Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

I'm wondering if I experienced allergic reaction to my Nectar (Choc Truffle) Protein Shake last night? Yesterday was my first day consuming TWO Protein Shakes - I had my last one just before bed. I mix these with unsweete

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

Tomorrow will be one week since surgery - and doing incredibly well =)  Have always made reference to Eggface's Blog since joining OH and knew the Ricotta Bake is a Must to try.  Well in searching for that recipe on her B

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

Hello!  Arrived home yesterday around Noon - stayed an extra night due to the extreme nausea I was having on day 2. The zofran just wasn't working so changing to compazine did the trick.  Surgery went very smooth, althoug

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago

Oh My Goodness!   Just drank my Magn Citrate. Will pack Hsp Bag in a bit. Do #1 Shower of 2 Required with Hibiclens.  Get my Pre-Op Pics taken tonight ...... and plan to work 6-10am tomorrow.  Have to be at the Hsp by 12:

Kathy S. wrote 8 years, 4 months ago
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. WE look forward to your updates.

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

just checking my ticker set-up  does it display? will delete post once I check it out!

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

Hello!  Remember me? I was the one who should have had this surgery back in Sept/Oct 2015; but was put on Hold/Delayed due to a new Job Change at a different hospital so much closer to home mid-August 2015! Hard to believ

Unlimited wrote Believe it or Not - Surgery is March 29! 8 years, 5 months ago

Hello!  Remember me? I was the one who should have had this surgery back in Sept/Oct 2015; but was put on Hold/Delayed due to a new Job Change at a different hospital so much closer to home mid-Aug...

Unlimited uploaded a new photo 8 years, 8 months ago

Unlimited uploaded a new photo 8 years, 8 months ago

Unlimited posted a comment 8 years, 11 months ago
Way to Go Paula! ... You look incredible! Had to delay my gastric...

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 9 years ago


I met with my NUT last week for the first time in preparation for my RNY in the near future.  She suggested the NECTAR brand and mentioned the variety of fruit flavored ones that NECTAR makes. Luckily, I only purchased a couple samples p

Unlimited posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

Hello All!

I have an unique situation in which my surgeon is recommending Gastric Bypass due to a medical condition that abruptly occurred for me this past January – days prior of turning 50. It all started during an episode of bronchitis

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2015
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