Still moving forward

Jan 14, 2010

I have been very pleased with my progress and still would not change a thing.
I am now wearing size 14 bottoms and size Lg tops... Wow that is amazing
being that I used to wear 24's just 8 months ago.... If I didn't lose another ounce
I would be thoroughly satisfied. Well, a lot has transpired since I had my WLS but
the most fabulous thing is that I've met the Love of my life, the one I plan to spend
the reas of my life with.

I'm still enjoying this journey, I don't feel deprived at all.
I know several people who are now considering having WLS
and they ask me all kinds of questions. I am glad to share information
with them. I always tell them that everyone's experience is different.
I have no problem with any foods but I can not tolerate sugary drinks.

I'm happy for anyone who is on this journey and taking full advantage
of their new tool...

Take Care

Still wouldn't change a thing...

Dec 26, 2009

It has been a while since posted anything , but that's only because I've been busy living this New life God has gifted t me.
I can't begin to express how different my life is now. It goes far beyond looking and feeling better physically but it also
changed  the way others act and react towards me. So far positive and negative feedback post RNY has truly been a mixed bag. My son who is 16 years old can't stop complimenting me, some of my family doesn't say anything so I don't really know what they think. (really I don't care).  My mom of all people think I'm full of myself now, and that's OK because I think I kind of deserve to be stuck on me for at least a little while...........LOL..My friends all say they are proud of me for going through with the surgery and doing so well and I'm grateful for all the support everyone in my life has shown. Ive also
met the man of my dreams who I plan to spend the rest of my life with .... we met on line @ of all places.
And to think, I was also so skeptical about Internet dating ... and look at me now....LOL

Well for anyone reading this who may be considering RNY, pls don't be afraid. As long as you have it made up
in your mind that you want to change your life,,,, yes your life ..( this is more than just a change in diet habits)
If you are on the fence about it , just know that as long as you have a great surgeon with a good Post op support program
and preferably operates within a center of excellence,, go for it......... I went back on forth on my decision for 10 years
and now I'm beating myself up for waiting so long to go through with it........

I have been blessed to have had no problems stemming from my surgery but I credit my surgeon and his team for that.
I do follow the rules and that is something that starts in the mind. 99% of the time I do exactly what I'm supposed to
do . I do struggle with getting in enough liquids but that is just me, I do not have a natural thirst mechanism. So I do
have to work on that daily. I have found all the vitamins and supplements that work for me , which is the key, find what works for you and not what others are doing...Everyone's journey is unique..

One last thought , please only go forward with WLS for the right reasons,,,
Do it to get healthy and stay healthy.. Do it to live a long and healthy life for yourself
and your family.. Do it to make make step in the direction to excape depression, shyness,
and self-conciseness, Do it to free yourself of unnecessary  inhibitions and re-learn to enjoy
Life....... After all , that's what my RNY has done for me........

Be blessed everyone !!!
Onward and upward

To date Weight: 170lb.
Start weight : Approx. 267
Surgery Date: April 28,2009


What a Wonderful Journey

Nov 17, 2009

I have been so blessed to be able to take this journey
and change my life in ways I could not have imagined.
Im thankful that I now see myself in a different light .
A much better self - image is slowly taking shape.
I've taken down some of the barriers that have kept me from
moving forward in my personal life as well as my career.
If I had to sum up how I'm feeling in one word It would be
Freedom to be happy, freedom to love, and freedom to

move on!!!!

Current Weight 185..... Yeah ME!!!!!!!!



6 Month Follow Up

Nov 03, 2009

Well....... I had my 6 month follow up appt yesterday
at Dr. Castro's office. I had my lab work done about
two weeks before my appt with the surgeon. All labs
were fine except Vit. D which was very LOW..... My PCP
gave me some Vit D supplements that he recommends
for all of his WLS patients. So I will take them and re-test in

2 months. I have lost a total of 80 lbs since my initial visit with
the surgeon and the Dr. was very, very pleased with this. Thank God
I have had no problems thus far and I pray this continues.

Well Blessings to all that read this
And have a safe , wonderful journey.



Happy in Life!!

Oct 28, 2009

One thing I've learned since I had my weight loss surgery is
that people really do treat you differently when you're over weight.
Sometimes it makes me happy but sometimes this makes me
very sad. When i was heavier (270lb), a lot of people would treat me
like I was nearly invisible. I remember one day I was in a department store
and a lady all but walked right into me without even so much as saying
excuse me or anything. I got so upset that I yelled out at her "Don't you see me??"
I scared that lady so bad, and I must admit It even surprised me that I yelled out
in a public place too ..... LOL. But day in and day out that is how
a lot of people were towards me. For a long time it never got to me
but about a year or so before the surgery , I was becoming very sensitive to
it. Now that I am 75 lbs. lighter, it is the total opposite. People who never spoke
to me in the 5 years I've worked at my current job are speaking to me, holding
doors open for me and striking up conversation. I wonder to myself  "was I invisible to them before?"
How sad is that???????? 

I'm happy now that I have lost a lot of weight , and I never did it for any other reason
but to become healthier. But this difference in the way people treat me now that I am smaller
is so unfair. But I choose to be happy in life and not let it get me down .

I spoke to my uncle the other day and he told me "You will always be beautiful to me no
matter what size you are." I almost cried......


Still coming down

Oct 13, 2009

Well , I'm glad to say that I lost two more pounds over the last week
or so. And I am really enjoying this. A lady at church saw me for the
first time in about three weeks Sunday and she said "how much are
you going to lose , you don't want to lose too much do you?' I politely
told her that I am still in a size 16 so I know I'm not too thin........... OK.
And I also told her she has to remember that she is remembering me
when I was a size 24-26 so of course I look a whole lot different. Now
that is one thing that is getting on my nerves. I have noticed that most of
the people who were saying "O h girl you look good" are now looking at
me like something is wrong with me. And I know I'm not all that thin.
I chose to make it public knowledge at my workplace that I had Gastric
Bypass , as a matter of fact four of us at the job did it kind of as a group.
So I'm not too sure why some of them are reacting this way..........
I didn't think it would upset me but I guess it does..........

So much for that ....

My son and the rest of my family are all still so proud of me they tell me all
the time that they are so impressed that I had the courage to go through
with this........ That always makes me feel really good. I have had no issues
or problems with my surgery to this point........ I do try very hard to follow the
rules and I have only had one dumping episode and that was after eating
four tiny sugar free Altoids........... Can you say run for the throne.....LOL 
I Will never consume that product again. ...........
For the most part I love my RNY, I try to tell people all the time
I do not feel deprived in anyway that I can not consume the portions
of food I could before. I think my Dentist explained it better than I
can 'Your brain is now sending a different signal when it comes to eating and
portion sizes."  And she is so right ,,, I can look at a plate of food and not even
be tempted to eat beyond my limits.

Well OH Family
Take care and be safe!!!!

Moving right along

Oct 05, 2009

I'm always on OH looking at pics and reading the different posts
and so forth. A lot of it is very informative. I missed the OH conference
here in Dallas but did enjoy seeing the photos posted on the site. I t looked
like a good time.

I'm still holding at 199, hopefully the scale will move again soon
but I don't really obsess about it , I feel better than I have
in more than 15 years so what can I complain about.......... Not a thing.
I was at the Nail shop Saturday getting a pedicure and I looked
down at my feet as the technician was massaging them and I almost
didn't recognize my own feet. There was no swelling and no tenderness...
I was just so thankful at that moment. It might sound like a small thing
but I was wearing a 10 Wide width in shoes and now I'm wearing 8 1/2 Medium.
It's been such a thrill!!!!!!!!

I'm so grateful for the surgery (RNY) It has really forced me to look inside
and identify my triggers for eating. And I'm dealing with this quite well.
I was always a happy person, But now I'm even happier

Take care everyone.

Drumb Roll please!!!!!

Sep 23, 2009

As of Sunday 09/20/09 I am officially out of the 200's

I now weigh 199.  When I looked at the scale I was
almost in shock. What a Trip!!!!!

Take Care everyone

Checking in

Sep 03, 2009

Well the weight loss has slowed down a bit but
that is to be expected. I still don't weigh regularly
because that is just the way I am. I just go by my clothes
size and now I'm comfortably in most 16's and 1x. That is
pretty good just over 4 months out. Even my size 16 jeans are getting loose now
and that is down from 24-26.

I am able to eat more
now but still no where near what I could Pre-Op which is
great. I have found that the chewable Multi vitamins from
Bariatric Advantage are the best for me. (like eating candy).
Seriously , I love those things. And I figure it is a waste to buy
something You can't even force yourself to take. So i will stick with this.

Hair loss is a different issue. It was coming out in handfuls
and that started at about 3 months out. Good thing I have a head full of thick hair
Or I may be bald by now...... LOL But now the shedding has really
slowed down so not worried too much about that. I do focus on getting in as much protein as possible
but I don't always make good on that , I won't even lie.......... LOL

Loose skin............... Wow let me tell you............. It is something you
have to be prepared for. The only thing I can say is do the best you
can with weight training and then select good supporting undergarments and/or
start preparing for plastics .............  LOL. I mean really for some of
us it is going to be unavoidable to some extent........
My arms are what I
hat the most especially the left arm. The right arm is actually not that
bad but the left seems to be a  bigger and has more pronounced   'rippling'
if ya know what I mean... But I don't count that as a negative , I knew about
this possibility going into this, so I say suck it up and keep moving....
Such is life right???????

God Bless
And take care

On cruise control

Aug 18, 2009

I feel I have found a comfortable place with my new way of eating....
It is more natural to me now. Some things I used to like to eat before
still don't taste good and that 's a good thing. I still crave fruit all the time
and often have to force myself to eat more protein rich foods.I never feel
deprived and I think that is the one thing that has surprised me.

Still working on taking all my vitamins every day. I do pretty well for most
of the week though. I get my protein in by mixing a couple of scoops of
Click into some yogurt or SF ice cream. I totally gave up on trying to drink it,
too big of volume for me, just pouring money down the drain literally.
My hair is coming out like crazy, but I've been taking the Biotin and it's not
really noticeable except to me. My hairdresser applies Protein treatment
every two weeks or so and man that really slowed down the hair loss.Very
grateful for that.

I'm now down nearly five dress sizes and everyone is noticing the difference
including me and that's a first................

Well Onward and Upward
I'm loving this journey!

About Me
Garland , TX
Surgery Date
Oct 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 18
