Week 16, Day 2 Post Op (4 months)

Feb 27, 2007

Week 16, Day 2 Post Op . Well, it's finally 4 months since surgery. Seems like time has passed by so quickly. I'm happy with my progress. I have become very aware of my health and my weight. I watch very closely what I eat. This is what I should have been doing all along. I'm about halfway to my goal weight of 150lbs. It will take time. With exercising and staying active, I hope that my body will return to a lean body. I have some loose skin, but it seems to be tightening up with the exercise. My belly is the real problem. I can only imagine the all the loose skin when I get to my goal weight. Will the exercise make the difference? Time will tell. I believe others have done it. I have no intention of having plastic surgery. Need to start crunchin! 

I took the day off today to work on my home. I practically rebuilt the side of my home. I used all pressure treated lumber and primed all the wood. I had the termite company stop by yesterday and treat all the new wood. Today I started to put up all the siding. Just about finished. I need to get a couple supplies and I'll finish up after work tomorrow.

I'm too tired to head off to the gym. I will take the night off. I actually got a good workout working on my house. I'm hungry, just nibbled a little. Thanks for reading.

Week 15, Day 6 (Saturday)

Feb 23, 2007

Week 15, Day 6. In two days, it will be 4 months. I weighed in today at 203lbs. Thats another two (2) lbs gone forever! Total loss so far of 64lbs. I haven't weighted myself in the low 200's in years!  I'm feeling great. Went to the gym this morning and did an hour of step aerobics. What a power boost for the day. Hopefully early next month, I'll be below the 200lb mark. It's been awhile, but I'm heading in the right direction.

I started a new MYSPACE.COM site. Stop by and visit. Email me to be added to my friends list. The link is above in my introduction.

I went to my first personal trainer orientation this past Thursday. It was just goal assessment. Took about 20 minutes. I set up my next apointment with the trainer for Monday afternoon for a one hour workout. It's at no cost. Just a free trial to see what I could expect. At this point, I don't believe a personal trainer is what I need. I'm doing fine with the aerobic classes, treadmill and the strenght training. When I get down to where I want to be, then I will consider the trainer. I have a lot of motivation.

This is a busy weekend for me. I'll be outside today and tomorrow working on removing rotten wood where we had termite damage. I also plan to remove our old wooden deck. Not sure what we will replace it with yet. I also want to stop by and visit my friend Roy at the rehab center. It's so far away, I haven't had time to get out there as much as I would like too. Thanks for reading.

Week 14, Day 7 - Quick note

Feb 18, 2007

Week 14, Day 7. Sunday. Just a quick note. I made it to the gym. Spent a little over an hour on the treadmill tonight. I felt good. I got up to a jog after a two minute walking warmup. Kept my jog at 5.5 for about 20 minutes, then slowed it down to 5.2 for 10 minutes. I took it down to a fast walk for a few minutes, then back up to about 5.2 for 15 minutes. I ended the jog at about 4.8 and slowed it down for the last 5 minutes. Burnt over 650 calories and did 4.8 miles. I could have gone longer, I felt strong. I love my I-Pod too! Thanks for reading.

Week 14, Day 7 Sunday

Feb 18, 2007

Week 14, Day 7. Today is Sunday. I worked last night, Midnight till noon. I felt pretty good, well rested. It was so quiet. I watched the news most of the night. The plant is running well. I got out early and finished up all my field work. It was very cold out. I missed the power pump class at the gym. I forgot I would be at work. I would like to get on the treadmill tonight tho.

Haven't had much to eat today. Just not hungry. I could probably eat, but I feel fine. I really like that I can control my urge to eat. I know when I'm hungry.

I've started to pick up the pace on the treadmill lately. Each time I get on, I push it a little more. I'm starting to pick up to a jog/run. At first I goaled myself for 5 minutes of running. I've gotten up to 20-25 minutes of nonstop running and I feel good. I'm not winded at all. My legs and ankles get a little sore, but when I get warmed up, I do fine. I would eventually like to last a full hour of jogging. Who knows, maybe someday I can get back to a 5K race again. What an accomplishment that would be. I'm looking foward to the weather warming up so I can jog to the gym, maybe further.

Had the weekend to myself. My wife and my daughter are in Dallas TX this weekend at a Cheer competition. I would have enjoyed going, but I had to work and it would have been expensive, Even tho I had to work, my weekend was relaxing. Thanks for reading.

Week 14, Day 6 (3 months, 3 weeks post op)

Feb 17, 2007

Week 14, Day 6 (3 months, 3 weeks post op). Weighed in at 205lbs today. Another pound gone. Worked out today in the step aerobic class. It was a sweaty workout. Felt so good afterwards. I wanted to stay for the next class after the step aerobics, but I had so much to do today, I needed the extra time to get things done. Found out we have termites in the house. I need to take the day off Monday so I can be available for the termite pest control service. It's been a busy week, I got in all my workouts, and I'm staying focused on my diet. Things are great! Thanks for taking the time to read my profile.

Week 13, day 6 (3 months, 2 weeks Post Op)

Feb 11, 2007

Week 13, day 6.  Weighed in today at 206lbs! A 1 lb loss this week. A total of 61 lbs lost so far and 57 lbs more to reach my goal weight of 150lbs.  It's hard to believe in such a short period of time that everything in my life has changed so much. I feel great.

I've been attending aerobic classes all week. I look forward to heading for the gym after work. I enjoy the atmosphere and the healthly feeling afterwards. I'm getting a little better in the classes and able to keep up with the various movements. As far as keeping up with the class, I'm doing fine. I have also been attending the power pump classes (strength training - lite weights). I don't really want to lift weights at this point, but I feel it's good to tighten up a little and I'm beginning to notice the changes. I've looked at some photo's from others who had plastic surgery and I don't want that at all. I hope that with exercise, I can avoid any thought of plastic surgery. My stomach is so loose and flabby. I guess things could be worse.

Week 12, day 6

Feb 03, 2007

Week 12, day 6.  Weighed in today at 207lbs! That's a 2 lb loss this week. A total of 60 lbs lost so far and 58 lbs more to reach my goal weight of 150lbs. I'm at 50% in 3 months. I can see some light at the end of this tunnel. I know I will need to stay focused for the rest of my life and live healthy. That's the way I want it anyways.

Started my day early (Saturday). Went to the gym for the 9am Step aerobic class. Loved the workout. Felt great. I have to work for the rest of the day (12noon to midnight). My wife and daughter are in Lakeland Florida this weekend at a cheerleading event. My daughter is involved with competitive cheerleading with the Florida Elite Cheer Squad. She's so good. So I have the weekend to myself, but I have to work. I will get to watch the superbowl tomorrow at work. That's OK, at least I get to watch it. Colts will win the superbowl this year. That's my prediction.

Week 12, Day 3 (3 months post op)

Jan 31, 2007

Week 12, Day 3 (3 months post op)  WOW! 3 months already. Time has flown by. I can still remember like it was yesterday. Waiting for my insurance approval, the first doctor's visit, the antisipation of my surgery date, my stay in the hospital, my first few days at home after surgery. It's been 3 months now and 58lbs gone. I'm now working out at the gym, my diet has totally changed, I'm off all the medications I used to take. I no longer have a diabetic condition, everything is going so well. I still have about 60lbs to lose to reach my goal. At this rate, if all works out, I hope to reach my goal within my first year. My goal to weigh 150lbs is in sight. It's hard work, this is not a "Gimmie" solution. I need to stay focused and keep my motivation high. People have gained their weight back after time. I will never allow that to happen. This experience has taught me some very serious and life changing lessons that I will never forget. I have no stomach, just a little pouch and no regrets! I will post more later. Thanks for reading.

Week 11, Day 6

Jan 27, 2007

Week 11, Day 6 - Today was good. I got up early and went to the gym. Joined the step aerobic class, then attended the power pump class. Total two hour work out. I walked to the gym and walked home. That added another 40 minutes of walking. I feel great! 

I've been stuck at 212lbs for the past two weeks. Finally the scales moved. Today I weighed in at 209lbs. When I left the gym, I weighed 207 lbs. Kinda weird how that happens. 

Generally I'm feeling good. I'm eating normally, but of course, much smaller portions, much less that I would have ever imagined. I get in all my proteins, I' started drinking more water. I'm trying to get in the 64oz daily now. It's not easy, but I keep a 32 oz container with crystal lite in it at my desk and try to finish two of them. I have a routine every morning. I take my multi vitimin (chewable), I crush my synthroid and Thiamin. I add the powder with a 4oz chocolate sugar free pudding. I have to add a packet of sweet and low for flavor. That seems to be the best way to get those suppliments in. I take 90mg of chewable iron waffers with me to work. I eat then thru out the morning. After that, I usually have my morning coffee, a piece of fruit mid morning. Around lunch time, I have a protein shake. Mid afternoon I may have a lean cusine or equivilant.. Now I head off to the gym around 5pm or so. Come home for a small salad or some frozen vegetables. Around 7 or 8 pm, I try to get in my last protein shake if I haven't gotten enough in. And last but not least, I track my daily intake online at FITDAY.COM. It really helps me keep track and from eating too much.

Now for some before and after photo's.

This is my Pre-op Photo taken on Oct. 26th, 2006. (267lbs)
Waist = 49.5", Chest 49.5, Upper Arms = 16", Thighs = 25.25"
Calf = 17.75", Neck = 18"

This is my 5 week post op photo. Still have my G-tube on my side.

This is my 11 week, 6th day Post Op photo. (209 lbs)
Waist = 40.0", Chest 43", Upper Arms = 14.25", Thighs = 23"
Calf = 16", Neck = 16.5"

Now for some stats:

First appointment 10/01/06: 267.5 lbs
Nov 3, 06: 252
Nov 8, 06: 251 lbs
Nov 9, 06: 250.5 lbs
Nov 10, 06: 245 lbs
Nov 17, 06: 242.5 lbs
Nov 24, 06: 238 lbs
Dec 2, 06: 233 lbs
Dec 9, 06: 228
Dec 11, 2006: 228 lbs
Dec 30, 2006: 219 lbs
Jan 7, 2007: 218 lbs
Jan 15, 2007: 215 lbs
Jan 21, 2007: 212 lbs
Jan. 27, 2007: 209 lbs
Weight loss to date: 58.0 lbs

Preop: 42%
Dec 11, 2006: 36.8%
Dec 30, 2006: 35.3%
Jan 27, 2006: 33,7%

Medications: preop: 7/ today: 0

MEASUREMENTS (Pre-op / Jan 27, 2007)
Waist: 49.5--->40"
Chest: 49.5--->43"
Upper Arm: 16--->14.25"
Thigh: 25.25--->23"
Calf: 17.75--->16" 

Total inches lost: 21" inches

Pants size: preop: 44/46/ currently: 36/38" Shirt size: preop:  2XL/ currently: Large

Week 10, Day 6

Jan 20, 2007

Week 10, Day 6. It's been a long day. Did a lot of running around. First thing, I attended the step aerobic class at 9am. Then directly after I attended a strength training class. I was real sore afterwards, but now I feel great. Starting to get used to exercising a little. It feels so good. I weighed in today at 212lbs. After my workout, I weighed 210lbs. I stayed the same weight this week. I was hoping that with the amount of exercising I have done this week, I would have shown some weight loss. I need to evaluate what could be some possible reasons. Right off the start, I believe I need to drink more water. I don't drink enough water. I drink a coffee every morning. I drink all my protein with milk and very small amounts of water. I know the weight will continue to drop. I'm looking forward to dropping below the 200lb mark soon.

About Me
Jacksonville Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 91

Latest Blog 84
Checking in with an update
Securely in the 160's
Lost a few more pounds.
New Photos
Week 46, Day 6 Post Op (Saturday)
Down to 171 this morning. 32" waist pants, Medium shirts. Woo H
Week 44, Day 3 post op (Wednesday)
Week 41, Day 4 post op. (Thursday)
My weight loss tracker
Week 37, Day 6 Post Op (Saturday)
