I was a slim, active child and teenager.  We lived near to the sea and I spent all my summers swimming, rowing and sailing.  I also used to dance. 

I became overweight after I had my first child.  I was 21 years old.  I never lost the weight and went on to have two other children.  I put on more weight with each child and after each child.

Two months ago, I was turned down by two life insurance companies for cover on the basis of my BMI and the fact that I take medication to control my blood pressure.  I was so upset and mortified that I was considered such a risk.  That very week, I decided I had to do something about my weight and life.

I found a brilliant company run by a lovely husband and wife team who have been brilliant.  I originally phoned them to ask about the lap band and was told about the other options including the sleeve.  I had never heard of the sleeve but the more I heard about it and researched it, the more I realised it was a better, and the right, option for me.

So here I am.  My surgery is booked for 28 October 2008 in Brno in the Czech Republic. 

I am excited. 

I am scared to death.

My current weight is 276lb
BMI 47.5

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 8
three weeks and a bit!
I'm back, I've done it!!
Pre op diet
Looking forward, not back.....
Feeling up, feeling down......
Saturday 26th July 2008- Busy, busy day
Wednesday 16th July 2008-Pre op
