and EVERYTHING checks out. Perhaps you have a metabolic resistance to losing weight, and if that is the case, you must consider EVERYTHING EXCEPT GIVING UP AND ADMITTING DEFEAT.

Your Plateau, if it continues, could possibly require Medical attention. Continued thyroid problems would definitely call for medical solutions. Excessive yeast infestation may be part of your problem. Overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract has been shown to provoke food intolerance, headaches and immune-system weakness, and can keep you from losing weight by causing unstable blood sugar. If your plateau WON'T Break, enlist your physician to help find the problem.

Done all of this and still looking for the "short list?" Then what can I say - "Eat Meat, Cottage Cheese and water for 10 days! NOTHING ELSE! NO EXCEPTIONS! Just try Not to Think of it as a "Diet." You will most likely get a "Bang!" that will jolt your metabolism into losing.

But if you want more than a bang, if you want a real "Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster" to make your system Un-inhabitable for excess fat, for generations to come, then adjust your "Life-Style for Life"

January 1, 2006

Jan 02, 2007


Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and a Great New Year's Eve.

I didn't do too much for New Year's Eve this year. My husband, son, brother-in-law and I played Poker in the basement with some Nacho dip that I made. I think it was probably my first New Year's Eve without a single alcoholic drink. It was okay, I'm not really into that Partying scene anymore, I haven't really been for a few years now. I won quite a few hands last night, it was actually quite fun, for a change. I'm not a good sport when it comes to games. I don't like to be the loser. Never have. But it was fun!

So, now that the Holidays are all over with, I can get onto some serious counting down the days until surgery! May 22, doesn't seem as far away now that January is among us now. But I still have to wait a while. And waiting is something I am not too good at. I am not a very patient person when it comes to the things that I really like or want to do. But I do know that Patience is a virtue! I just wish I had more than I have now. It helps having all my Cyber Space friends at Obesity Help to talk to, they are such a support and a distraction for me. They help make the time pass a little bit quicker. It's crazy, I'm like a friggin' little kid in a candy store, who can't wait to touch everything! If Patience is something that was taught to us at a young age, then my Parents failed miserably! Oops, sorry Mom and Dad! LOL!

So, in 7 days, my family and I fly off to Florida to go to Disney World for 7 days. This I am finding it hard to have Patience for as well. I guess I never really grew up, then. Or my Parents really did fail miserably! I think that's the one I'll go with! Yep, that's the one! Lol! But since it is now just one week away, I think I can manage it. Lol! It will be the kids' first time at Disney World! Though the two eldest ones have been to Florida, the youngest one hasn't as she is just 3 years old. I can't wait to see their reactions to Disney World. They are the cutest little Princess Fanatics! And when they see the Magic Castle and all the Disney Princesses, they might have a little fit! I am definitely bringing the Camcorder and the camera. The entire trip will be a Kodak Moment! Lol! We rented a Villa in Davenport, Florida. It is so beautiful, and I can't wait until I can enjoy all that it has to offer. It has lots to offer. Master Bedroom with a king size bed and ensuite. Second Master Suite with king size bed and ensuite for my Inlaws. Third bedroom with 2 twin beds for my son and sister. Fourth bedroom with 2 twin beds for my girls in the Mickey Mouse theme. All of the bedrooms have Televisions and DVD Players. It has two lovely large living rooms, one with a widescreen Plasma TV, DVD, PS 2, and leather furniture. A large wonderful kitchen with all the accessories for gourmet cooking, washer and dryer, dish washer, breakfast bar, etc... A large formal Dining Room and another informal eating area as well. Oh, it has a Converted Garage, which is the Games Room with Pool Table, Electronic Darts, Foosball Table, etc...And on the back patio, there is a ton of lounger chairs and table and upright chairs, BBQ, Large Heated Swimming Pool and Jacuzzi, which I think will be just heavenly to soak our sore tired feet in after walking around the Parks all day! The house is about 2500 square feet with the Spanish Style all around, it's just gorgeous! Okay, now I'm just really teasing myself, here. Lol. I should stop talking about the trip now. But I really can't wait! LOL!

Well, I guess I will wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and I will update you all when I get back from Mickey's Home Town. Ciao folks!

December 26, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

Well... Christmas has come and gone once again! It was a great Christmas this year. But I am so glad it is over again! It is so much work for us parents of small children. Big Sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My kids enjoyed themselves a lot. They were happy with everything and are looking forward to their "BIG GIFT", the trip to Disney World in Florida January 8-15th. I can't wait to get away and just relax in the sun and fun! Sounds good to me!

So... this year did not hold any challenges for me concerning food! I was completely shocked with my eating habits this year! Usually, I am a compulsive over-eater. And, I was in control this year. I didn't really over do anything with food. I did have a lot of wine on Christmas Eve, though. But I went into this season thinking that this was my last Christmas that I would be able to eat, drink and be merry, as much as I wanted, that is. So, I decided that I was going to enjoy it, one last time! Well, I surprised myself, and I had no problem pushing food away or refusing something. I didn't over-induldge or over-eat once during the holidays. I was sooooooo GOOD! Big pat on the back for Tammy! High Five! Had to get that off my chest!

Well, I had my Dietician and Social Worker appointments back on December 15th. Everything went seemingly well. No problems with anything. I liked both the Dietician and the Social Worker. They were so great! I was nervous for no reason at all! And I found that out very quickly. They both approved me for surgery with Dr. Starr. Now, all I have left to do is the 3 hour long class with the Dietician at the end of January/06 (I believe it is the 17th), and my appointment with Dr. Zupnick on February 2/06 @ 2pm. This one, I am more nervous about. I am kind of worried about my health. I worry about what tests he will want me to do, and whether I will pass them or not. I am a huge worry wort and constantly think the worst before anything else.

So... now I am so anxious about my Surgery, I so can't wait for this day to come! I know it is getting closer, as the appointment times come and go, and I see everyone I need to see, and Christmas is gone, and the new year is upon us, it is getting closer, so close, I can taste it! May 22/06! That's the day! Will it ever come?
Goodnight my friends.

November 24, 2005

Jan 02, 2007

And once again...still waiting. I am so anxious to get the Holiday Season over with just so I can go on our family vacation to Florida for 8 days, enjoy seeing Disney World through my children's eyes, and relax and think about how my life will suddenly change completely after May 22nd. I just feel if Christmas and New Years is over and done with that my long awaited surgery date will be here sooner. I know, it probably sounds ridiculous, but it's my theory and I will hold onto it as long as I can! LOL.

I am trying so hard to watch everything I eat so I can get my Diabetes under control, it's just so terribly difficult, because all I want is what I shouldn't have! And lots of it! But my sugar levels have started to come down a bit. My GP put me on another drug for it called Diamicron. Along with my Metformin as well. I still think that I will be needing another drug though. I have my Diabetic check-up in Deember so I guess we shall see.

So...I think that I am just ramblin' on just to hear myself "bitch" really. So since I can't really say anything intelligent or too positive, I will say "goodbye" for now. Thank you Friends, for listening. Talk to ya!

About Me
Milton, ON
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2005
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 27
November 25, 2006
November 22, 2006
November 2, 2006
October 24, 2006
September 5, 2006
August 14, 2006
August 8, 2006
August 3, 2006
August 30, 2006
July 2, 2006
