WTF happened to Onderland?

Feb 15, 2010

Onderland lasted a couple of days and was such a sweet, sweet feeling.  I celebrated with some pom martinis and have been eating out more than usual and now my weight is bouncing between 200 and 202.  I know onderland will come again and I'm keeping my toes touched up for that moment.  My head wants to play games over this and I'm working hard not letting this get to me.  I've accomplished so much in the last 6 months and my life and health has never been better. My fiance got me a WII Fit Plus for Valentine's day and we both can't wait for it to arrive.  I went to my Yoga class yesterday and then went swimming. I enjoy working out! We bought a beautiful bike for me a couple of weeks ago and love going for rides.  We went for a 13 mile bike ride the other day and we are going again today.  I love my new healthy outlook on life!  I love to move my body!  There is so much more to this then just weight loss.  Can't let the scale make us crazy!  This was not me a year ago!  But, this is me now! 
300+     Valentine's Day 2010

