The waiting game...

Mar 18, 2011

It's the waiting that gets to me, and many others from what I read on the daily posts.  I have been waiting five weeks now for the next appointment which should be with the nurse.  Other centres seem to go quicker and some the same pace...I wonder that they couldn't come up with a standardized system like HRRH uses and send out the list of appointments after you sign your form at orientation.  Their system seems to be working and people are flying through.  I do realize that there are far more surgeons there but pre-booking appears to be working and I bet it significantly reduces the number of calls from people wanting to know what happens next.

My daughter will be going through HRRH and by the look of things will be on the bench a couple of months ahead of me.  I estimate that it will have taken two years from the time I started this process to the day I enter the operating room.  If I am not prepared by that time I never will be.  All I know is I really don't want to wear the ugly black tent coat next winter!!!!! 

