Three weeks out!

Apr 28, 2009

Hello to all!  Tomorrow I will be three weeks post-surgery.  How exciting and I can't believe how well I am actually feeling!  OK, I had some issues with the staples incision and a little infection set in; but a call to the surgeon and a visit - he removed the remaining staples, gave me antibiotics and recommended Neosporin to help heal.  I am feeling better every day!  I didn't listen well about resting and taking it easy the first two weeks, and I suppose that had some impact.  But, weightwise, I am doing great! - Today I am down 30 pounds from pre-surgery and 47 pounds overall.  I had a goal to lose 50 by 50 (last week - April 21st)....didn't quite meet that, but I will still celebrate when that magic number comes up....could be any day now!  I can start driving again and walking...but still no lifting or swimming (strenuous activity), so will work on the walking for now. 

So York City is hosting a '200 Walk for Women' on May 13th, to celebrate Women's Health Week.  The event begins at 11:45am downtown at Cherry Lane (by Central Market), and the 1/2 mile walk begins at 12:15pm.  I am looking for lots of women (and men and children) to walk with about you?  We could support one another in getting healthy and enjoy some fellowship at the same time!!!  Let me know if you are interested.  We have to sign up, and there are prizes and goody bags for everyone attending.

Live well, and take life - one step at a time!



About Me
Manchester, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 13, 2009
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 7
