continued from below....

Aug 19, 2012

* Plan meals ahead and shop using.... a LIST!  

I read labels carefully. I know the calories/carbs of everything I buy ( During the day, I eat low carb, high-protein bars (Quest Nutrition, 20gr protein) which are a bit expensive (I buy thru Amazon), but I actually like them. This saves time, and keeps me out of the fast-food joints at lunch. I don't do protein shakes anymore because I don't like to drink my calories.

For dinners, it's mostly steamed fish, skinless grilled chicken or veggie burger. Salads and plenty of veggies of course, but no starches and very few grains. FYI: "Miracle Noodles" rock! (I subscribe thru No sweets, other than fruits (mostly berries, no bananas!) An occasional drizzle of olive oil, maybe. Diet soda is back on my list, since I found out the "drinking soda will stretch your pouch" thing is a myth. Yes, and I use.... a straw! Hasn't stretched my pouch at all! 

I never drink with meals and I stop eating before I feel full. When we go out, I’ll order an appetizer or side salad only, or just share my husband’s meal. My BMR is only 1080 cals/day, so I eat often, but lightly. I'm lucky, because my appetite has not returned to anything like it used to be!

* Keep it moving!

Exercise is a priority in my life and I look forward to my daily walk. I find that keeping a regular routine makes things easier - no decisions about when, if or what. It's too easy to fall off that wagon. I do it now, because it's on the LIST!! I do it just for me.

Beyond the food and exercise stuff, my home has benefited by my new outlook as well. It is clean, organized and in control. I watch much less TV these days; I've got better things to do! My garden is weed-free, my laundry is done, the dogs are walked and fed on time. I lay tomorrow's clothes out the night before... yep, because it's on my LIST!  I was the queen of procrastination, now I just DO it.

Isn’t it amazing how one change can lead to another, and another? This can be a very good thing, or not - depending on which direction one is headed.

If anyone gets anything out of this, and I hope someone will....BE the change you want to see...  JUST DO IT! 

