Still coming down

Oct 13, 2009

Well , I'm glad to say that I lost two more pounds over the last week
or so. And I am really enjoying this. A lady at church saw me for the
first time in about three weeks Sunday and she said "how much are
you going to lose , you don't want to lose too much do you?' I politely
told her that I am still in a size 16 so I know I'm not too thin........... OK.
And I also told her she has to remember that she is remembering me
when I was a size 24-26 so of course I look a whole lot different. Now
that is one thing that is getting on my nerves. I have noticed that most of
the people who were saying "O h girl you look good" are now looking at
me like something is wrong with me. And I know I'm not all that thin.
I chose to make it public knowledge at my workplace that I had Gastric
Bypass , as a matter of fact four of us at the job did it kind of as a group.
So I'm not too sure why some of them are reacting this way..........
I didn't think it would upset me but I guess it does..........

So much for that ....

My son and the rest of my family are all still so proud of me they tell me all
the time that they are so impressed that I had the courage to go through
with this........ That always makes me feel really good. I have had no issues
or problems with my surgery to this point........ I do try very hard to follow the
rules and I have only had one dumping episode and that was after eating
four tiny sugar free Altoids........... Can you say run for the throne.....LOL 
I Will never consume that product again. ...........
For the most part I love my RNY, I try to tell people all the time
I do not feel deprived in anyway that I can not consume the portions
of food I could before. I think my Dentist explained it better than I
can 'Your brain is now sending a different signal when it comes to eating and
portion sizes."  And she is so right ,,, I can look at a plate of food and not even
be tempted to eat beyond my limits.

Well OH Family
Take care and be safe!!!!


About Me
Garland , TX
Surgery Date
Oct 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 18
